Why is Yea Forums and /pol/ so obsessed by her? Congress is literally filled with idiots, timewasters...

Why is Yea Forums and /pol/ so obsessed by her? Congress is literally filled with idiots, timewasters, shills and crooks, but it's her you get bent out of shape about.

Her crimes:

>Be female
>Be not pure Aryan white
>Willing to call bullshit on both right and left for not doing dick about actual problems people face.
>Had to actually work for a living after her fam went broke.
>Still managed to get 2 degrees
>Suggests the game is rigged in favor of the super rich and that should be corrected.
>Education should be available to everyone, not just those with dough. Will mean lower crime rates, a better and more educated society.
>Wants an end to "free stuff" for giant corporations and the rich.
>She is a freshman, with almost no actual power, but is good at articulating where America should be going and speaks to the opinions of between 60 to 70% of the population (medicare for all, student loan debt forgiveness, right to unionise, workers rights, LIVING minimum wages)

Seems like she is actually interested in making the lives of normies better.

Will you guys be taking the same level of obsession on anyone else in Congress, or are you just triggered by attractive lady who is smarter than you?

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There be a shitstorm a brewing...

She’s popular because she’s particularly dumb AND loud. Most politicians can hide the dumb whilst maintaining the illusion they care for their constituents, because they don’t do as much stuff for publicity.

1. She doesn't take on the left or right
2. She won't pass any bill
3. She's a smart person but that "education" is a red flag

...some context on that last one?

Calling her dumb without offering any reason as to why that is so. Try again. Just for the sake of novelty, stick to facts and not talking points.

AOC topics are made by shills paid to spread disinfo or idiots that waste their time spreading disinfo for free.

This is the biggest load of malarkey I've ever read on Yea Forums.
1) yes she has
2) it's been a month, hold your breath
3) what in the ever living fuck does that mean

She's a Putin puppet for Big Lib. She will never become President of 2020.

Putin's puppet huh?

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Everyone is obsessed about her.
Some see her as the fucking devil incarnate while folks on the other side see her as some kind of a fucking messiah who will save the world.

Personally I think she'll accomplish fuck all.

Her crimes:
>Be Venezuelan
>Support Socialism
>Despite the failure of EVERY socialist system on earth.

She's a real keen neato chick and knows how to meme with the best of them. Sometimes people take pictures of her eating with people eating hamburbers but what the fuck is that all about anyway? Probably people hate her because they want to be her. Jealous petty and insincere with their feelings. None of those things which is she. Mighty Wonder Marvel Captain Woman Warrior Vampire Slayer Princess. Unicorn gumball proposition. It never ends with the haters but at least Vlad Putin sucks dog dick to appease his corporate masters.

fake images to back up fake rhetoric
dems are the party of fake

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Do not confuse Yea Forums with /pol/, you slimy hasbara troll.

I agree, there is a huge problem with corporate welfare and cronyism.
Fuck this open-border touting, racist commie bitch. And kill yourself.

>Despite the failure of EVERY socialist system on earth.
Except the Scandanavian countries, whose policies are only socialism when anyone suggests bringing them to the US (i.e. the exact kind of "socialism" American left-populists propose) but not when we're talking about whether socialism works, because conservative doublethink is alive and well.

Yea Forums is just /pol/ with porn nowadays, don't kid yourself.

Definitely. They're not like some Time cover hanging up in our favorite presidents (Donald Trump) office. He's not someone that would lie about gaining his amazing tan from anything other than very good genes. He likely doesn't even have to take shits because he's too busy giving them. Bunch of Dem liars want to make him look bad but he just keeps on sucking Putin's cock while Putin takes a big black cock up the ass. Woo hoo yee haw Let's all make America great again! Yee haw? Ok.

because Yea Forums and /pol/ has been infested with teenage edgelords for years now
they lick the boot of their right-wing heroes, who tell them to hate her because she offers simple solutions for the shithole country of america which would make their corporate masters lose money

her crimes:
she wants to take my money



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>whose only policies are socialism
not only are you wrong, but it's time for bed young boy

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I mean tbf pretty much anyone paying attention has started noticing that Putin is playing sides to increase polarization, sow infighting, and weaken the US's international capital.
Kind of like the kind of person who would suggest something as retarded as AOC being a putin puppet.


