Why do poor fags always vote republican?

why do poor fags always vote republican?

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Mental retardation.

Probably because Republicans work to earn their money while Democrats suck on the government's titty to get their money.


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republicans have made it a point to push religion in public schools instead of actual education

So their base is full of morons who believe that their politicians are anointed by god while Democrats are satanic communists

Because if you work with your hands, you're usually poor - and if you work with your hands, there's a big chance that 1) things like the "Green New Deal" and climate change/environment issues will kill your job and 2) that you don't get into the headspace to think about what gender you are

It's the same pattern in other countries so it's not just some US/Republican issue.

But democrats are satanic communists?

the same reason why they are poor, because they are stupid

You mean poor rural fags.

It's because the rural poor want to work their way out of poverty and want the government to take less of what they have EARNED. Whereas the urban poor don't give a fuck about being gainfully employed and only care about MUH GIBS MONEEZ


Because the interests of the poor are fundamentally in conflict with the interests of the middle class and the elite. And in a two party system, its inevitable that as one side consolidates control of the middle class, the other side must necessarily appeal to the poor. Naturally, its in teh interest of both parties to steal the constituencies from the other- hence why the Democrats keep a stranglehold on poor blacks, and do their best to keep the poor divided. Because the poor united vastly outnumber the middle class.

>b-but its the democrats who advocate welfare!
It's the democrats who advocate state intervention. But the poor and middle class live in two different worlds. If you're poor and you get cancer, your job fires you so it doesn't have to pay insurance. You'll be dead before you can sue. If you're middle class, you have friends with time and resources to prosecute this outrageous injustice. The same is true for government services. In poor rural counties, state and federal funds are promptly and shamelessly embezzled, and because tax revenue is non-existent, the attorney general has little incentive to waste resources helping the situation.

So while the social safety net would help middle class people in theory, it doesn't have to because those people are comfortably middle class. But poor people know from direct experience there is little chance of government programs working effectively or efficiently. In general, you can count on them working the bare minimum necessary to stabilize a region and pass middle class inspection. But inspections are never thorough- they necessarily only see a sample of what actually goes on, and are easy to fool. Something every poor person also knows when they pass a drug test.

So when government intervention is proposed, it is proposed with lots of strings. Reduced freedoms. Increased dependency, and moreover dependency on an uncaring and incompetent provider. The poor would very much prefer to be let alone.

Your point user?

Because Democrats are generally better educated and have better jobs. Republicans tend to be poorly educated farmers and laborers who don't have the background to recognize that they're being lied to by Republican candidates.

Conservative values are more pervasive in the poorer states in the inland. The richer coastal states are more progressive. So I think you got the order mixed up: Poor people vote conservative and not the other way around.

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Also because race baiting, obnoxious arrogance, and willful ignorance appeal more to the ignorant poor than to the educated middle class.

Because if you're well educated you probably understand that giving billionaires huge tax breaks does not and has never created jobs. So you vote against the party that does that.

What's really funny is that most people don't like the Democratic Party. They're just the only choice if you aren't a piece of shit.

Soo...he was behind all that...

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an intelligent, serious response to a question that doesn't reduce everything to da joos or le 1%? is this actually Yea Forums or did I click the wrong board again?

poor fags?
like those ghetto living city dwellers?
they vote republican?

Yep, the day these mainstream religions die out will be a good day.
I have worked longer and harder than you ever will pussy. Trump and you boomer nut suckers are a thing of the past.
By 2024-2028 we wont see another republican or centrist elected. Boomers are dropping like flies and they vote more red, so tick tock you fucking traitorous trash silverspoon.

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Because the "tax cuts will pay for themselves" fraud and the "trickle down economics" fraud and the "Lower taxes for job creators" fraud only appeal to people who either can't, or won't read enough to realize they're being played.

votes socialist
>working hard for you money

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>If you don't vote the same way as me - whatever reasons you may have, I do not care to hear them - you are a piece of shit and not human
The smart man's perspective

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Because poor people are usually poor because they're retarded. It's easier to boil down complex issues such as the economy, immigration, employment, the national debt down to being caused by johnny foreigner, rather than the complicated systems they are. So republicans basically lie to stupid voters to get them on their side

>niggers vote republican now

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Trump and his criminal henchmen fooled the gullible midwestern public once. That's over now, and so is he. They can't sell their soybeans, can't afford healthcare, are the laughing stock of the world and have to pay 25% tariffs on their consumer goods. They hate Trump and with very good reason.

Cause no one can afford to live in democratic states. Live on long island, literally everyone that actually wants to work is moving to North Carolina or Florida cause democratic policies have been making it too expensive to live here. These places remain blue because it consists of a lot of people making so much that this doesn't effect them, or people doing nothing and getting my money because of these policies.

The smart man's argument

Because Republicans like to sell out the country and avoid paying taxes and hide behind church and abortion. I make it my life goal to lynch Republicans

Misleading statistics. Democratic states are actually poorer than a lot of red States per capita. I'm addition, it's the poor and the rich that vote Democratic and the middle class that votes republican. When you actually break the data down even further , you'll notice that in red States, the poorest areas of those red States are actually blue districts. The delta in Mississippi and areas around New Orleans for example

But none of that matters. When poor people are republican, your narrative is that they wouldn't be poor of they vote Democrat, and then you turn around and say that Republicans are the party of the wealthy people. Whatever fits your narrative that day. I'm no republican. In fact, I would consider myself a Democrat of this was 5 to 10 years ago, but the left has become complete cancer.

