3rd trimester abortion is murder

3rd trimester abortion is murder

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whos care

You should of been aborted op. Who gives a shit. Kill that bastard

Then don't have one, OP.

yes it is. And i don't see the problem in murder.

So edgy, you suck off your faggot dad with that mouth?

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If the parents don't love him enough to want to keep it then post bith abortions are fine too.

Agree. I think a reasonable compromise would be abortion is legal up to the 6th week of pregnancy, after that it’s illegal.

Of course rape and rare health circumstances where the birth would kill the mother in the process are exceptions.

You should be enough of a responsible adult to make that decision by the six week mark.... should.

Because you call it murder?

no he sucked his cock with his arm. the fuck are you talking about

Who cares.

All abortion is murder. Life begins at conception. I thought you faggots loved science?

No compromising with Dems. That’s the sad part. Otherwise I would agree.

Abortion should be legal up to age 3.

Most women don't find out they're pregnant till at least 7 weeks in.

Yes it is murder. Why?

Why not just make it an issue of medical ethics? Abortion is a private medical decision between a woman and her doctor, why is the government legislating this? How does people being able to have elective abortions hurt society in the slightest?

The person getting killed doesn't have much of a say in the matter, does he now?

Don't pretend to be against killing. Answer the questions.

the choice is yours you either live with the guilt or give no fucks and live your life. either way you own your body, do what you will

It's the government's responsibility to protect the natural rights of all of its citizens, most importantly the right to not get chopped into little pieces.

>your body

Who the fuck is having 3rd trimester abortions, where, and why?

Abortion should be legal up to 940 weeks

Prove me wrong

People openly shout their approval of abortion now. How do you think neck bearded edglord virgins will respond. It's clearly wrong but these faggots are Godless and sad

So? Do you actually care about murder?
What about companies whose products are carcinogenic? Is that murder?
Let us know where the line is.

Coal burners in New York after the father cuts off contact with them.

Having children is murder.

Boris, Aмepикaнцы знaют oб yлoвкe. Пpepвитe нeмeдлeннo и идитe cпaть.

>my body my choice goy

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Absolutely right, not a Christ fag but abortion any time is murder. One day u feminist baby killers will feel the wrath of the new order

Children don't have much of say of anything til they hit 18.

sure its murder but its only living because its inside so it has no choice in the matter

good. we're too many anyway.
appears to be an edgy answer, but it's true.


if you don't want to have a kid don't get pregnant. why the fuck does it take you 6 to 9 months to decide whether or not you want the baby. stupid fuck
if it was rape, get rid of it as soon as you know that you're carrying in case you don't want it.

but you're kinda right OP. imo abortion would be murder if the baby would survive without help from machines.

also, if you aren't able to take care of the kid, give it away. many couples want babies but can't have one.

I also don't fully support the "it's my body, it's my choice" mentality. it's true up to the point where the baby could survive easily. In my opinion the baby's human rights start then. so that would be 3rd trimester.

So the fetuses with no brain activity showing consciousness have rights that trump women's rights?

Why do you so vehemently protect the lives of foetuses, but as soon as they are born you condemn them to a life of suffering and violence without a care?

All abortion is murder. And it should all be legal. Life doesn't have any inherent value or importance.

Therefore their parents should be empowered to kill them at any time without any repercussions? No, dumbass, what a stupid argument to make.

no suprise most women aren't responsible enough to raise a child on their own, just look at all the bullying and school shootings across america.

Well the right of the woman on two legs walking around is more exigent than a whatever you want to call it that can't survive outside her body. She gets to decide whether she wants to have it in her. Don't pretend to be against killing or abridging people's rights.

Legal killing isn't murder

Yes, dumbass. The right to life trumps the right to privacy. That's why psychiatrists are mandated to report to the authorities if their patient is planning on killing someone.

More day of the rope bullshit, when will you boomers leave this board?

