Creep bread, also, how to take better creepshots?

creep bread, also, how to take better creepshots?

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They call it "creep" for a reason, you lonely spergs.

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here, use this camera and aim it at your head to get the best shot

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Go back to dumblr you sjw faggots. Kys

>sjw faggots
*tips fedora*

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Practice makes perfect, also a better phone wouldn’t hurt

is there any practical way to use one in a water park?

nice stuff

Any one have MEGA with vids of changing rooms and public showers and more of this?

Voyeur cord

1º Turn off screen brightness (and auto-brightness func.)
2º open camera app, start video
3º point the camera to the victim while you're looking elsewhere. the more you seem to be focused on somewhere else, the better

Make a hiRes hiFPS video than make a still


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i never noticed how much i like leg creeps until now.

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Torch'n burn brah! F'n dipshit

ive theorized that leaving your phone in your shirt pocket, screen in and recording video will allow you to get shots of anything youre facing. just walk slow and stand still for a few moments to get some still frames. thats the best you can do without a miniature camera on your belt shoe or glasses

Get an action cam, Sony X-3000 is top tier
Hide it in a bag. Cut hole just for the lens.

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Unf more check em

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More of this Asian

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It should be legal to rape a woman who is above the age of 16 if she is unmarried or not promised to someone.

It would give them an intensive to adhere to the rule of God. and for their parents to make arrangements as they should. It would also allow us to thin out the incel population in a safe and legal way.