This just in from white anthropologists/archaeologists

This just in from white anthropologists/archaeologists

Attached: 4534573.jpg (864x858, 225K)

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And now they have mud huts? How did they devolve? How fucking stupid do you have to be to get WORSE after 5000 years?

Wow, another group of people were more advanced than another.

News just in, water is wet.

>posts a screenshot of a Civilization game on turn 1
>thinks it somehow matters for the endgame

check'd and kek'd

Attached: raffs in gook.png (452x575, 245K)

Was all of Africa that advanced or just the countries that were in close proximity to Europe and the Middle East?

It’s Egypt, which was invaded by the Muslims long long long ago and is a completely Muslim based country

Egyptians are more closely related to whites than blacks.

Attached: 00000000000000000.jpg (582x740, 122K)

Their civilisation from 3000 BC has nothing to do with muslims...

North Africans were always Caucasian before Islam existed.

Image looks like it's from one of the East African kingdoms, like Nubia, Meroë, or Axum. Potential trade contact with the "middle east" but definitely pretty far away geographically.

Ancient Egyptians weren't black. Notice the thin nose ridge.

Attached: skulls-of-ancient-Egyptians.jpg (459x345, 38K)

now notice the contrast between the thin nosed egyptian and the wide nosed negroid skill

Attached: negroidskull.jpg (900x900, 61K)

You do know the people behind all those things was white dont you. All there rulers and engineers. Any blacks was slaves and dark tan was a step above them. Look it up sometime cum bucket.

Egypt - built shit using rock that they could get from hills and cliffs right next to the Nile, and could boat that stuff around.

Some old English mother fuckers dragged the stone henge stones across the ground for miles.

Location helps.

East Africans may have black skin but they are genetically isolated from West Africans for around 70,000 years which is similar to the distance between Africans and every other race

Egyptians were white

Still has nothing to do with muslims.

This was recently dis-proven.
Facts of European pyramids has been suppressed to allow the Egyptians to claim the technology.





>How did they devolve?

You don't know the meaning of "evolve" or the theory of evolution.

Tell me about when Egyptians harnessed electricity, invented the automobile, the radio, the television, the internet, the refrigerator, the telephone, the computer, the airplane, the electron microscope, vaccines... oh wait THAT WAS WHITE PEOPLE

Attached: whitebrainpower.jpg (3000x2000, 1.11M)

- Photo of Egyptian buildings
- Call them "Africa"
- An entire continent, divided by a desert, gets the credit

Islam fucking RUINED egypt.

They're now a bunch of dishonest useless cheats.

And then in ~300BC Europeans (Greek Empire) invaded and effortlessly took over

Then ~150BC the Roman Empire toppled the Greeks, and Julius Caesar took Cleopatra as a ho and (possibly) put a baby in her

tl;dr Africans got rekt like always

And later on the Arabs conquered a big chunk of the roman empire.

>We wuz kangz

Fuck you both whites and blacks ...
Egyptian were neither of you, you self-centered arrogant mother fuckers

Nubians and other North African dark-skinned people are not sub-Saharan Africans.

yes they are, you fucking ignoramus.

Negroid North Africans are blacks you dumb faggot

That true except Egyptians aren't negros. More more Phoenician Mediterranean not even Arab but your point is true.

Those pyramids aren't even 2000 years old and are a result of the typical 'monkey see, monkey do' nature of the nigger after inspiration by their caucasian conquerors from north africa. The picture underneath however depicts scenes that might have been set somewhere in Europe around 19,000 years ago. Shortly after that the hunter/gatherer types settled down and created civilizations that still rule the world today. I can walk down the road in this country and within ten minutes come across huge astrologically sensitive structures that are older than the pyramids those gay little pretend ones are based on so eh, nice try nigger(or historyless kike, whichever you are) but you fail.

Africa pic actual date 300BC-300AD (direct contact with Rome)
Europe pic actual date 5500BC (aprox but you can go 1000 years either way)

OP, pull your head out of your ass