Fake rhetoric? Trump himself trusted putin more than his own intelligence agencies. There's something iffy between them anyone with half a brain can see it.

She is literally retarded

She's a commie trying to get the green new deal into effect so that the dem party can fill their pockets with other people's money under the guise of environmental protection.

And the only people dumber than the retards who propose "ending the use of all fossil fuels in 10 years" are the retards who support it.

oh and they dont want nuclear power despite it being clean and the most efficient form, cause coating the US in solar panels is very cost effective.

I hope that the do pass it so that all the businesses that aren't run by morons leave and leave the government to take from the middle and upper middle classes causing a revolution

Shes a stupid ideologue like any other moron who thinks giving more power to the government will make the government less corrupt


The reason WHY dems hate Trump is because he wants to STOP spending money on foreign military aid that allows these countries to enjoy socialist systems. Without the US supporting these systems they would not work because their economic systems are not viable long term.
Same goes for China but they need our economy not our military.

lick them boots boy, this pleases your masters

Ye, we sure have it nice here paying atleast 33% of our salary to import gang rapes and death meanwhile every single important funcion is going downhill, schools, welfare, hospitals are all cutting down meanwhile we have the longest que to get help in EU. Everything is gettibg privatizet as people dont want tp wait a year or two to get help.
My friend was suicidal and rang emergency line for help. "Yeah we have a time for you i 3 months". Such a successful socialism we have.

You literally called her a socialist, and all of her "socialist" policies come from or are used in the Scandinavian model. Either they're socialist or they're not, but you'll have to tell me, since I can't make up your mind for you.

ahahaha this guy thinks people are buying it
its almost as if some socialist policies dont make a country binarily socialist, you hilarious fucking dunce

Their systems are not sustainable.
You REALLY believe dems hate him because he is an alleged Russian comrade?
If so you are far beyond brainwash.
I'm neither "Trump Supporter" nor a "Conspiracy Nut" but if you have a mild understanding of how the US government operates it is clear.
Most has some amount of deception of the public.

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>Despite the failure of EVERY socialist system on earth.
>Socialism only works because
Yikes, those goalpost just are zipping along, there.

>lefty who is actually obsessed posts her picture for the sole purpose of getting a reaction
>gets a reaction

I genuinely don't understand what that graph is supposed to prove. Yes, "socialist" countries have more state-owned companies. You do understand what socialism is, right?

*social systems
They aren't socialist

she wants the government to own the means of production. She follows the "We few will take all the power and tell you what's best" ideology. Scandinavian countries let the buisnesses run themselves while taking lots of money through taxes on luxuries and and high incomes to pay for welfare.

It's more socialistic than I want in my country, but that doesn't mean its socialism



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Yes she's hot as fuck, No she's not smart.

That's why we like talking about her, over time she will eat the Dems alive and likely abandon them too.

She's addicted to coming up with something new to rage about -- that's gonna work in our favor.

So the US is already socialist because welfare exists.
K bud

can you fucking read a legitimate article you fucking troll shill.

This. Ocasio-Cortez is a self-proclaimed democratic socialist, which none of the Nordic countries are or even claim to be. There *are* democratic socialist political parties in the Nordic countries, but they each win something like 4-8% of votes in elections and generally have little if any influence on government policy.

>She’s popular because she’s particularly dumb AND loud
rich coming from a trumptard
do you guys have no self awareness

Can ya figure out how many jobs and employment occurred under Trump vs AOC. Can ya champ?

pretty sura AOC has never been in office so there is really no way to tell

they are all on the verge of nation wide gender identity crisis anyway.

and they forego military spending to fund their welfare. depending on NATO and EU to keep them safe, as well as depending on America to keep the world safe.

politics looks real easy when you dont spend anything on a secure future.

this is a western squat

I haven't actually met anyone who hates her but I can assume they're idiots.

