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Other urls found in this thread:


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Sir here is 10k cash take it.
>looks at her face
Nah I'm good I'm actually in hurry


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user we've been together for a few months now and everything seems like it's going great, why don't you ever want to go down on me when we have sex? Don't you like me?

W-well, let me tell you about my first memory from childhood...

Why are there so many ylyl threads?

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I don't know what this is, but I want more of it!

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Ah, so it's fake.

We want to laugh but faggots ruin so many that we must proliferate

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That actually got me. Now the janitor is staring

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Forgot the links

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I've never seen a black school shooter, how about you?

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What manga is this?

Blacks in school ?

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Is this real

What happened to Nick Sandcastle?

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Only if that wing mirror was the source of the meme

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Tomboy loli with teacher or (not loli) creepy glasses girl?

I'd suggest glasses girl for variety's sake

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Imagine seeing Ray Pist in school, he dropped out to sell drugs and to electrocute his nipples on the dark web using crocodile clips.

Here. I'd suggest you check out the artist's Katekano doujin. It's a bit long

ty sir.

Pretty much my plan without the nipple thing

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He left school early and started shagging dogs for a living, what are your thoughts?

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Animal cruelty is wrong

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My thought is where can I find a job like that?

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what if the dogs like it?

LFucking kill yourself. Stop fagging up these threads. You really don't understand this site do you?

Think it's his objective. Leave him be, get bored eventually.

SHIT i lost now that fucking kid

Still wrong dogs cant consent only liberated women can do that

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>The fucking reflection in the mirror gets me every time

lol dose dogs r gey

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one of a series

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#2 was excellent

Yeah its just perfect

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No Satan they just good buddies

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Glasses girl

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what the fuck is this absolute gayness?

Is he paying an ugly girl to take pictures with him that he is also paying for?

Don't be so tsundere. And I'm not the ray pist poster. I think he's a bot

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Classic. I remembered when i posted this to my MySpace.

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Yeah probably maybe he saw this and decided it was his best option

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Twitter humor. It's for soyboy faggots and women with no personality, i.e. all women.

been around awhile huh ?

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Why not both?

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Alright, I'll post that after

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Is this the name of a metal band? It should be

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Story behind this???


Confirmed: metal-archives.com/bands/Unbirth/3540262186

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Some black dude with ED trying to get a buttjob from a BLACKED girl

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>ywn have big tiddie gf ride your dick for attention

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Apart from the long face i would fug.

So very true.

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She just needs an MS Paint job

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I used to love this book and the authors other books as a kid. I'm white and from mississippi and you would be surprised how relatable poor mississippi whites are to black africans in 3rd world countries. Also in the end of that book the kids father comes back from the diamond mines a week later still alive.

What the..

This shit can destroy a career.
Lucky for him he is good looking.

They'd rather just shoot up their neighborhoods. Plus, their dropout rate reduces their chances of going to school long enough to shoot it up.

its a feminist apologising for slavery

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Shit thought it might be biden with a tan.

Soo...he was behind all that...

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World News Daily Report assumes all responsibility for the satirical nature of its articles and for the fictional nature of their content. All characters appearing in the articles in this website – even those based on real people – are entirely fictional and any resemblance between them and any person, living, dead or undead, is purely a miracle.

I agree. I like Jason Momoa and I don't want to think about him molesting little girls because i want him to molest me god damn it.

Where did you go?

Im so glad I stopped coming to this shitty website.

Would have been a lot funnier and relevant if it said “yo daddy”

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she has that "girl next mountain" feel

holy shit thank you

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Here's your tomboy sir

That was the story's end. The artist Korotsuke has more with that pairing in his Creepy Glasses Girl series. It's not all Glasses Girl but every MC is named the same for self-insert purposes.

