Loli thread

Loli thread

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yet another PEDOthread

>loli abuse

Attached: 1551122481822.jpg (400x388, 35K)

Anyone have any gifs or comics?

Attached: b9b27ba08dd260c348c2f042442d707b.jpg (1200x1690, 787K)

my lolis are pregnant

Attached: 39f7d23e9a839f48dee732a46092ccaa.jpg (700x1476, 168K)

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Anybody who claims that liking loli doesn't make you a pedo is a retard.

Although anybody who claims simply being a pedophile is wrong is also retarded.

no abuse only consensual love and affection

Attached: 1550331770327.jpg (600x800, 282K)


Summers early

Abusing kids makes you a pedophile.
Liking drawings makes you a highbrow.
Try to speak English.

goddamn that fucking episode with memetaria

Pedophila is a term used to describe an attraction to underage children.

Just admit that children are sexy, faggot.

Should I start saving a loli folder?

Pedophile is a metal disorder describing those who molest kids.
I know you love cock, but you aren't actually a faggot until you suck one user.

You enjoy the depiction of young children engaging in sexual acts therefore you are a pedophile.

You enjoy the depiction of young children engaging in sexual acts therefore you are a highbrow.
You are not a pedophile until you abuse a child.
It's called English. Speak it or go back to your own third world shithole.

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>metal disorder

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Muh dick

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Pedophiles desire young kids, but you're not a child molester until you act on that desire. Loli pedos are harmless. Stop persecuting us. Without a harmless outlet, real kids may be endangered, don't go poking a hornet's nest.

post more loli abuse to trigger this faggot and also so i can jerk off

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aaaand the thread is now over

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Couldn't have said it better

Anyone have gifs or comics?

Drawings arent children retard. They are lines on paper.

>dat slight tummy curve
always be my fav things about lolis
shame not many artists feature it in 2d

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Closet pedos desire the young just as closet gays desire the same sex.
They are not pedophiles until they act on it anymore than a closet gay is a gay without sucking a cock faggot

Being this much in denial over being a pedo. Fucking sad.

Attached: 1426795666100.jpg (1023x800, 140K)

Atleast im not a retarded childmolester NPC like you.

haha, loli traps?

I meant to post the version without the penis. but it's whatever, can't help it now.

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Too far my dude

needs more feets

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hot as fuck. More

how does that little fuck nugget not make your dick hard?

random web find. i dont know the actual name of it.

Attached: temp.webm (800x600, 1.95M)

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Demon lolis are best lolis

Attached: 1587035 - High_School_DxD Koneko_Toujou.png (2080x2332, 838K)

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I bet her drool tastes nice

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Funny story. Because those Shadman pics mimicked the likeness of a real girl (Dafne Keen) the Feds paid him a visit. There are also drawings of her being violently raped, maybe that was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

but, they weren't made by shad

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what back?> does he no longer do loli shit? did he get charged with anything?

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Wanna chat on Kik? Hit up Citrusygeek

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Yes they were.
I don’t think he got charged, he still makes new material and that was some time ago.

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literally has the artists name on the picture. upgrade your glasses blind-user

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Ive been edging for hours someone post something i can cum too

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What kind of total fucking faggot are that you can't just cum without some one telling you to? Neck yourself you useless shithead.

Attached: 1505032030632.jpg (1024x1424, 129K)

Here’s said picture, he made a few variants of it:

Attached: 06ED3088-B2EF-4767-A481-DEED483CD7B7.jpg (1700x649, 512K)

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looks like Akun/ is starting to delete loli quests, if you have some you love, backup them

Why are all western artists so fucking bad, holy shit.

whats this?

basically an interactive stories site, kind of like what you see on except slightly better organized and allows lewd shit (but for how long?)

Any kiks to join?

super skinny loli request

Someone post some gifs

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i wish i could get a loli on my bed

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Giv 0

n i c e

2 is the only sensible roll.
0 if you fancy getting manhandled kek

haha what game is this haha :)


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It's funny because it's not true.

Rolling for 3!!



Rolling for muscle girl


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Been reading up, and plan on modding Skyrim for loli fun. Wish me luck

How do? I can't figure out how to even make the children naked when I kill and loot them

1) Open Google
2) Search for all the fallen
3) ???
4) Profit

good luck

basically you'll need a mod that replaces the body model by a better one, bagserk might not be the best, but it has the advantage of being some tweaked UNPp body, so it works with most adult armors
now you'll just have to find a way to remove that puffy underwear, so either somehow disable it or maybe remove it directly from the model

good luck

And by ??? I mean read read read, check the loverslab website and the subreddit for Skyrim modding

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HMU on keybase @teenlovin

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Based on my research nexus, loverslab and Reddit all hate lolis with a passion. I'm not even particularly interested in the sex mods, I just want some cute lolis in my game that can be immersively stripped. I assume all the fallen is the only place to find those kinds of mods?

1 please

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>Toddlercon image

MOAR of this.

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I sure love 3yo little girls

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Hyper-Young Loli is best Loli.

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Got any good loli story recommendations?

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Me too.

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one of my favs

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oh not Sarah. Bitch will get me locked up.

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who is this character?


your newfag is showing

you must be proud of yourself

roll for 0