>be me
>start hormones and start developing tits
>they are hairy as fuck
>ask endocrinologist if it will ever stop
>he says no and that i need laser
>it costs a fortune
Wat do Yea Forums?
Be me
Either manually keep them clean or get the money for laser.
Also obligatory hurrdurr faggot kys XDD post.
kill yourself
Stop being gay
Tits or GTFO
join the 40%
You're cute
Accept the fact that you are male, albeit a girly one (nothing wrong with that) and stop trying to be something you’re not.
You’ll never find happiness in kidding yourself.
trans people are sick in the head.
go to /lgbt
last sentence hit me somehow
(im not trans btw but in other life situations)
Kys faggot
this, don't strive for knowingly impossible standards for yourself just so you can fail them. Featherweights don't kid themselves into thinking they can win the Heavyweight title, they fight in their own category.
When Jimmy Page realized he wasn't much of a painter, he went back to playing guitar and eventually founded Led Zeppelin.
Be realistic, play to your strengths.
Become a gay prostitute
Stop reposting first
what do your parents think about you fucktard
Eventually you'll have a job where you can earn enough to laser, for now just wax, shave, or use a depilatory cream.
You're making this out to be a bigger deal than it really is. You have tons of options, OP.
Now show ua your tits & peen
>welcome to le 40%
Show us your tits and peen
make porn if you are of legal age. thats how they finance it.
>what do Yea Forums?
show us your cock
kinda wrong but k
Just grab a rope and hang yourself.
Just wax them for a while. Stupid faggot. Estrogen already rendered your brain useless.
>it cost a fortune
you holding an iphone fucking faggot
An hero faggot
Strong burn. You should write for Def Jam.
Seriously...are you just that fuckin bored and gay you post this every day?
>Mfw this will never be an epic
KYS freak.
what do you expect people to tell you fucking shit? You have nothing to win a fortune as you are a useless piece of crap. KYS
>strong burn
>Def Jam
Dude these kids are 14 they dont even know what any of that means and Def Jam fuckin sucked whole dicks.
You are born male, no matter what your delusional mind tells you what you identify with. Ckeck: Are you born with a penis? You are male.
It isnt relevant how many cosmetic surgerys you will go through. You still keep being male.
We are always trying to subconciously convince our self things are different. But as a matter of fact you need to work hard if you want to achieve great things.
Its always an easy way to tell yourself: it is different, I'm actually going the right way.
But the truth is the easy way isnt always the best. Most of the time the hardest way will bring you most forward in life.
Not always though.
Still you need to be true to yourself and who you are. If you are living a comfortable (more or less) lie, you will never achieve true happiness.
>this faggot posts this shit every day stop wasting Yea Forums space
>Posted in a delusional trap thread since a long time
>edgy shit fuck off
wait till they tell you about leg hair
be a slut, get a daddy and get him to pay for laser.
Stuffing feathers up your butt doesn’t make you a chicken, dipshit. No matter what you do, whether you take hormones to grow hairy tits or cut your dick off and make it into a hole you have to stretch out with a dildo every night, you still won’t be a female. You’re so confused and retarded at this point that I doubt anything but suicide would help but people have been known to unfuck themselves, so maybe just stop being a huge fuckin faggot and see how that works out for you.
>Stuffing feathers up your butt doesn’t make you a chicken
fuck, since when? brb fam
I'm sure some people like hairy tits ;)
Going to a clinic for laser removal is a rip-off, the kind of thing a retarded trans-trender would do because they can't think for themselves or do any research.
Get yourself a Tria Laser for home use and do it yourself. The laser costs about 500 bucks, but it works just as well as any clinic laser and it's vastly cheaper in comparison to the 10,000 dollars those sleaze bags cited to me.
Be VERY weary of any product or practice sold to Women. Women get ripped off so hard it's almost pathetic.
Anyways save up the money and enjoy! Hope you feel better in your own skin!
Stop being a fag. You were born male and will never be female no matter how you mutilate yourself.
Post tits
maybe shave it off or just kys?
Keep posting this same post repeatedly for at least five more years as your life passes by.
>razors exist
>halp b wat do
stop baiting that's the first step
Exactly. He has the intelligence of a woman in the body of a man
transgirl here. start saving up for laser immediately, it's really not that expensive if you spread your sessions out. cheaper and less annoying that electrolysis anyway (but you might need some electro for the finishing touches). In the meantime get used to shaving very close or invest in an epilator.
That being said, you look very very cute and are doing better than most of us trannies. Odds are you won't end up in the 40%.
And for future reference, questions like these are best posted on the /lgbt/ board. Don't let the name fool you, it's like 90% trannies ;)
Best of luck!
This. Realize that the issue isn't your body but your mind, OP. Your head is fucked and you need to learn to accept what you are and no hormones will change that.
We need a new plague
Is this you? More pics please. You’re hot!
Dm me so I can fuck you
I'll pay you to let me cum in your butt and then leave, save my jizzdollars and then get laser hair removal. Fair?