This situation would still be in the toilet if Hillary weren't kicked to the curb for being a halfwit. Fuck...

This situation would still be in the toilet if Hillary weren't kicked to the curb for being a halfwit. Fuck, we dodged a nuke there.

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Fuckin keks, btfo dems

dodged a nuke? trump gave saudi arabia nuclear technology. the guys that did 9/11 now have nuke tech thanks to trump.

Why are people acting like we could ever trust NK?

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Oh no, can't help them with nukes.

Nuke bad

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Sure thing goy.

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>worshipping a fat failed reality tv host and having to make up unbelievable bullshit about him in order to do it.
No wonder you’re so poor

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>No wonder you’re so poor

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We still can’t you idiot

>when when
You can't make that retarded shit up.

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We found the liberal

Jesus Christ this thread is terrible.

You’re so fucking fixated on worshiping this fat fucking failure that you see a picture made by a loser, then you save and repost it just because you think the pain you’ll inflict on someone else will be greater than your own.

This isn’t just autism- it’s autism beyond any known spectrum. Autism 2. Lurk until you get a sense of the humanity within you.

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kek. trump stopped military exercises in south korea because it upset kim. what will he give up next? our military secrets in exchange for nothing. idiot deal maker is all talk but cowers when faced with dictators.

>when the world laughs at your leader
>you keep worshiping his lies

the right keeps lowering its standard and morality.

Found the inbred nigger FAGGOT

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Your stupid President is being played by at least 2 dictators OP.

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