Ha! What a moron. The U.S. gives away $20 billion annually on farm subsidies and you think it's the urban blacks getting the welfare!

Wow....OP seems to have forgotten that Long Island has 7.5 million residents. That's pretty impressive for a place no one can afford to live!

lmao. between this country being overrun by shitskins and millennials being economically retarded man-children, I don't doubt that this country will indeed fall to socialism as soon as the boomers die. the joke will be on you, though. your "new" socialism will fail the same way every other form of socialism has failed, and you'll be left unarmed and starving to death, surrounded by niggers and mexicans. have fun with that.

meanwhile, boomers enjoyed childhoods in a still mostly-white America during the economic boom of the postwar years. they enjoyed adolescence during the drug and sexual liberation period of the 1960s and 1970s, and grew up and got jobs just in time to enjoy the economic boom of the 1980s. by the time the internet bubble of the 1990s burst, they already had stable, high paying jobs. they owned enough equity on their homes to ride out the worst of the 2007-08 crash, and now that property values are inflating again they're getting rich all over again. most of them just jet-set around the world, go to Rolling Stones concerts and squander their vast fortunes while their kids will spend their entire lives paying off student loan debt.

face it kid, boomers trolled you hard.

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When poor people vote republican, the devil laughs!

>When you actually break the data down even further , you'll notice that in red States, the poorest areas of those red States are actually blue districts.
Oh? You mean like Eastern KY and West Virginia?

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Nice try silverspoon, I work hard for my family, something you wouldnt know anything about.
I want better for my family and my friends and I want better for humanity.
Too bad so sad you just spout shit when you got told.
"but but 2024.... but.... muh greed.... wahhhh you you socialist you you dont work!!"
You rich fags dont work, lol we work while you cry and whine, times a comin faggy mc silverspoon.

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Hillary still isn't going to prison, user.

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tick tock wahhh tick tock wahhh we want free stuff not millenials wahhhhh
rofl in the future we will all be in the stars fag.
deal with it, stop crying like a little bitch. you lose
no pass go no get spout shit, you lose.

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Democratic socialism is the most successful form of government in the world today. It the only system that combines the freedom of a democracy with the guarantee of a job, an income, and good health care for all. You're poorer today because you continue to resist it's superior benefits.

Yea Forums was always an ocean of shit sprinkled with diamonds. That's what makes it addictive.

Only to annoy you faggots with boomer politics

Because poor-fags are more likely to live near niggers and don't care about SJW bullshit.

Maybe, colleges and schools groom people into the left and it takes them a while to snap out of it... but the more politically knowledgable people are, the more likely they'll be conservative. (a.k.a. government education is crap)

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everyone is gay but me

lol what does that have to do with anything?

You pay more for your health care now than any other civilized nation in the world. In return you get the highest rate of child mortality in the civilized world, the highest rate of death by preventable diseases, and the lowest rate of health insurance coverage in the civilized world. Why? Because the insurance, pharma, and clerical professions steal your money before it gets to the doctors. Why not go for cheaper and more effective socialized medicine? It's working for everyone else!

Okay but what if the poor actually just want a shot at surviving serious disease or injury? What freedom is this they've got, but to obey their bosses, anyway?

-Because republicans have companies and need people with money to buy them things.

-Democrats need people without money to boy their vote with welfare.

>-Democrats need people without money to boy their vote with welfare.
Okay, why do chinks vote Dem?

>got to go to rolling stones concerts

lmfao man babyboomers are even sadder than i thought they were. I do love hearing their increasingly irrelevant banter though

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To quote a nigger, "ain't nobody care bout chu. ain't nobody gonna come help you". That's just the fucking reality of it for the poor. Nobody on either party will actually cater to your interest because you don't actually have anything to offer except the threat of violence. And as long as you have bread and circus- pizza and netflix- most poor aren't willing to actually fight and die. They'll live an unhealthy life until they're 45 and dying of preventable and curable illness, but then they're too sick to do anything about it. Helps if you keep the poor as uneducated as possible, which is easy because all you have to do is not spend money on their education, or allow education administrators to embezzle funds.

It's a shit answer, but its the actual answer. And as long as people keep believing somebody actually cares and somebody will do something, they'll keep waiting and hoping and supporting the next promise that never delivers.

Go live in Mexico right now, since you can't wait to turn the USA in to Mexico.

Same why they are more religious.
They prefer a beautiful lie to the sobering truth.

>work to earn their money
But I thought this was the land of Capitalism where hard work always nets you a decent wage and future...

