Any medic user has an idea about these reds spots on the head of my penis ?

Any medic user has an idea about these reds spots on the head of my penis ?

If I recall the small one was one due to friction many years ago but today I woke up with a new one out of nowhere and I don’t remember hurt myself masturbating either

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>omg. $.0

Better pic

Attached: 13086F82-7FCF-4B01-A756-0BFCB62924C3.jpg (3023x3915, 1.83M)

Have you been using a cock ring or an alternative?

I’m straight I don’t use such things

what a faggot reply i'm baffled.

What the fuck does sexual preference have to do with that?

Just go to the doctor you moron.

I'm a board certified Doctor of medicine and that's AIDS

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Ok let me explain
Imagine your penis as if it's america.
And imagine half the population inside america is black, and the other half is white.
Now imagine that the black population has a higher crime rate.
Now imagine the white population is upset with that.
Now imagine a race war inside your penis.

Hope that helped user.


medfag here. Obvious AIDS, OP. Get to a doctor.

Stop fucking sluts with out protection and you wont have to worry every time something shows up on your junk.

Hot dick
Hot arm
Hot watch
Would suck your std ridden dick. Moar

Also dont take a pic in the bathroom it s gross. Probably balanitis if youre uncut

medfag speaking, clear symptom of AIDS. Stop touching other cocks and let Jesus for once in your life

why u wear a sweater under ur watch

I don’t

My head is not inflated

I was making another research and found it was the PH of the soap I’m using that is making those allergic spots

Thanks anyway anons

Lel you got hard just to ask a med fuckin gay are you?

That's nothing to worry about OP, I've had those red spots for 40 years and nothing's happened to me.

It looks like your foreskin might be too tight, it looks a bit irritated. That might explain the red spots too.

How many women have you slept with since then?

Well over a thousand.

Oh look its this guy

Give me ur discord or kik i wanna see more of that dick

You masturbate too much thats why, i have the same problem.

Friction burns from no lube you can Jack without lube yeah but too much rubbing will cause those had them on my dick growing up

Cool your cock down and put on some soft pants if you can, love MEDIFAG

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