Do some people actually think Monty Python is funny or do they just pretend to?

Do some people actually think Monty Python is funny or do they just pretend to?

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You sound like a woman.

i though they were pretty funny

How so? I see no connection with that.

Hey! My mom thought they were hysterical. Of course she was British...

not gonna lie, only a tiny morsel of their sketches were funny

My question was directed to other Americans. I don't know why any of them would possibly find Monty Python funny.

It was a different kind of humor than what was popular so it was kind of underground which made it a semi cult favorite very early on during it's broadcasting. Much like Saturday Night Live.

Its definitely a woman also I got the reference

Don't worry, you'll get it when you grow up, laddie.

Kek. I'm a MGTOW male. You must be British to think the way your thinking.

Very funny. Not everything is gold, but it's all pretty good.

It is genuinely funny, it's just not aged well. But a lot of comedy that came after was built on the things they did.

>directed to other americans

fucking retard,its british comedy.if you dont like it then quit bitching and dont watch it,go back to your liberal cunts on saturday night live

Yes its funny but you have to like that kind of humor.

The gender divide in liking the Pythons is notorious.

Even Saturday night live has told more funny jokes than Monty Python, although these days, it's pretty much even.

I agree. It was really funny back in the day, but it doesnt translate very well to the new generations.

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they got some good stuff but I guess its a mix

this one is my fav

90% of their jokes are about British politics in the 60's.

Attached: thejoke.png (812x732, 8K)

This motherfucker must be Russian or Repub, they weren't born with the humor gene.

I say old chap, were you just describing OP?

They invented modern sketch comedy satire

Flying Circus can be hit or miss, but it's still entertaining. I love Holy Grail, though. Meaning of Life not so much. Life of Brian isn't as good as Holy Grail, but still pretty funny.

yes, people actually find Monty Python funny. They are.

You have to be 18 to be here

Got to understand the context and time when it was new. First it's not an American show. British are known for being Proper, the same way Canadians are Polite. The cast of PMFC turned Proper upside down. They made anyone who tried to be proper the straight man in the joke or even exaggerated their properness to the point of being ludicrous. Many of the jokes are Political, and those politicians and situations are long since gone. The rest of it isn't much different from Three Stooges slap stick which is something most females just don't enjoy.

Im American and I watch it from time to time they havr some good movies like life of brian and the Holy Grail

SNL hasn't been funny for at least the last 2 decades. They forgot that being high shouldn't be a requirement for finding something humorous. SNL is just a bitter old woman that sticks to flat SJW approved propaganda. Half the skits from their first decade would have gotten them run off the air by twitter hate campaigns if shown nowadays. Mr. Mike alone would have gotten them pulled in todays "comedy" climate

Attention/b/: please do not feed the AI, their not human you know.

my problem is their delivery. it's really stilted, and they don't bother to learn their lines. it's all cue cards, so they don't face one another. it's like watching a radio read, except more stiff.

Gone are the days of when they'd actually act against one another. Now it's just a game of the least funny shitshow.

if you smoke enough weed everything is funny

I find British comedy quite humorous

no actually the problem is they haven't had talented comedians or non-hack writers since the early 90s
i cannot name anyone that's been on snl since then, exept for the king of unfunny, will farrell

They had a huge volume of work. Some is timeless comedy, some has aged badly, and a lot was never funny

Americans don’t get jokes with no obvious punchline

Monty Python is nothing but a bunch of faggots

Benny Hill is the king of British comedy

Attached: benny.jpg (500x357, 18K)

Monty Python was never good.

Attached: spanish inq.jpg (500x500, 28K)

My mother liked Benny Hill.
The Pythons were much funnier.

My girlfriend at the time (contemporary to MPFC) could rattle off more lines than I could. So there, I run rings 'round you logically.

The Goodies were funnier

Attached: the goodies.jpg (480x360, 29K)

Only one of the Pythons was a faggot. Probably still is -- I can't remember who that was nor which of them have died now.

He was one of the original members, freddie mercury. He died in a car accident in 2016.

I think its very much this, and the life of brian having elevated them.
They just pumped out so many sketches over their careers that it was almost innevitable that quite a few gems were produced, and that's what people look back on.

American here. I enjoy a good bit of dry. British humor. Monty is alright but my favorite Brit oldie has gotta be Ab Fab

Women think Gallagher and Jerry Seinfeld are funny and don't get Python because they are retarded and have no sense of humor.

Brand new Yea Forums server.

Anchientfag here, SNL has sucked since day one. Mr. Bill and the original cast onward were never great.

This, at least the part about the context and time. Yes, they are funny. They were revolutionary for comedy, but it's hard to see that now without watching a bunch of stuff from the 60s, then Monty Python, then a bunch of more modern stuff. They were probablyeven funnier at the time, but some of their stuff has aged.

They’re funny.