Cleaning out deceased parent's house and found a pile of shit magazines, book and shitty books, some mine, others dads or siblings. Was going to toss it in recycling after boxing and tying it up with old rope.
I was going to have fun labeling it "Porn" and then started listing a few categories, and I thought the names were a bit too trite.
So, I'm going ask for submissions to write on the box as well.
The Rules:
1. You get to make ONE submission and it gets voted on "Nay" or "Yea".
2. No Illegal Stuff. No "Cheese Pizza" etc.
3. Posts ending in 88 wins a special honor listed below.
4. Just so the person who opens it doesn't go away empty, I will include a selection from one of my OWN porn collection.
You can start making suggestions once I have posted the two pictures of the porn collection the "88" ending post
LOL that weed man sticker is sick. They don't sell merch, I've asked before.
Colton Clark
Like these in the photo?
Got to know WHO to ask. I gave an old sweatshirt to my cousin years ago and some assbag friend of his stole it. He got busted because he couldn't say where he got it. Can't be bought for money ANYWHERE.
LOL I immediately checked ebay when I saw the sticker. I assume they keep it locked down.
Jackson Miller
Dominic James
why did u start this thread OP when u could be jacking it to vintage porn?
Camden Lee
You do realize some of that older shit may actually be worth a lot of money to a collector. But hey if you want to trash hundreds to thousands of dollars go for it.
Grayson Hughes
Been there. Its doesnt thrill me anymore.
Only one magazine/book gets selected by the person who's post ends in "88". I will post better photos if they need help making a selection.
Dominic Hughes
The Rosen/Hamilton/Masterclass stuff IS worth money. There should be a possibility of someone getting something good, not just discarded 80's crap porn
Easton Barnes
Colton Diaz
I could add a DVD. Got some really decent ones
Luis Bailey
Deceased parents had stuff you did not expect.
It was similar to stuff that you collected for yourself Give them the dignity that they deserve with as much certainty as you would wish to merit that dignity for yourself.
Jackson Perez
Nope. Nothing unexpected except an old 1911 .45 of my Dads. I hid it in a wall behind drywall and will get it later on.
The stuff is just magazine/books nothing personal.
Charles Clark
Found hDad's copy of "The American Language" Supplement II by HL Mencken