>why do poor fags always vote republican?

here in reality
the 10 poorest cities are all Democrat run
and have the highest crime rates in the nation
and the poorest people

>If you're middle class, you have friends with time and resources to prosecute this outrageous injustice
Yall dont know how lawyers work et all

This ain't even remotely true. Working with your hands are literally the best jobs in red states. Idk why the fuck anyone thinks otherwise. Red states support large banking institutions and manufacturing jobs even if they don't get them in the end. Mississippi is a prime example of this idiocy. The governor invited Nissan to build a superplant and removed environmental protections and fucking set the fucking corporate tax to 0% to entice them. You know what happened? They established distribution centers with safety and environmental standards that would no longer be acceptable in pakistan with no factory floors so that they build all cars out of country and then ship them to their distribution centers for sale to local dealerships. This created about 45 new jobs out of the promised 500. The only way to get by in the whole state is to leave or work 3 service jobs minimum or work as a welder at engles and hope the supervisor they brought in from out of state doesn't fire your ass for a veteran to take your spot. If you went to community college you can go work at the bank for about as much as an assistant manager at mcdonalds. Fuck. That. Shit. And fuck anyone that tries to say red states have it made. No they don't and you'd be hard pressed to find a single red state that turns any sort of profit besides Texas, a purple state with Dallas and Austin, two of the most liberal population centers in the country. The more you litle to yourself for the sake of feeling sexure in your beliefs, the more you fuck you and yours for even longer.

Because he's only partly right. See Dems need to keep the poor divided and also capture the Middle Class. Most of the egregious agitators we see on the left are Yuppies, Soyboy tech workers and college educated flops who can rely on their parents. The Chinese who escape China usually do so by a PhD or MD visa program- meaning they funnel into the education system and are grateful to it, and want/need to ingratiate themselves and assimilate to our culture to stay here because they REALLY don't want to go back to the fucking hellhole that is China. The typical Chinese person stuck in China however is surprisingly similar to a hillbilly redneck.

Notably my analysis conflicts with
And I'm hesitant to outright say he's wrong. But my take is that the Republicans used to command a decent part of the middle class (the fundamentalist christian boomers) and one of the reasons their primary was a clusterfuck is because that power base has largely collapsed. But obviously vestiges of it still remain and are still relevant to the Republican coalition.

Republicans = Christians, Christians = Stupid = Poor.

Maybe we all only care about being fed and able to go get a yearly check up. Maybe it doesn't matter if you live in a city or a small town because the end goal is always the same when you're poor. Maybe you didn't know that it's largely rural whites that use welfare services over all other demographics. I'm not sure how since it's grown into a stereotype, but it's a stereotype based in truth.

Because repubs wouldnt let them marry whites till 1967

I do actually. You think my example was a hypothetical? because it wasn't. The corporation in question has hired most of the lawyers in the state of missouri on retainer, meaning it creates a conflict of interest for them to represent a countersuit. The lawyers get free money, and its cheaper than getting sued multiple times for embezzlement and flagrantly illegal action. Nevertheless they have been fined 60 million dollars by the federal government when some doctors were fired as whistleblowers. Because doctors have time and money. But the fines havne't changed their behavior- the embezzlement and corruption marches on.

Better be prepared. You're the type of pussy I'll be hunting down

You mean your opinion?

Houston is more liberal than Dallas. Dont forget Houston my guy, It's also the biggest city in Texas.

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White people have been tricked into voting for the republican party who's whole basis of economics is less restrictions on corporations, which is worse for the everyday white man. The only benefit of the republican party would be the conservative cultural politics 1A & 2A, but they always cuck on those anyway. Republicans are also pro war which, just like capitalism, only benefits Jews and boomer whites. Whites should vote democrat because they get fucked just as hard on the cultural politics, but with the democrats you at least get the benefits of socialism and less chance for war
Yang 2020 or Tulsi 2020
Unironically Orange man bad

Republics represent the party of the rich. They want your vote so they want you to succeed and become rich.

Democrats represent the party of the poor. They want your vote. They want you to stay poor and dependent on them.


hardship makes people wise

I still don't think that since you think they're accessible to anyone in the middle class bracket. Post citation kthx.

Every poor person I know votes dem, they were broke during Obama, they're broke during Trump.

The only rich democrats you can think of are celebrities or politicians. The rest are poor wage cucks who have no idea what they're voting for.

I actually make more money off of Trump, but I'm not retarded and take advantage of advantageous tax plans. I also out earn my retard nut gulping friends who vote dem every chance they get.

Is working with your hands the best job in a red state, or is it the ONLY job in a red state? I live in a red state and can tell you, my job pays more than ANY job that has you working with your hands.


You were almost right user

Republican party is run by a bunch of old rich white people that want to keep their sheckels. So they get you to vote for their tax breaks

New-democrats and Social Democrats like Bernie Sanders and AOC however want to put the rich in their place and force them to actually give a fuck about other people and the planet for once in their miserable lives.

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apart from being a retard?

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you have to be trolling with that comment. well played

Same reason I prefer living in the south. Money is nice, but it ain't everything

The republicans have one major vote above all others, the stupid vote.
They can tell lies and bullshit dreams like no other party ever can.
I really wish the Dems would sink to their level to corner the stupid vote, because it's only getting bigger and bigger.
If you support republicans and are not rich, then you are clearly an idiot.

