Sit down on toilet to poo

>sit down on toilet to poo
>pee first
>take toilet paper
>dab pee off penis
>use pee-moistened paper to wipe bum
>cleaner wipe every time

anyone else yellowpilled?

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you need jesus

I thought I was alone on this

Have fun with the ass infection.

Not enough pee residue. I dip the paper in the bowl

I am dumber for having read this post


Stfu loser


Urine is sterile when it leaves your bladder, genius.

seek help

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>not using wet wipes every time you shit

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you need to step up your GAME
I have Jesus
and I have the yellowpill.

from what?
oh God..
tried. shit just hurt. 6 years severe back issues.
eat my bussy

Why don’t you bathe in your piss then and tell me how that goes.

>>wasting this much
Found the poorfag.
Ebt don't cover personal hygiene items?

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It would make you smell funny but it wouldn't give you any infection. Retard.

I'm actually quite wealthy, I just love the earth a lot more than I love spending money

minimalism should be a priority of all Western citizens, our lifestyles are damaging

There's no way you're walking around with piss residue on your asshole all day and not straddling the poverty line.
No one cares about the planet that much.

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>Wouldn’t give you an infection
Drink up slut. Drink your own piss if you’re so smart. Pic related is you.

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Attached: urine.jpg (615x379, 36K)

Believe what you will user ^^
I care

I drank piss from my gfs frontbutt before, didn't get sick or anything

do some research user