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we called her the kimster she was on most nights for awhile before Yea Forums became fag territory

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Tomboy Loli comboed are the best

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A strong combination

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>Actual true story inbound:
>be me
>17 at the time
>beta loser who can't get laid for the life of him
>pathological fear of girls since middle school, when some bitch mind fucked me
>have a younger sister, 16 at this time
>my sister is boy crazy, really wants to date someone
>>announces that she's "seeing someone"
>father and I start discussing plans on how to shoot the bastard.
>few days later, brings the dude home
>tall, scrawny kid with brown hair and glasses
>visibly nervous
>my father and I sit down and tell him that he's "walked into the courtroom"
>discuss for a few minutes
>they go out
>dad tells me "it isn't going to last"
>sis comes home
>announces it was "fun"
>around a week later, my sister tells me that her bf previously dated a college girl
>she's worried that he secretly wants this college girl back
>about a week later, overhear a conversation between my sister and my mother
>"We're not a thing anymore"
>tell my father this
>laughs uncontrollably
>mfw my dad predicted exactly how his daughter's first relationship would go down

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I'm more in denial that he's pulling that bullshit off in the middle of a fucking crowd. Like who the fuck does that?

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Tsundere sister or spooky doll?

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it literally happened, watch the original video, he literally does that but its not grabbing her tits etc his hand is way lower and is above her tummy just caressing her, nothing bad

What part has you confused fucktard

Thunder sister
Dolls and clowns unsettle me

He fucked your mother

Fucking lost

ew, parks and rec?

Haha he wasn’t elected to hug

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Here you go. The doll one was made to make you feel uncomfortable, but this was made to make you happy.

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the fuck was this?

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I remember him and his profile on ED

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It's his fucking daughter you spergs, also he isn't even touching her tits or anything

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Lost, gotta love dads.

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Yeah, Aquaman would never do that

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I haven't seen his recent movies, what I have though is a set of functioning eyes

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It's fake as fuck, btw

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I bet it was AWESOME

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Superheroes are good guys. They don't do bad things

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>You don’t understand this site
He says, on the only board loli is allowed
Fucking kill yourself retard

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Post a link then faggot

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Yeah. I only had to look at 2 videos to find the unedited clip. Fake as fuk

C'mon, who can hate on the man of men

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Fucking morons, hes in a public place with cameras all around with his daughters, she is just getting to an age where she doesnt want to be seen as a child. Hes not gunna nonce a kid infront of an audience, you guys are just projecting your own closet pedo feelings onto the clip.


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Alright, works done so that's all for now. I might post more when I get home

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Complete fucking faggot detected. Kill yourself you incel trash.

The issue is that in the end it was discovered that the video published by that twitter, was edited. Many people managed to record the same thing (because of course, it was a movie release) and the images were completely different.
In the end, the twitterer deleted the video and Jason Momoa is already taking legal action to process the creator of this fake news.
This is the original video (the edited one is not already that Momoa asked to be deleted):



black men will have sex with anything

>You really don't understand this site do you?
You clearly don't. Why do you think this faggot spams and replies to himself ? He just want attention, the best way to have him hang himself is just to ignore him.

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where does Yea Forums go for some actually good ylyl content? As we all know the threads here get shit up by some meme forcing spergs or loli manga dumping autists since months so I'm curious to know where people get their oc from. It's sure not Yea Forums or reddit since those two are synonymous these days so where the fuck am I supposed to go

hes so fucking cool and good looking.

I reply to myself so it's easier for people to follow the doujin. Even if it's unnumbered you'll get the proper order

Will i get to fuck any of the cute girls in psych 101 this semester?

Will she initiate?

No one follows it. It's trash.

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The fat glasses girl one was pretty hot. The dialogue is always permavirgin nonsense though

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Niggers gonna nigg.

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left Yea Forums for almost a year now
nice to know nothing has changed


They have heroes to

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Haha why am I laughing?

No you didn't

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Thats racist dude

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Petlust went out of business years ago

>feels so good my shit is leaking
Jesus my sides were woefully unprepared for that.

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Probably Clickhole

Half this thread was that faggot using Yea Forums as a platform to dickwag his rareporns.

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Not particularly, no.