You're so young and innocent it's almost cute

Great argument bro

yeah ok, I totally just made up this incredibly specific story to trick you. Obviously I didn't actually have lived experience with what I'm talking about because you're too sheltered and incredulous to find it believable. Shucks, you sure are wise to be so skeptical user.

If you actually give a fuck. Do your own research. Look up lawsuits and federal fines against Mercy Hospitals in Missouri.

What analysis doesn't qualify as somebody's opinion exactly? Seriously asking. At what point does a collection of statistics stop being somebody's narrative and start being fact? Because from where I sit all analysis is speculation on the truth.

Beats living in the city with a bunch of money and every snobby asshole you can think of

The fuck are you talking about, Dems corner the inner city ghetto and welfare votes by pandering with broken promises. Just look at all the Democrat controlled cities over the last 70 years. Nothing got better for all the people they "work for". Why are you so optimistic?

Because some republicans still support the working class. The democrats only support tech robber barons, welfare parasites and mexican drug cartels.

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That question should answer itself there buddy.

I support the people who support the working class, bitch-class crackers need not apply.


Who are the liars?

>stupid vote
>bullshit dreams

That's funny coming from the party with spanish ho Cortez and her 100 trillion dollar plan for free everything.

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Just crawl out from your hole? That's just fucking ignorant. You can't deny liberals are the most bat shit crazy people in pretty much the entire world, and I'm not even a republican

Thanks. One day you'll take a step back and realize it's literally impossible one side to right about everything though. Maybe you'll even get to see what life is like on the side of the fence. Until then you're basically trapped in your religion of sorts where whatever they decide to side on is your new belief. It's like clockwork once you see it, and it's depressing as hell.

>and im not even republican

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Idk what the fuck you are talking about.
Both sides are fucking terrible and need to be dismantled.

I agree that the far left crazies are more insane that the far right crazies.
But I also believe that the major bulk of stupid in the republican ranks is faaaar bigger than its retard democrat counterpart.

>>More education is required to become tranny and vote Democrat.
>>only us smart people of color are cutting our dicks off. Future is female
As someone who works in IT with a bunch of career complainers with stupid liberal arts degrees, I can assure you that the blanket of stupidity shrouds you and the religious right equally.

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This...in today's kleptocracy, the most wealthy and government are the same, so of course there is more money where there is more government

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>Who are the liars?
Idk, lets take a look at your president who cant go 24hrs without spouting stupid shit that can be disproven with a 10 second google search.

You haven't worked harder than me, and you if your hard working and rich (which I doubt) then your job involves the government somehow, hence how you can be on Yea Forums while at work


That's what your problem is. You believe the lying media.

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republicans keep their people poor by not allowing them a lot of gov assistance

they pass the burdens to their constituents

Highest rate of preventable death, yeah because we are the fattest, and the socialist policies of farm subsidies, caused that

Poor people are less educated and therefore more susceptible to propaganda and marketing.


Why do liberals always keep chucking?

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That's a misrepresentation.

The majority of welfare-recipients are Democrats.


"Democrat states being the richest" is literally just a coincidence of their location and infrastructure. Also those states attract more nonwhite immigrants who vote Democrat to fuck whitey.

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thinking either side gives 2 shits about anyone other than themselves

Also, this article conveniently ignores Texas, which is the 3rd-richest state.

If you actually gave a fuck your post a citation. Which you finally did, thanks, that said a single instance of this isn't a way to form the rule. So I'd say you're still wrong and it's still just your opinion. But I think you're mad about the wrong thing.


Only because the coast cities are where the megacorporations have their headquarters. Democrat states have the biggest wealth disparity. The vast majority of city democrats are dirt poor. Democrats are going back to feudalism with lords and serfs.

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>Why not go for cheaper and more effective socialized medicine? It's working for everyone else!
Just look at the way Democrats spend the money they are given, like fucking retards with shit tier money pits designed to keep people under their thumb. At least with the open market I can get decent health insurance. Let the government in on it and I get garbage tier and I have to have a supplemental insurance just to get the coverage I currently have.
Basically get a fucking job and get health insurance you fucking loser.

>the day these mainstream religions die out will be a good day

Too bad you're importing millions of hardcore Catholics and Muslims, lol.

This is good to see people realizing that the problem is pervasive and REAL structural changing need to be made to our government. People attached to the idea of draining the swamp, but bogmaster trump was obviously not the one who was going to do it.


>the open market I can get decent health insurance
You can now, not really the case several years ago. But you've never had to worry about health insurance.

Why do people vote?

With "logs" and "shit" in the same headline, I was expecting Andy Sixx to be shopped in the pic.

>The republicans have one major vote above all others, the stupid vote.

Mexicans and niggers vote 80%+ Democrat, and their average IQ is 80.

I'm 39 I deal with them all the fucking time. I get the old camera up my ass in the next few months. Can't wait. As for I can now. It was actually easier to get insurance before Obamacare way easier it was also half as much for independent insurance. You are a fucking retard.

Houston and Dallas are full of niggers.

I grew up poor and white. But my parents worked. Dad was a coal miner. We didn't have a problem paying for healthcare or food. We just didn't have anything else.

