He does have a point

He does have a point...

Attached: stefan-molyneux-stefanmolyneux-follow-who-is-worse-the-drug-dealer-42183584.png (500x436, 38K)

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Except drugs don't last a lifetime and reproduce.

It's a shitty analogy for the simple fact that Jewish men, of whom owned roughly 80% of all slaves of the time, used slave labor as a cheaper way to acquire workers for low-skill jobs, pushing back the development of better farm technologies back by at least 4 decades.

A quick fix for quick money that hindered america's growth.

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White's bought and sold slaves amongst each other in the states

Jewish people were the main dealers as they were the ones responsible for the vast majority of slaves sold and procured. Your average slave owner was not making the trip to Africa.

This is the dumbest argument I’ve ever seen in my life. Congratulations on being so retardedly stupid.

>It's a shitty analogy for the simple fact that Jewish men, of whom owned roughly 80% of all slaves of the time
[citation needed]

It's a shitty analogy because black people would be the drugs in this analogy.

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>who is worse?
>The drug dealer?
>Or the drug user?
>When it came to drugs, drugs were the dealer


white english sold irish as slaves before the african slave trade.

>Jews are conspiring and evil.

>black people sold white people slaves
>this absolves white people of responsibility
D o p e E t h i c s

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fake right?
I dont agree with everything he says, but I know hes not this stupid.
Or has been taking the same stupid pills as about 80% or the population has these days?

This is historical fact not a conspiracy.

Whites are pretty much the most oppressed race throughout history and have only carried out violence in self defense tbqhwyfam

Lol, nope, I'm afraid it's real, man

It was niggers selling other niggers to white people. So almost the same.


Hmmmmm try again.


stupid analogy is stupid

When it comes to slavery cops are the dealers and cellphone CEOs are the users.


>the race that was not considered free and wasn't allowed to own or operate business in states that allowed slavery sold slaves

a doy

>one sells a substance
>one sells a person
>one uses a substance
>one uses a person
stupid bate

the fucking africans, aka blacks, sold slaves you stupid fuck

He's talking about blacks in Africa who hunted slaves and sold them, retard.

What did he mean by this?

Drug users are obviously worse. Dealers have a job, they're making money by providing a sought-after product. They should be respected for this. Users are just that, people who pay for the product being sold.

Obviously the entrepreneur is better than the typical customer. So what's the point being made here, that blacks are smart and entrepreneurial while whites are dumbfucks making up their market?

Yeah, I buy heroin and share with my friend for future favors. EVIL!

Ehh. Now that im seeing the context its not as bad.


Which race sold them in the U.S. again though? The whites? Great, so there goes the fucking retarded analogy OP posted and your worhtless point.

The Afroamericans would be the drugs. The afriafricans would be the dealer.
Yeah, their “black brothers and sister” sold them into slavery. And ironically their ancestors into a better life...

It is, you think it's simply coincidence that there's been dozens and dozens of attempted exterminations of the Jews throughout history?

The post you replied to which started this discussion () is literally questioning Molymeme's analogy, retard.

Samefagging this hard

Of course I wanted to say descendants. Damn foreign languages...

If only they took a more progressive attitude towards slavery, we wouldn't have this problem anymore.
Some police forces buy the drugs to keep them off the street and destroy them.
They should have just bought the slaves and sunk the boats.

End the war on drugs

>Whites were the users
They were both the users and the suppliers, so this analogy makes no sense

Jews are white. Are you saying the holocaust was nothing compared to slave trade?

Free blacks. They sold more slaves than any white.

There's been the attempted extermination of many groups throughout history, nothing special.

This so much. This is how I realized that dragons and witches are real, so many civilizations couldn't be mistaken.

police capture the black slaves who assemble our cellphones and laptops for zero dollars an hour today in America.

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