Your daughter brings home her chink boyfriend for the first time

>Your daughter brings home her chink boyfriend for the first time
How do you react to her being a race traitor?

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Well he's probably like a doctor or something so probably fine? Chinks hate niggers spics and whatnot, and they idolize the white race. So worst case scenario I have a son-in-law who worships me.

Checkmate faggots

Not a fucking problem, probably gonna end up with a half-decent job, financially stable, respectful. Fucking a-ok with me

Looks like this thread isn't going the way you'd hoped OP...

you kill yourself you hyperedgy 14 year old or unironic racist

If my daughter looked like that I would keep her for myself

Cook them up some sushi.

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Asian guy is probably the only race that is okay to mix with.

Even the white surpremacists said they’d keep Asians around all the other dirt races can go

Asia-Anglo kids are good looking

As long as he is chill, educated, mature, and has a job, then I am fine with it. As long as she doesn't bring in some gangster or crazy incel like you.

Praise Flying Spaghetti Monster that it's not a nigger.

basically, this

Better than a nigger that's for damned sure.

better than a nigger

Asians are ok. When was the last time a chink or jap was on tv or Twitter whining about muh racism? FUCKING NEVER. They just get on with it.

bwtter some hard working chink than a nigger

Depends on the type of Asian.

please elaborate

As long as it's not a nigger, sand nigger, or indian, were good

Pakis are "asian"

Asian dude here. Surprised by this positivity. Pic related is my asian girl I actually want my girl to be fucked by a bwc
Pic related

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Chinese, gook, or suicide bomber?