That's where the urban poor are fucking up. Can't pay for health insurance but they can buy cigarettes, alcohol, and iPhones? (And I understand these habits are not isolated to the urban poor exclusively)

Fuck them. Fuck anyone who has their priorities like that so messed up then bitches about not being able to "get a checkup".

Cost of living too high? Move. Can't move because you didn't develop marketable skills? Get marketable skills then move. It is that easy. It has always been that easy. And if you can't figure that out, then suffer.

San Franshitsco


>religion in public schools

What is this? The 1980s? Christian children can't even go out in public without getting death threats from democrats. It's 2019. Go to public schools and you will see tranny pedophiles grooming children. And the democrats cheer them on. Disgusting.

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leftism is a luxury

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The majority of Mexicans don't vote.
>Muh billion illegal votes let Shillary win popular vote
Still no evidence of a large number of illegal votes. Nobody has ever produced any.

Also, tell me why Democrats oppose tariffs and support mass-immigration; when both of those things reduce the value of native labor.

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It's because most Republicans honestly can't do math without a calculator. The current batch of billionaire Republicans are the children of math-doers.

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My problem is that I like to verify that the shit that dribbles out of Donnie Moscows mouth is indeed a load of untrue garbage?

They dont care about that. They need the votes.

Chinks love the BWC.

Odd of you to say since statics show it's Republicans that take the most in welfare.

You spelled democrat wrong

>Still no evidence of a large number of illegal votes. Nobody has ever produced any.

Elizabeth Warren's private vote recount in 2016 found tons of fake votes for Hillary in Detroit, so she instantly halted the project, lol.

We are in the worst timeline.

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You don't "verify" shit.

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100K somewhere in Texas in the last election. All the provincial votes in California. Some lady just admitted to faking signatures on thousands of votes. Democrats dont want voter ID because they would lose all their votes.

>it's largely rural whites that use welfare services over all other demographics

Wrong. It's urban whites who live in blue cities with extremely high living costs due to high taxation.

Red states have the lowest cost of living.

Also, whites being a "majority" of welfare-recipients is literally just do to our sheer numbers. Blacks are 13% of the population, but are much more likely to be a criminal or be on welfare. Learn what "per capita" means.

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Shitty b8 is shitty

I make just above min wage in CA and I can afford to live.

Where at in California. Also who pays your rent?

Niggers literally have the lowest IQ of any race.

This is reality. Screech all you want.

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It is necessary for the middle class to believe the system works, or else they would not protect the system from the poor who are crushed by it. It is necessary for the system to work for the middle class so that they continue to believe this, but it is not necessary that it work for the poor. It cannot afford to give the poor the luxuries it dotes upon the people who protect it. It has been this way for all of history, and America is not an exception.

id rather stay poor than have a flood of brown people

>Elizabeth Warren's vote recount proved it honest
Show me.
>100k on Texas, all the provincial votes in California
>Some lady just admitted
Please, by all means, show me the source of these claims. Hundreds of studies have shown illegal votes are negligible.

min wage is $15 in seattle, that's too much if you ask me. ANYHOW, your kind needs to stop whining. move to a poor state, or become successful in a Blue.

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You have the power of the internet at your fingertips. You can choose to be ignorant or informed. You choose ignorance. It doesn't matter what I say you have to go figure it out for yourself. You wont believe what I say.

An image macro is not a source nor proof. "This woman" must have a name.

I live in Seattle and its turning into a cesspool here. I'm actually looking to move out of state to get away from all the dipshits that live here.

Logical fallacy.

>makes up some bullshit off the top of his head
>tells the other guy to look it up

lmao classic troll move, good 1 fellow trumper!



Theres one of them.

Like I said you choose ignorance.

>You don't "verify" shit.
>says a russian posting Yea Forums

Nigga, get back in your bread line and shut your communist pie hole.

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>"This woman"

You illiterate nigger.

People are literally starving to death in venezuela and the president is eating wagyu beef for breakfast and youre saying its americas fault.

I've looked, all sources I've found have shown that illegal votes are negligible. You've claimed that there is evidence of a large number of illegal votes. The topic was Mexicans voting, which doesn't happen in any meaningful way. People always claim it does but nobody has ever been able to find evidence of it. So I'll ask again:

Is there any evidence of Elizabeth Warren's vote recount finding what you said it did?
Is there any evidence of "all provincial votes in California" being illegal?
I have looked and found no evidence. If you have it the onus is now on you to show it to me.


Wait wait wait....Isn't that like the opposite?

>communists calling other people Russian communists for disagreeing with them

Absolute clown world.

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Woopty fucking doo

Then you havent looked. The provincial ballots in Cali are just getting going. They won Republican strongholds in that state and did it all with provincial ballots. Look at the numbers on just that one topic. You will be there for fucking days reading about the whacky shit they are doing in California.

I could give a fuck less if you change your mind. Fuck you I dont know you. Other than trolling and this is shit level trolling why else would I come here and say this shit. I could go jerk off or smoke some weed.

>Democrats vs Republicans
>Collectivist vs the individual.
>liberals vs conservatives

Is it really hard to see why poor ppl vote republican? I’m not rich and I don’t want to tax the rich. Nor do I believe government should have an inherentsnce tax. Democrats are nothing but jealous pricks. Those Faggot’s need to knock it off.