She's cute and is fighting to make this country a better place. That makes her my political waifu.

>their economic systems are not viable long term.
>Their systems are not sustainable.
[citation needed]

Or maybe people are obsessed of her because people are taking into account that the person is an attractive woman which shouldn't matter.

That person can do whatever a normal person can do, point problems, but can't make reasonable suggestions how to solve them.

The voice of all children! Can you hear it washington?! Children and gamerd will rise, to bring social-gay-shit in life! BE PREPARED!!!

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because she embodies the absolute worst of the libtard mentality. she does nothing but parrot bullshit that only SOUNDS good because it appeals to empty emotionalism (aka what most retards aka most people operate on) that in reality do not work whatsoever.

> there are rocks smarter than her
> she has tits.
> we wait for her nudes
> we secretly all want to hatefuck her


they're being played and are too fucking stupid to realize it, their reaction supports some of the rhetoric she puts forth.

Nothing dumber than people who don't realize they are dumb.

In truth she's a narcisist/psychopath, because they all are.

Trumptards be like:
>Faux News told me Socialism be bad, and Venezzzzuuueelllla.

She’s proposing a 70+ percent tax after $10 million because you start your bargaining high and meet somewhere sane in the middle. Art of the deal, bro.

t. the 1%

Clean your mirror, cuck

>Faux News, Fat Limbaugh told me so.

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Listen to yourself, dunce.

Same thing when talking about Trump. What's your point?

>part time at starbucks while my parents pay for my college is working class right?
>I-I'm the proletariat right?
>The corporations own the government and are evil
>we should give all the power to the government!

socialists and commies are so fucking stupid

Why would I waste my time watching news on the TV, or TV in general? im busy working or sleeping

It's because she was considered a new face of the DNC considering how hard the current torch holders shit the bed this past election, and shortly after getting any semblance of power, she show how retarded she is and sunk a deal that would have helped getting New York out of the red.
Plus she actually thought tax breaks were on hand cash that was given out, which is what she claimed she wanted to stop during the Amazon deal bullshit.

Shes basically the leftist version of Sarah palin.

It's so incredibly stupid hearing mutts talking about scandavian model.

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Shes dumb because she doesnt understand high school level economics and calls out anyone who calls her out on this as sexist. Look at the only two things shes had a hand in so far and both have been a shitshow due to her ignorance.

Scandinavian countries arent socialist for the last fucking time. They dont even claim to be socialist, they just have high as fuck taxes and no niggers.

You’reno busy working. You’re on Yea Forums because you have too much free time. You will never have to worry about the high tax after $10 million because it will never apply to you, idiot.

Name her policies that come from the Scandinavian model.

>You’re on Yea Forums because you have too much free time.
It's almost as if off days are a think
clearly I have too much free time due to the fact that im on Yea Forums at 4am on a Wednesday. It has nothing to do with that I work from 10pm to 7am wednesday night through monday morning

AOC is based. Already an iconic figure, I see big things in her future especially as she gains exp.

It takes maybe 3 minutes to get into a thread and reply, you can do it anywhere with a phone and theres this thing called transit you dumb motherfucker.

And fuck your "it wont apply to you guys tho" shit. Imposing heavy ass taxes on the rich is just going to make them either move their money or where they live. Look what happened to New York this past tax season, they imposed more taxes on the rich and the rich fucking left. When the overall outcome of these taxes causes a drop in overall revenue it's a bad fucking idea.

Her shills won't leave /pol/ alone.

>Imposing heavy ass taxes on the rich is just going to make them either move their money or where they live
Did the Rockefellers flee the United States when top tax rates were >90%. No, they gladly gave back to the country that had given them so much.

It's ironic isn't it, that /pol/fags worship the fifties while deploring the left-wing measures that made it possible (GI Bill, mass unionization, high taxation of the rich, etc).

Right keep having faith that it will trickle down to the working class. Let me know how that works out for you while you struggle to pay your trailer park fees. God forbid you ever get hit by the bus you take to work and have to declare bankruptcy through no fault of your own.

it's literally a discord from Reddit that has been "raiding" b and everyone takes the bait

because neets are the single easiest human to trigger in the world

Nice to know the 1% are the reason Yea Forums is shit.