RIP m.asterchan

Yeah that sounds like my kind a chan

If it was real im sad I missed it

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Amazing meme

I feel for you dude in the very early days this place was a cesspit of endless cp threads that lasted for days but moot saw the light and saved us from that fate

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some things are better worse

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is that jason momoa

someone caption this

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SEE: Joe Biden in a public place with cameras all around


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wtf not only do they get the white girls but now the muslim ones aswell!!??

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sorry this one much more succinct

>American sees uncut guy and calls 911


well at least Yea Forums has always been worse

damn limit reached i was gonna post the isis fighter fucking the donkey

Garth Marenghi the early years

If i remember right this was a series called tragic prom pics some were just heart breaking

fuken kek

dont cry because its over, smile because it happened.

GTA online Roosevelt

I suppose but watching Yea Forums fill up with furries trannies and sjw's was kinda sad

A German supermodel pleasing a refugee stud

pffffffffttttttttt do a google image search for German supermodel before you post that

Did someone just assume that dogs gender?


The problem with ylyl threads is that they always devolve into making fun of black people. Yea Forums is incapable of being humorous if they aren't being blatantly racist. That's not to say some of it isn't hilarious but it's ALWAYS the same thing...

Found the nigger.


How dare you we have been promoting black science for years

dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5689997/Racist-Yea Forums-trolls-attempt-sabotage-team-black-girls-NASA-science-competition.html

It's from a Facebook page, he makes simple oc stuff like this. It's called Welcome to my meme page

So good

is that the guy from stargate atlantis?

why is my peepee hard?

Fucken Hilarious!!! Some BOSS shit here!

This fucking guy. Lost

I grew up in the boonies in AR and feel like you're right. black people in rural areas are some of the best folk and still country as fuck. good old honest boys going through it just like us

Don't listen to the jews, poor blacks and poor whites aren't each other's reason for not being winners in this crazy, fucking world. that's just what the rich want, so we stay at achieve others' throats and fail to see the true cause

You think he busted a nut?

by selling the site?

This place is linked with the alt right? Lot of anti trump shills on here that would suggest otherwise

He didnt sell for 13 years but he did hate us for most of that time

Hey friend, this is a Christian forum. Please avoid using those kinds of blasphemous memes. He is watching.

almost got me

The dailywail has trouble with facts they are so far right its like they are the anti bbc

Bullshit. Pick Raiden.

Think that's in reverse chief

are you old enough to post here?

KID you have no idea

In fairness, I refuse to eat at restaurants that automatically charge a gratuity for that reason.


Brooklyn Nein! Nein!
Hill Street Jews
Trimmed-Dick Tracy

take your pick, it's a fucking shitshow

Literally nobody called her kimster you fucking autist

and yer a dipshit.

Fuck off i bet you have been here 2 weeks


"Give daddy some sugar."

>u mad white boi?

He's getting married? Good for him!

No i think that boy is a fucking trooper and much braver than me

Imagine her little husky voice, "Daddy stop....Daddy people are watching."

pee is stored in the balls

I saw the original. He absent mindedly...reflexively...accidentally, unintentionally...felt up some breast meat. It wasn't him, it was the hand. Pure fucking reflex.

Amy's bush is deeper than the fucking woods they're in.

Someone who thinks they're physically invincible.

He fucking did it. Lock his ass up with Cosby.

I’d do the same thing given the chance

It was the 70's man total fuck fest and no aids or herpes or condoms

Op why are you a faggot? And why are these theads always shit?

Jew niggas when they get word of a boy in the area:

It's sad because it's still kids killing kids. I know that's not the edgiest thing to say but I'm not a tryhard

>In fairness
In fairness to what?

i got a few

Halakha and Order, Jewish Victims Unit
Israel Five-0
Kikes (like "Cops" but jews)
Sheckle's Angels

To rape her himself?

Google his name he robbed a bank i let people find out for themselves it cheers up the southerners

is Imgsrc.ru a pedofile site?

>not all

It's a YLYL. They're intentionally unfunny these days

Did he not give a speech at comicon and called us the worst people imaginable and antisemitic ?