Hey /b, this lesion on my penis appeared yesterday and I’m having trouble identifying it. It’s painful to touch and then we I try to pop it a clear substance comes out. Although I’ve never had sex could this still be HPV or Herpes?
Hey /b, this lesion on my penis appeared yesterday and I’m having trouble identifying it...
Heat a pin until it's red and stab that shit to disinfect it. Then post the results.
its aids
Ingrown hair
The start of getting a gorilla dick
Expect a shaft covered in thick Turkish back hair
Doesn't look like an HPV wart/growth or an HSV lesion honestly, and even though you can contract either through skin contact, its highly unlikely for you and they dont resemble either Virus the slightest.
Keep an eye on it for a few days but it looks like your average bump that should clear on its own in no time. If it starts to weep, burst, and scab over a week or two then you can start worrying about herpes and get tested but it doesnt look like it at all.
Same thing happened to me It takes a while to go away you'll be alright
Thanks user
agreed. find the hair and your safe.
happens to all of us man. like a pimple on your dick. Watch your sugar intake. Keep your hygiene up.
Idk if its good advice but i popped those fuckers soon as they came up and then washed it with soap... sometimes not haha. Idk man my logic was get that shit off my dick hahahaha
This faggot is full of baboon shit........3rd year med fag here, what you have is a sebaceous tumor. These are mainly benign but can become cancerous if not detected right away. You should consider having it biopsied for accurate diagnosis. It would also be a good idea to get a gonohrreha culture from your urethra for possible positive titer results
ok bitch webmd says its cancer so fuck off
thank you for the kek
Your bait is so shit its funny. I bet you're literally thinking this looks legit and would fool someone.
Whats wrong with your arm
nah man dont worry i had that before i forget what it is but its some kind of penis pimple that wont go away for a few weeks i went to a doctor about mine she said dont worry
This. It sounds ridiculous but it helps.
It’s a spot, put some hydrocortisone cream on it for a few days, or leave it, see a doc.... doc will probably squeeze the shit outa it but don’t worry
Sounds like a staph infection. Go see a doctor user.
>he's a virgin
>with a pimple on his pee pee
Does it smell like ham? If so, chlamydia.
Irritated fordyce spot. Keep it clean, little dab of rubbing alcohol. It will come to a head, and in the shower you can lightly drain it. But not until it is ready otherwise you will make it worse
Had the same thing it hurted a lot
Just leave it, will take a week or two but it will be gone and if it gets too big squeeze it a bit