Not an argument. Try again. Use facts and words.

Literally who?

Snow nigger here. Happy to oblige.
>Paid maternity leave
>Wage minimums and workers rights
>Right to unionise
>Health care for all and taken OUT of private companies hands (this saves tons of money)
>End to corporate freeloading on OUR tax money
>Child care
>Good education for everyone and paid by taxes.
>The elite rich have to pay their share (for a change)

Miss anything? Or you hate the sound of all that?


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So, your point is...?

Because /pol/ and a good amount of Yea Forums are autists and have a fit when someone has opposing political views.

what's ironic is that socialists claim they want progress but dont understand that companies use the money they get to expand and do R&D and that if they can't do that then tech and work conditions and product quality and production efficiency cant progress. It's also humerus that a lot of the tech we use was invented for the military and the left wants to cut military funding as much as possible.

It's insane that people want the government to give them other people's money for nothing.
The GI bill isn't welfare, like the salary military personnel get it's payment for their service (something dumb neets dont understand) the money for their college and salary comes from the government because thats who hired them.

Sounds like hell. Who would want to live in a place like that. Wouldn’t you rather have your taxes go to Wars and shit to flex your big dick?

The rockefellers didn't give back, they implanted political stooges to lower their tax rate and get kick backs for creating jobs. There are documentaries about the shady shit JP Morgan and the rockefellers did.

I'm white, your welfare programs arent made for me due to my priviledge, remember? Plus I work for a living and dont have shit pile on me like that because I realize i am responsible for my own well being and I'm not a constant dependent fuck up like you.

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if you want the rich to pay their share, then have a flat tax rate, do I need to explain how percentages work for you? if everyone plays 20% income tax they dont all pay the same dollar amount. if susie earns $20, timmy makes $40 and malik makes $60 then susie pays $4, timmy pays $8, and malik pays $12
malik earns more, pays more, and gets to keep more. be like malik

>2 degrees
yea at boston university

>>Paid maternity leave
That is up to the company,
>>Wage minimums and workers rights
States rights, and we do have universal workers rights
>>Right to unionise
Already have unions and hundreds of laws applying to and protecting them
>>Health care for all and taken OUT of private companies hands (this saves tons of money)
No it doesnt and a fucking flu season brings universal healthcare to its knees, so I'll stick to privitazed, junkies can rot in the street for all I care
>>End to corporate freeloading on OUR tax money
It's not your tax money, it's the government, you have no say what they do with it so this is a moot point.
>>Child care
Are you such a nigger you can't care for your own kids?
>>Good education for everyone and paid by taxes.
Our public schools are shit, I'll give you that one

>>The elite rich have to pay their share (for a change)
That you know of, there are offshore banks to avoid taxes worldwide. Parts of Ireland are thriving due to this, and why re you worried about other people's taxes when it doesnt impact you in the slightest?
>Miss anything? Or you hate the sound of all that?
I miss the part where it was something to campaign for that we dont already have in place, or something socialist.

>delusion: the post

Brand new Yea Forums server.

>citation needed

A.You are a fuckup with no education as is evident by your dumbass posts.

B.Ive never had to use food stamps or WIC because I didn’t knock up the first girl that was willing to bang me. I only took a student loan of 2k which I promptly paid back when I got a well paying job.

C. I I still want to help out the less fortunate even though I don’t have to because I’m not a shit person like yourself.

D. Go fuck yourself. I’m white you racist cunt.


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jesus christ you don't get paid enough to shill for the most dangerously stupid US politician, and that includes trump


I hope a lot of the people posting here are doing it ironically. Its very clear that American democracy is disintegrating under the current system. Social policies as suggested by her, among others, will re-integrate people back into the economy, give them a decent standard of living while attempting to protect the environment for future generations. Why do people disagree with this? Because the rich will have to be brought back into being taxed properly? Help me understand.

what about this guy

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Hahaha was that’s a top response and nothing less than I would expect from a trump supporter.


