How can you fags be gay?

How can you fags be gay?

Woman are so delicate, they smell nice, they’re soft and cozy. Pussy is the greatest and most right feeling on earth. How can you deny this? How can you go from smooth, quaint elegance to disgusting hairy sweaty men and cocks. I truly will never understand why you make such an ill advised and despicable choice.

Is it because you’re lonely? Is it just easier than seeking a woman and actually having to better yourself?

What’s your excuse for being a faggot?

Attached: D4FC9579-21E7-4382-8C15-DC3675A09482.jpg (901x1024, 194K)

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By your logic, why aren't all women lesbians? Obviously some are attracted to masculine traits, some are attracted to feminine traits.

woman are fucking annoying, that's why

Attached: TheCurrentState.jpg (580x130, 33K)

they are

Pol is that way fag

True but their other qualities make up for how annoying they are

Interesting point user. Maybe this is why I tolerate lesbians but wish fags death

in the world of gay, you are desirable. People legit want to fuck/ be fucked by you. but straight guys don't get that, they have to act like a fucking cuck to keep their gf happy. And you do this cause she "smells nice" literally anyone who showers regularly and uses deodorant smells nice.

Faggot detected

Girls natural odor is nice, this disagreement gives me insight as to why you may be a fag and it may not even be a choice. A very sad predicament

I am a straight man and have felt desired many times by women, especially those little sluts who just love to suck cock

gayfag and proud of it, faggot
>Girls natural odor is nice
Body odor in general is disgusting, trust me that ain't no "natural odor" you're smelling.
How about sharing common interests, user? You ever meet a chick who liked vidya and wasn't fat af?

I will concede it’s likely a man has similar interests

Yet I am vehemently attracted to the smell of women, even without deodorant/perfume. Usually it’s the nice shampoo. But just girl scent arouses me and always has