I recently developed these small pus filled lesions throughout my mouth, and I believe into my throat...

I recently developed these small pus filled lesions throughout my mouth, and I believe into my throat. It hurts to speak, or to chew or drink, to the point I cry. I went to the doctor's office, the doctor said he could not identify them, and mentioned possible HPV or a tumor. Any chance I can get some extra feedback on this?

Attached: mouth.png (1080x1920, 1014K)

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Oral Herpes.

Relax OP it’s probably just some friction sores from sucking so much cock

Dubs of truth. Lay offf the cock for a day or two it will go away

Small ulcer. For the things in your throat, looks like tonsil stones.

>Posts picture of tonsil stones
>doctor can’t identify tonsil stones
Do you live in a third world country...?
If not bro it’s time to get a new doctor

Looks like Coxsackie Virus
>inb4 hurrdurr cocksack virus
Spelling unsure
Source: my fucking mouth 12 years ago,
See a doc bud


could be lichen planus or kankersores? throat looks like tonsil stones

My differential diagnosis is primary herpetic outbreak or aphthous ulcers.
I'm a dentist btw.

As I romance your stones

I had it way worse than that. my entire mouth was absolutely covered in hundreds of cold-sore like blisters. when it got to the point i couldn't drink and even breathing was agony, i went to the ER, the triage nurse took one look, immediately took me back ahead of 20 other people, and brought a nice shot of hydromorphone.
never did find out what it was. they ruled out the usual suspects in the ER, and sent me to a specialist who ruled out more uncommon things like autoimmune disorders, but it was going away so i skipped any further follow ups.

>Tonsil stones
Stones aren't pus filled m8

No it's just hardened cum

Troll or retard? It’s tonsil stones, there’s a medical term for it. But yeah it’s tonsil stones, literally puss filled pockets that form in your mouth

I got lichen planus.
Fucken sucks, can't really eat spicy food anymore with out mouth pain.

Tonsil stones aren’t real stones...? They’re soft and squishy, usually deposits of mucous and bacteria that become calcified over time and I’m sure when they’re smaller and not hardened yet someone could mistake them for pus.

does NOT look like LP
and that really sounds like primary herpetic outbreak

Bro... I have it on my dick, right under my foreskin and along the shaft. If I drink beer it fucks my yeast levels and my body attacks it. It’s no joke, the webbing spreads and my skin breaks into thousands of tiny paper cuts like incisions.
Wish I had it in my mouth or on my back :

pretty sure that's the first thing they checked. besides i was a kissless virgin at the time.

Attached: nice.jpg (782x396, 25K)

tonsil stone in preparation


Damn bro that sucks. Yeah it's just my mouth, but one and awhile I get sores on the back of my hands that are itchy as fuck and take months to heal.

Actually they're just canker sores.

Warm salt water gargle. May help, couldn't harm.

>Looks like exudate coming out, normal during infections.

If it was a coldsaw it would be on your lips its HSV - 1 genital herpes

/thread officially. Mama always knew best.

Those are your teeth.


also a dentist - #1 herpes, #2 aphthous ulcers. not impossible its some weird allergic reaction or something else weird. allergic reaction, or shingles or something, but unlikely.

tonsil stones. they often form when you're sick. you probably have tonsilitis

tell us about your sex life so we can make fun of you in a proper manner.

OP, you've earned enough XP to level up. You're now a level 10 cocksucker. Congrats buddy.

these are tonsil stones
source: I have them

Only thing i saw is that caseum in the back causing bad smell in your mouth
Check Google to clean it up

they're called tonsil stones. it's not pus its just calcified food particles. you can squeeze them out or cough them out

Go to a better fucking doctor, that could be some serious shit. Get it tested ASAP before it gets worse (and it WILL get worse)

Tonsil stones. They are common. In some cases they have to remove the tonsils.

Mono/Glandular fever

>my doctor

Attached: 13881524289722.jpg (604x409, 51K)

On an unrelated note you have tonsil stones OP. Your breath must be so Fucking rank having stones that big. Remove them. Like. Asap. Jesus.