Also, democrats are fucking thieves.
>pic related

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Seattle's a very rich city, no corporate tax, open carry, it's wonderful

>can't spell inheritance
>Those Faggot's need to knock it off

you can just smell the babyboomer on some posts

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Republicans are the ones who have to share their states with non-whites.

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poor people vote republican because they're uneducated. republicans always end up hosing them (what did trump do? give tax cuts to the 1%).

the poor are useful idiots and laborers for the 1%. I'm so glad they reject education.

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The same reason why blacks keep voting democrat

I remember that, good times. Also you're retarded.

Thanks for proving my point?

this guy
just proved this guy

Literally wrong.

Most welfare-recipients are Democrats. It's niggers in red states that take the welfare.


>He said there is no reason to think votes were not counted and the differences would not have affected Republican Donald Trump’s victory over Democrat Hillary Clinton in the state.
>Clinton won 95 percent of Detroit’s vote.
>Clinton cut into Trump’s 10,704-vote win by only 102 votes during Michigan’s election recount, which was organized by Green Party candidate Jill Stein and which covered more than 40 percent of the statewide vote before courts stopped it.

>Of the data available, though, machines tallied at least 388 more ballots, according to a Detroit News analysis of the records. That’s 0.16 percent of the 248,000 ballots cast in the city that voted for Clinton 95 percent to 3 percent over Trump.
Oh so negligible.

>More than 8.3 million people voted in the Texas governor’s race last year, which means that even if all 58,000 people who voted were, in fact, found to be noncitizens and voted in 2018 — a claim that no state official has made — they would have amounted to only 0.69 percent of all votes that were cast.
Come on guys try harder.

>if you don't pay taxes for Shaneequa's food stamps, you're a cuck

>actually defending illegal votes
Fucking hell.

My bad, I tend to just look for a source near the bottom and ignore infographics. They're largely sensationalised. I'll go check her out now.

>moving the goal posts

Reminder that these are just the cases where illegal votes have been caught. Democrat bureaucracy in blue states ensures that most of it gets covered up or ignored.

SoCal is basically a part of Mexico now. I don't trust it for a second.

I’m retarded? Why?

You like your train going to no where? You like your roads not being fixed? You like having the dems squeeze every penny they can out of your pockets?

You’re the retard who keeps his head up his ass. Enjoy your smell, spic.

>Compton officials used state-issued funds earmarked for road repairs and other transportation-related expenses to balance the city's budget and pay for unrelated projects, according to a state audit.
>Over a nine-year period, the city of Compton's loose accounting and weak financial oversight allowed officials to borrow $4.4 million from a special gas tax street improvement fund and nearly $800,000 from a traffic congestion relief fund in violation of state rules, the audit found.

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>The discrepancy did not involve Detroit's recording more votes than registered voters, but rather precinct poll workers miscounting the number of people who voted.
You guys even read your links?
That said it doesn't matter which side does what more, if they're both guilty theyre both guilty, either way it doesn't seem to have any real impact on the election.

You sound really jelly, user. Did your sociology degree not get you that dream job?

If it was so easy to find why the fuck wouldn't you just link me the lmgtfy?

I've used various combinations of the words provincial, votes, illegal, the whole 9. I cannot find any source claiming that all of any kind of vote in California was illegal.

One link, is that too much to ask?


An old boomer couple and their cat. Their word is law.

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

It's almost like Compton is a piece of shit and that shouldn't surprise anyone, but what makes you retarded is that you're under the impression that this is a democrat only situation.

>leftist Democrat Hispanic La Raza politicians in California are deeply concerned about uncovering/reporting vote fraud

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correct. the democratic party spent much of its history as the most conservative party (until the southern strategy switch). the modern Republican party is kind of a new version of the Know-Nothing anti-immigration party of the mid 1850's. southerners by rote tend to vote against change. read an article called "The 11 Americas" to see why the coasts are liberal-progressive and why the rural states aren't. it's because of who settled the area and where they came from (English plantation, German farmers, Irish poor, etc).

It's just easier to link that than to go
>The new report, compiled by Wayne County elections officials, sheds light on the extent of the problems and shows a systematic tendency toward counting more votes than the previous Wayne County report, which didn’t specify if precincts had over-counted or under-counted ballots.

Read your links, Anons.


Yes, being a white male and voting for anti-male anti-white politicians is logical and progressive and super-woke.

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>republicans for lower taxes to rob the public

Ok, show my retarded ass some recent republican scandals fucking up my state of California. Show some shit from other states and I will condemn them with you.

I’ll wait.

Nope, I agree they should not be a thing. They're just not significant. They haven't swung anything as evidenced in those links. I support voter ID (that shit makes sense) but I'm also a twist about how much of a problem the problem is (not big enough to make a difference).

>Moving the goal posts
Nope. My goal post was that illegal votes are negligible, and that illegals largely do not vote. Nothing you have posted evidences that a significant portion of the 10.7 million illegals vote.

>continues to defend them because they didn't actively change the outcome yet
You need help.

