What's your favourite opioid?

What's your favourite opioid?

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None you drug addict piece of shit

Fentanyl, because it has a high mortality rate among you wastes of flesh.

Roxicodone by far, friend. I was on 35mg roxis for a while, and they were amazing

Roxicodone is just oxy right?

they're impossible to get in florida :(

Ah that sucks, it's nice to relax with once in a while :-)

Soo...he was behind that?

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Good pick aswell

Yeah, it's oxy without the Tylenol. Completely the same other than that

nothing beats the H bomb my guy
though i only ever snort it because IV is retard territory
never been addicted or have had any cravings whatsoever my iq is just that high

How the fuck is there a drug that's impossible to get in Florida? And an opiate none the less

Tylenol? What brand of oxy do you buy to get tylenol mixed in? Never happened to me
I like H, just hard getting good stuff here

Yeah it's just easier for me to get, plus its tablets so no need to worry bout baggies and shit


there was a huge bust on doctors prescribing them, so kids can't steal them from grandma and grandpa anymore. even when the old folks actually need the shit. so ofc since the only way to get them is to import them, the price skyrocketed, it became a less profitable drug to sell.

I usually just get oxy since I got a guy that can get it for me cheap, capsules, really nice

None, I am one of the unlucky ones who vomit when they take them.

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Damn, dude, that's shitty


>I only snort it because I'm smarter than all of the addicts.
Waste of h.

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Opioids are for the weak. We should should just kill all the addicts, crime rates would drop drastically

Zolpidem. I am not sure if its opiod but I love its sometimes crazy effects when mixed with some beer and weed. Zolpi crashed and sniffed ofc.

ghetto Codeine for me, altho this is the only one i can get my hands on :/... don;t want to risk getting it from the net as i'm a paranoid person

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Tramadol is my favourite and not too difficult to get where I'm from

I do oxycodone 30mg I smoke it on foil. I pay $20-30 for a single pill in the Bay Area California.

It's a nonbenzodiazepine. First time I ever took it (only a single 7.5mg pill prescribed to me for sleep) I crashed my dad's car into a tree 20km from our house. The ambulance crew found me sitting in the car fully naked with vomit all over me. I woke up in hospital the next day feeling like a fucking insect wondering wtf happened why the fuck am I in the hospital.

After the first pill, I apparently decided to finish of the rest of the packet and it pwned me.

Scary drug. Ambien is even worse.

Whoops mixed up zolpidem and zopiclone lolol

Wtf how... These things are lame.

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Percocet is oxy mixed with tylenol

Oxycodone, oxymorphone, heroin, hydromorphone,morphine and hydrocodone

Used to pop hydocodones when I worked on my feet all day. Honestly the happiest time of my life they made me feel like "this is how I should feel all the tine." Made me feel alive. Cheerful, friendly... happy. My pain management doctor got raided last year because he was prescribing shitloads of opiods to people and it turns out he hadn't completely gotten his license to be a pain management doctor. He went back to general practitioning but round here people don't go to a doctor unless they are in physical pain. If I knew a guy I would buy more in a heartbeat.



I want to smoke this fent patches... anyone knows how much of the patch I need to cut to smoke it on foil without killing myself?

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Honestly I hate opiates I only do them because my employer drug tests for pot.

interesting. I'm in the bay and interested in getting into opiates (recreationally). That seems kind of expensive for a high. Does 30mg last a whole day? I want a high for my saturdays, maybe spend ~$50 max. Do you find that it works for you?

I'm kind of over weed, and would gladly give up my $50/week Juul habit for a good single-day high.

Imagine thinking not injecting heroin is the one thing keeping you out of retard terrirtory.

same here. poppin codeine and tram daily. good buzz while still be functional

Buy two 30mg oxys for 50-60 dollars and pop one. The high lasts for about 3-4 hours so pop the other once ypu come down and thats about 6-8 hours being high

You must be a nigger if you can get high on codeine

white as snow but hey i like it

Well then youre pretty damn lucky because ive never been able to feel shit on codeine. Tramadol is pretty fun though

How can you compare tramadol to real opioids?
I need atleast 400 mg to feel opi like effects, but I wont get any further because this shit drug can cause seizures at doses that high.

I rather take kratom than fucking tramadol.

you clearly don't know about the world of difference IV administration is from any other ROA

nigga how do you take it and what dose...? i have access to unlimited tramadol 50mg for free but i never use it because they suck

Placebo. It's the same as when you offer some teenager a hit of dried basil and they go off about how high they are.

Someone recently started a thread talking about how they got a nice chill high with 50mg of Tramadol..

>for free
Where do you live?

im the other tram user. i take 30mg cod with 500mg paracetamol and 100mg tram and im good for the day. slightly euphoric and just feel good(take para and tram together because synergy)

Same i had to take 7 of the 50mg trams (350mg) and i got pretty high but then i just threw up and felt horrible after.


All of them. To clarify tramadol is not a fucking opiod

how in the world does APAP compliment an opiate high? is tylenol now a coenzyme for the mu opioid receptors? can you explain this to me pharmacologically?

Opiods don't really do it for me. There's no excitement in the high.

Just wondering about the country because Tramadol is kind of outdated and most doctors in Europe give you something else.

>500mg paracetamol daily
Uh might wanna look up the effects of that

Fuck excitement. I just live that warm fuzzy blanket of euphoria where everything always seems like it's gonna be ok.

carfentanyl injected in to my temple

i know it fucks with my liver and whatnot(i take 250-500) but i also take esomeprazolum. that minimizes the damage

USA, in the military system we use cheap old drugs since our patients don't pay.

