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any more of her?
what a weird body
Garauntee her body is fucking at LEAST worth 4 goats more than yours you fucking virgin
Not even a chuckle out of that autistic comment.
I guarantee you're too stupid to spell you goatfucker
Shit man. Least I ain’t a virgin yknow?
Niggu, you right
You seem like one from that reaction, nobody who has had sex uses the virgin card.
OMG, i know that slut irl lol
you know her too op? or just saved her?
She'll be hot when she's fully grown.
another pic of the same day
She's got resting smug face.
take a good look then
i can give her ig if you anons want
giulisboa_ have fun
obviously a trap
With those thunder thighs and top heavy build, she'll be fat at 30. Probably sooner if she has kids early.
this is one of those dolls, right?
wish have her nudes to prove you are wrong
well, let's enjoy her while this don't happen (you can see a little of her pussy lips lol)
I like this
Will you get to the good stuff pls
i guess anons don't have, if you want to give a shot and try talk to her, her ig was posted early in this thread (she is brazilian btw)