>abortion moments after the fertilization of the egg isn't abortion
kys fgt

lol did you learn that word specifically for this argument? use it in another sentence with another subject.

Not your choice. Parents have testing done to see if babies have any chance of getting a disease that will give the child zero quality of life. Would you want to be born if you were going to be a fucking potato, or have to be taken care of the rest of your short boring life? I fucking wouldn't.

Oh and did I mention rape babies? Rape babies.

Regardless of how long it takes a person to decide if they want to, they should always have that option.

Ah. So the fetus' life is so much more important than woman's life that you are willing to just let both die due to complications.

uhh legal murder is still murder, you can make a new word for it, but no matter what you do you can't change the meaning of a word
Murder: To kill someone

Do you walk around slackjawed and clueless talking about all the things you don't understand irl? Or just on this board?

Cuz them lazy bastards needa pull 'emselves up by they own bootstrap! Me and me pappy and his pappy afore him did it, why can't this stupid baby do it too? We gots 1.5 working cars now thanks to our hards works and sporrting Mr. Trump and the rich folk. Some day, we'll ascend cuz we're smurt and werk herd! That is unless the demoncrats keep lettin in them illegals who dun take our gud jerbs!! C'mon you lazy babies, get born, get to work! and punch yer fat momma in the mouf if she's on 'em food stamps, STOP STEALIN' MAH SKOL MUNNY!!!

Anyone with a dictionary knows this isn't a fact.

Retarded teen

>jerking off is genocide
see user, this is how stupid you sound

The real question is should we let women chose or let nature take its course, modern technology can save both lives. The Feminist mentality is that the child is part of them even after birth.

In that specific case there exists a right to self-preservation, protected in part by the Second Amendment. If something is threatening your life, you have every right to kill it. This isn't absolute though: if you shoot a nigger because he was on the same side of the street as you and looked threatening you'd still be charged with murder.

>The Feminist mentality is that the child is part of them even after birth.
It is not necessarily that but that nothing is real therefore they should be allowed to do whatever the fuck they want.

such a shill, I can not believe, you must be living on Government dick for most your life, do you even know what freedom tastes like?

Do you honestly believe nothing is real? than please give my social and credit card info because I will not really rob you of all your money rn

Homicide is to kill someone
Murder is the crime of killing someone without proper right or justification to do so

Killing someone in self defence is not murder
Killing an enemy in war is not murder (unless you do so in a way that violates the rules of war)
Aborting a parasite inside of you is not murder


>rules of war


but if a mother is unwilling to keep her baby to the point of wanting to kill it, why do you think she will care for it once born ?

and don't say "adoption" because they're already way more children to adopt than people willing to adopt them...

They are already enough shitty parents and lonely children

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Not to mention that the same people who typically support on-demand abortion also support the duty to retreat and denounce all war as acts of evil racist imperialism. But of course any of these positions are malleable in order to achieve any particular goal.

There's too much people on this planet already. It's a public service.

Two words: mandatory abstinence.
No two persons shall be allowed to engage in sexual intercourse unless they are married.
There, that's all of your social issues solved. Now you can go home.

Babies aren't fucking parasites you massive tool. This is such an idiotic talking point.

You laugh but you have no idea just how many societal problems this would fix.

Babies generally? No. Human babies specifically? 100% parasites.
Ever wonder why human women are the only animals on earth that have periods?
The baby literally destroys the woman's internal organs to sap nutrition from her blood and women have evolved to defend against this with a disposable liner.

two seconds on google finds me the definition of parasite

"an organism that lives in or on an organism of another species (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the other's expense."

unborn babies are literally parasites.

racism (rāˈsĭzˌəm)

The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

i.e. Affirmative Action is racist.
Not that you have principles or anything. In your mind the google definition thing is completely valid in this case because it helps your argument but not in any other case where it hurts it.

It still isnt murder

U fucking illiterate retard

Who cares? Lives are worthless

Fuck off my board republicuck.