>Tramadol and its active metabolite (M1) binds to mu-opiate receptors in the CNS causing inhibition of ascending pain pathways...

oh and to add i went overboard with para last year. that was painful. never again

you're confusing APAP with NSAIDS such as ibuprofen and naproxen

thanks man. Now I have to figure out where to get them, but that's my own problem. I've been considering just growing my own poppies, but my estimate is that it'll take ~$500 in materials for 4 month supply of opium (including redwood planters so that my landlord doesn't have a reason to look too closely). I was curious how the economics compared to just buying black-market opiates...My conclusion was that if you include your own labor, it comes out pretty even.


yeah we know its technically an opioid but it doesnt feel like one. Loperamid is a opioid too but all it does is holding your shit

Acts as but isn't

Ive been through that a few times. Worst pain ever

I don't suffer from a shitty life, so that is kind of banal. I want something that puts an electric crackle down my fingers and a manic grin on my face. That gets me up and moving, not lying around in satisfied lethergy. I can do that sober.

going for a hike is best, no matter the weather neither... head up high, appreciating everything you see

>not lying around in satisfied lethergy. I can do that sober.
you have absolutely no clue lol

Wtf is that baby thing?

two-sided dildo, for beginners and advanced

>I can do that sober

you never tried them, right?

Youve obviously never tried opioids


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poppy seed muffins

Children's advil

I don't know what you guys get out of them. I get a lower voice, and sleepy.

80mg oxy's were pretty dope (no pun)

Back in the early 2000's they had 160mg too but they discontinued (no shit)

Stay away from opiates - once a week will turn into 2x a week, and then daily.

What we get out of them is the best feeling in the world. Maybe try taking more than 5mg of codeine next time

tru dat

>Stay away from opiates - once a week will turn into 2x a week, and then daily.
if you have any integrity it wont... but if you are weak then sure, know your limits i guess

Some people can avoid chemical dependancy, but I think that's more a genetic exception than anything.

only dumbasses say shit like that. There is no moderation with opiates. If you start taking them once a week you will eventually be addicted and start taking them every day. Only little kids and retards think that addiction wont affect them.

lol i speak from experience... i did them once a week, for months, and stopped cuz i got bored of it... i was even going to the gym the next day, interesting experience since i usually space out during gym... but yeah it wasn't H, it was recreational Codeine use

"Im looking to get into opiates recreationally"

I've done heroin on a consistent basis every day for a week and the cravings you get for the 2-3 days after you stop are very very easy to ignore and aren't nearly as bad as people make them out to be. Only retards with 0 will power get addicted.

I also feel that way, sure the next days are shit, especially if you compare them to the days prior of pure bliss, but fuck man, suck it up deal with it as inconvenient as it is and get over it... the only time i see this not being a case if you have a genetic predisposition to certain addiction and i also heard alco addition is the worst in terms of withdrawals... BUT tbh i think all the addicts are created from underlying mental problems like chronic anxiety... imagine feeling anxious to shit everyday of your life no matter what and THEN you take opiates/alco or w/e and you get to feel like normal people feel or even better... then after you stop you are back to you 'normal' self aka feeling anxious to shit for no direct reason... so yeah if you have addiction problem i bet its has nothing to do with the substance and you should be threated for mental disorders.

I quit the stuff but I would kill for a shot right now. That sounds so nice. H every now and then is a nice little treat.

how is it compared to Codeine/morphine? is it the same just more intense? i don't enjoy taking too much of it as it makes me sick to my stomach so i just cruise on lower doses

Not that user but codeine is fucking gay, it doesnt even come close to heroin. Morphine has a similar feeling to h, theyre both very relaxing and give the typical opioid/opiate feeling but heroin is stronger

huh? but Codeine acts as morphine just its weaker and some of it is actually metabolized in the liver into morphine.... so like i said if its just stronger then it would make me even more nauseous (i know puking on it its not really unpleasant lol, but still)

Cool I'm sure you guys are the first ones to think youll never get addicted to heroin. Keep doing it and see what will happen.

Cravings stopping after only doing it for a week are nothing compared to stopping after 2 weeks or 3 weeks. Its not so much the physical feeling of withdrawal its the crippling mental depression and anxiety. Thoughts popping into your head of every fucked up thing you ever did, delusions about people hating you, etc etc. It gets real bad, people arent being pussies about withdrawal. Its fucked up. Luckily I never vomited or shit my pants or anything but the mental part of it is excruciating.

thats a good point, especially if some people have done it for years. its like comparing a hangover to an alcoholic that drunk for 10 year everyday and is trying to stop

literally uncontrollable evil thoughts popping into your head every 30 seconds. Shock and shame that you did any of those fucked up things. Running through all the lies you told while you were fucked up, how big of piece of shit you are to be addicted to opiates. Its the highest high ever contrasted by the lowest low you could ever feel. It drives you fucking nuts. Its pure hopelessness. No one is above addiction, it can happen to anyone, and its just as fucked up as people say it is.

yeah pretty much. Luckily I think its extremely rare to die of opiate withdrawals. Alcohol withdrawals are really fucked. You can die from quitting cold turkey if you have been drinking for a couple years straight.

hydrocodone for me. When I finally tried oxy, it did not come close to the warm blanket nod i get from hydros.

Gliadorphins. Unless you go gluten free, they're slowly eroding your intestines, too.

Most people use opioids to self-medicate trauma.