There you have it folks. You decide, is it:
>Won't post a link
>Can't post a link

You're right, let's take Pablo Escabar Lopez (D)'s word for it. There is no illegal voting in California!

I wasn't referring specifically to that situation as something all politicians do, but rather abusing the system for financial gain is something all politicians do.

>You are defending illegal votes!
>Not really, I would like to stop them just as much as any other American with half a brain, I just know they aren't a world-ending, democracy-destroying problem like the right maniacally scream they are.
user, screaming it loser does not make it so. Did you choose to ignore the fact that I agree that voter ID is a common sense law? I personally envision a reform of social security to include a photo ID element, which could then also be used as proof of right to work, allowing reform of employment law to require all employers to keep a copy of all workers proof of right to work, and harsher penalties (percentage based, not fixed fines) which could help combat the illegal enjoyment problem.

Neither the left or the right sort my ideas because they are ideas that will harm the livelihoods of most politicians, who all own businesses and who all employ illegals.

Do we get it now? I don't defend the illegals. I am just a realist.

You are fucking stupid if you think there is any kind of freedom in Democratic Socialism. It is Democratic in name only. They strip all your freedoms away to maintain their power.


Place your votes here folks!

Please list places with democratic socialism that also have 0 freedoms.

>Screaming it loser
Louder. But loser works, thanks auto correct.

Double trips of truth! Democratic socialism is still socialism, it's like if you democratically voted to pass a law making it legal to rape kittens. Just because it's democratically supported, doesn't make it right.

>I just know they aren't a problem
That is defending them, you retarded cunt.

Good question...

Join Discord

E-Girls and Boys, Nudes, Lewds, Boipussy (Traps/Femboys), memes and the potential to get mod just from posting.

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>That is defending them
No, it's an observation. If they were a problem the way the ignorant right claim, they would be having an effect on US elections. They are not. Therefore not a problem the way the right keep reeeing. Defending them would be saying "they should be allowed to do this".

Fucking hell is anyone not screaming "they're killing our democracy reeeee" considered defending them in your retarded version of reality? Grow up.

>is anyone not saying "fake votes are bad for democracy" defending them?
Yes, absolutely. You mentally retarded cretin.

Almost all of Europe have repealed free speech and destroyed the right of the people to defend themselves. If you speak ill of the shitskins or Jews you go to prison. Where do you see any freedom in that?

the only reason republicans are trying to make a big deal out of voter fraud is because they are trying to preemptively deligitimate the democratic system that is about to permanently exile them once all the boomers have died off and purple places like texas go full blue. It's a good strategy in that it gets their followers to think that the system is fradulent rather than consider the possibility that their ideology is woefully outdated and doomed within one generation.

As an incredibly bad anecdote, and miscontextualized situation.

>g deal out of voter fraud is because they are trying to preemptively deligitimate the democratic system that is about to permanently exile them once all the boomers have died off and purple places like texas go full blue. It's a good strategy in that it g
or b/c democrats think it's a-ok for illegals to vote. i live in commiefornia and i see first hand this line of thinking.

>Yes, absolutely.
Let me get this straight:
X has 0 effect on Y
But in your universe, not saying that X is bad for Y, in spite of the fact that it is factually not because it has NO EFFECT WHATSOEVER, means you are defending X? And not making a factually correct observation about the effect X has on Y?

Sorry. You have the stupid. There is no cure.

>X has 0 effect on Y
You literally admitted it has a small effect. Please try not to embarrass yourself like that again.

No it is not. You asked about loss of freedom in Democratic Socialist countries. All of Europe that is going Democratic Socialist are also the ones repealing freedoms in the name of Social justice. That is why they are starting to have a rise in right wing groups, because the people are seeing what is happening and preparing to take their countries back.

No I didn't, I told you to list places with 0 freedoms that are also democratic socialists.

Because we are agaisnt privileged evil liberal elite.


No. It has had no effect. For it to have had an effect on democracy it has to have changed an outcome. No outcomes have changed. Your comprehension of what 'effects democracy' means is bad.

I think the stupid is terminal. I'm so sorry user.

Why do fags suck cock?

This is stupid. Dems have more money because they suck it like vampires from the good law obiding republican states. Obviously them having more money is a flaw because it shows how the corrupt Dems steal money

Once you remove guns and free speech, you have no more freedom left. As for a list of countries. Start with Germany and Sweden then try Belgium and Norway and don't forget France.

>For it to have had an effect on democracy it has to have changed an outcome.
Full blown brainlet. Good job.

Because they make little enough money as is, and having even more of it taken by taxes isn't something they're in favor of. They also want the freedom to be able to grow their income, rather than being trapped in welfare slavery like black people are.

Lots of freedoms in those countries, there are, in fact, more than two freedoms to have. Guns and saying literally anything without repercussions are not the only two freedoms.

Listen, dude. I don’t think all taxes are wrong. My problem with democrats is their frivolous spending and theirs ridiculous taxes to pay for them. Here in LA I have to pay $100 license tax fee so that I can use an air compressor in my shop. How do you justify that!? Ohh they start programs where they hire useless ppl to get paid to do useless shit. And then they can’t get rid of them because of “ cushy gov JOBs”

Oh Hai CNN


Because they are not educated enough to understand the system. Therefor fear makes them vote out for republicans. The feta of minorties, the fear of people taking there guns, the fear of Muslims and so forth. They vote aginst there interest and stay where they are and never improve there lives. The cycle continues over and over. It is not hard to grasp.