>Be female
>Be not pure Aryan white
those are actually the reasons the media is overpraising her (in addition to her being so young) and is shoving her in our face every day, so the internet just responds in kind. otherwise nobody would give a shit
>Willing to call bullshit on both right and left for not doing dick about actual problems people face.
anyone can do that
>Had to actually work for a living after her fam went broke.
>Still managed to get 2 degrees
who is discrediting her for that?
>Suggests the game is rigged in favor of the super rich and that should be corrected.
anyone can say that
>Education should be available to everyone, not just those with dough.
anyone can say that. how does she intend to make that happen?
>Will mean lower crime rates, a better and more educated society.
that's quite the claim. here's mine: indiscriminately giving shit to people for free while giving them no incentive to contribute will deplete resources and inevitably destroy the system.
>Wants an end to "free stuff" for giant corporations and the rich.
like what?
>She is a freshman, with almost no actual power, but is good at articulating where America should be going and speaks to the opinions of between 60 to 70% of the population (medicare for all, student loan debt forgiveness, right to unionise, workers rights, LIVING minimum wages)
she's not good at articulating anything. sure it sounds great for everyone to have enough money to support themselves, but giving people more opportunities to exploit the already heavily exploited system will only hasten its collapse.

Popular because loud and dumb. Hmm. Where have I heard that before? Does she also tell it like it is?

you understand that most politicians aren't saying these things right? Saying "anyone can say that" doesn't mean anything

The right wing response to her is to just call her dumb and never give full context to her opinions. It's working surprisingly well on the dumb right wingers who think any variant socialism is communism. They can't engage with her ideas so it's all ad Homs.

You want to help others? Go donate half of what you make at your amazing job to shelters and non profits. Help others like you expect others to help, otherwise your a hypocrite.
You seem a bit mad for such a success there bud, did I hit a nerve?

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Like how it's obvious you're a left winger because your constantly whining and begging for free shit?

Lel. Flat tax rate. Said every rich fuck ever. No. Try this one mein nigger. In Finland when you get pulled over for speeding you get fined based on you actual income, so that it will hurt equally across different income levels. That's fair and balanced and how a tax system works in civilised lands.

Literally not what is posted.

>you understand that most politicians aren't saying these things right?
she is not the first to say any of this and that doesn't automatically make it valid.
>Saying "anyone can say that" doesn't mean anything
it means that saying things *should be* a certain way doesn't actually solve any problems. I could say that you *should* have a nice home and enough money to live comfortably forever. what good does that do you?

OP here again. All these posts, but still no addressing of my question: what about all the other fucktards and crooks in the congress. Why don't they get any scrutiny? Is it really just "look over here, don't look at what we are doing, look at the WOMAN!!" Has Yea Forums really become that dumb? (and I say this a fuckn old fag you duck rolling roody poos.)

Then let's put their policies in place.

This is going to be fun...

Son, you do know that's true right? Amazon doesn't pay taxes and the cities that allow amazon to come there, offer amazon a lot of tax breaks and other incentives.

Why is DJT on your mind 24/7 renting that vast amount of free space in your head for free?

I have a notion for you. If you kill yourself the president of the United States can't hurt your pussy ass mind any longer.

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Congrats on your owning 51% of a brain. What you do have is still broken.
Take your meds.

The silence on response to this is deafening.
>Can't agree to their policies which clearly don't lead to socialism without sounding like the thing I hate.
>Better ignore the post.

she's as smart as an oyster

I looked at her twitter profile. And she literally bashed a guy for bashing a guy who was taking photos of her while she was out to eat. Top tier cunt. Fuck the snooty snobby cunt.

>Trump himself trusted putin more than his own intelligence agencies.
Oh yes because FBI and CIA are ultimate good guys, they wouldn't do anything bad!
funny how the left always talked shit about these agencies until trump went against them now they're all for them
maybe trump doesnt trust them because theyre fucking shady and have shown that they dont like him either, shit for brains

its funny when leftists call others boot lickers when they are the ones that want bigger govt lmfao