They are the two freedoms that protect all the others. If you don't have defense, government doesn't respect you. If you can't say what you want, then certain ideas can't be circulated. They're the backbone of freedom in society, without them you're just praying your government remains benevolent rather than inevitably screwing you over.

Democracy is the power of people to collectively come to a decision.

>A democracy gets to choose between A and B.
>A bunch of people allowed to vote do so.
>A couple of people not allowed to vote also do so.
>The outcome is B.
>The non-allowed votes get discounted.
>The outcome is B.
This is what no effect looks like.

Poor usually equals stupid. IF they weren't stupid, they wouldn't be poor.

Having some freedoms isn't the same as 0. So again, if you can't fins a place that has 0 freedoms, you're full of shit. Sorry places that were closely connected to the holowhatever have rules against shit there. It's almost like history played a roll in it or something.
It's for the air tank and it's a safety regulation. Holy shit, user, get it together. It's once ever 5 years. If you can't justify 100 dollars over 5 years for your fake shop it's got serious issues.

>Limited freedoms
>No freedoms
One of these things is not like the other.

Those are the basis of all other freedoms. What freedoms do they have? Free to work and have 80% of your pay taken to pay for gibs to shitskins you really don't want in your country anyway. Like those guys in Germany that stopped the rape of a young lady to be arrested for hate crimes against the Syrian refugees they stopped? Sounds like freedom to me.

>They're not (((educated))) enough in government run public schools to just trust in the (((system))) rather than valuing silly things like freedom, community, and safety from terrorist organizations. Why would poor people vote for freedom, when they can just vote themselves more money out of the hands of the rich without ever doing anything to improve themselves?

Yeah, you're mentally disabled. I really think you need to go back to school because this is frankly embarrassing that you actually believe false votes don't affect a democracy's integrity.

Funnily enough, it was gun restrictions and confiscations that made the holocaust so easy to commit. That event is one of the biggest arguments in favor of gun rights.

moron confirmed

okay user

Not always the case. Studies show that conservatives on average understand political issues much better than liberals do.

Holy shit that new goalpost came out of nowhere, pretty big flaw in the design though, it's made of straw. I never mentioned integrity. That's all you buddy.

Reread . That's it, that's the sum total of the effect of illegal votes on democracy in the US. Not "the integrity of democracy" which is a whole new layer you've added. Democracy itself, the power of people to collectively decide, is NOT IMPEDED. The problem is one of principles, and on the principles we agree, democracy SHOULD be untainted by the shadow of doubt caused by unauthorized votes, which is why I support laws to deal with illegal votes. I do not support or defend illegal votes. If you can read this explanation and still come to the conclusion that I, a person who wants to root illegal votes out of the system, somehow am defending them, then you are 100% retarded.

There are also studies showing the opposite. Neither is conclusive, all are biased and run by one side or the other trying to garner support. That was a nothing-post, user.

There has to be a bunch of poor democrats if Soviet Sanders is getting votes. Wtf is your point .

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Fucking hell that's desperation. Accusing of two fallacies at once due to your utter embarrassment of an understanding about democracy. You must be underage. You simply must be.

this retarded

sure kid

this retarded

sure kid
stay mad

sure kid
stay mad

sure kid
stay mad

you live in a fantasy world bro.

sure kid
stay mad

this retarded

sure kid

and yet the highest unemployment and homelessness are in all democrat ran states, makes you think

sure kid
stay mad

they're usually poor AND uneducated, ez why do you think texas, the most retarded state is so red?

sure kid
stay mad

Republican policies better help the poor.

his device decides for him

sure kid
stay mad

facts hurt their feelings, see?

I see you are mad. whats it been now? two years?

Rich states can afford some socialism and you’re being exploited anyways.
Besides, there is a high correlation between the percentage of blacks in a state and how poor it is. It is like if you put a lot of Africans in a state, it would work like African.

If any of you actually believe that there are liberals on this board, remember that they are the same people calling others niggers and jerking it to trannies

Don't take the b8

in a way thats beautiful

>liberal or conservative, we all jerk it to trannies and say nigger

da j000s

You moved the goalposts (changed the target of the argument to being about the "integrity of democracy.
(Source: this thread)

You did so by misrepresenting the argument of your opponent, insinuating that he had ever claimed that illegal votes had no effect on the aforementioned "integrity of democracy", which he did not, this is a strawman fallacy.
(Source: still right here)

It's like you don't know that fallacies can overlap. Nice try though. You lost to other user fucking HARD, and with your own evidence.

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Safety regulations my ass. It’s just another way to squeeze money out of me.

Shame we have the two party system, something in the middle is what we need.

Because every time they vote Democrat they get poorer.

Camera is not prescribed until 50 user.

Oregon and California are worth every penny.

literally every single fucking time. it's so repetitive it's exhausting.

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show me proof he's eating wagyu beef for breakfast.