>Legal killing isn’t murder.
Killing and murder are the same thing you retarded fuck. Do you even have your own thoughts or just copy what the tv tells you? Even the slightest common sense would tell you how fucking stupid you sound.

No, it isnt, u retarded nigger

Anyone who opposes late abortions simply isn't paying enough taxes. Unwanted kids almost always become, in some fashion or another, wards of the state. Whether sucking up my tax dollars in the form of welfare or the form of incarceration costs. Abortions save taxes. Period.

>pragmatic argument for a moral issue
Also what if I said that welfare shouldn't exist and women who have more children than they can keep deserve to starve?

Then I'd say you're wrong on the first point and spot on with the second. The country does need a temporary safety net. (Temporary being the emphasis). But unconstrained breeding should never be at the cost of taxpayers.
"Morality" is subjective. You say abortion is immoral. I say taxation to pay for others children is immoral. Subjective.

4th trimester abortion is best

Which is why its illegal pretty much around the entire world.

the only situations where it is legal is where the mother's life is in imminent danger, and the only solution is abortion.

Women do not suddenly stop at 8 months and think "you know, I dont want this baby after all".

Your second point is exactly what late term abortion is for, if the fetus has already died, is well on it's way there, if it threatens the mothers life, or an instance of that type of nature. Look into the actual procedure and the criteria necessary for the procedure.

Morality is the belief in objectivity and can only be considered subjective if others believe that objectivity doesn't exist. The belief that it is wrong to kill unborn infants is the same as the belief that it is wrong to kill. Corollary to your pragmatic argument though: couldn't the same justification used to abort potential drains on taxpayer resources be used to terminate living and proven drains? Surely if the life of the little nigger doesn't matter the life of the welfare queen who spits it out doesn't either?

Its illegal cuz at that point fetus is developped enough to suffer during the procedure, not cuz its murder

They r nit unborn infants. Infants arent unborn

>Surely if the life of the little nigger doesn't matter the life of the welfare queen who spits it out doesn't either?
Correct. But we are a nation of laws. A republic. Not a theocracy. The laws of this nation clearly state, and have always stated, that I cannot kill the welfare queen. In essence, it's too late for that. But the law does enable her to terminate her pregnancy. And I'm all for it.

So why aren't people who killed in self defense in prisons?


>Two words: mandatory abstinence.

that's worked SO well for catholic priests hasnt it?

In other words, the Constitution and other such documents that protect natural rights are inconveniences to a pragmatic end and should be undermined wherever possible?

Because prisons are a legal institution and not a natural one.

Christ you are a moron. Stop talking.

Seriously this post betrays a bovine intellect. Fuck your Google search. Use your brain.

>Hurr durr I cannot make a counterpoint
>I think I'll call him a moron and declare it a win

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That doesnt answer the question

All babies that are going to be aborted shouldn’t be. Instead have them, then leave them on the doorsteps of Republicans because they’ll take care of them. Prolife.

>In other words, the Constitution and other such documents that protect natural rights are inconveniences to a pragmatic end and should be undermined wherever possible?
Straw man argument.
I just said, quite clearly, that our republic protects the life of the "welfare queen". We have legal precedent. It does not protect a fetus. Abortion is legal and should remain so. That is precedent and our republic allows for it. Personally, I encourage it. Emphatically.

No point. It's clear you are a nauseating child. Your hot take is nothing but edgy bullshit. You'll understand when you grow the fuck up.

Who cares? Abortion supporters clearly don't.

Nobody support abortion you literal retard.
What they support is women's right to her bodies and choice.

OP lacks the skills to defend his point.
It's not going well for him.

Also a fucking idiotic take. I mean, you are right, but what gets me is that you think that THAT trumps the right of an entire life... 9 months of discomfort for a woman. And don't give me that "what about rape incest or women dying during childbirth" shit. It's a non-starter. Lamest way to kill the actual discussion. "What about severe edge cases?!? *tips fedora*"

Because people who don’t abort will have their children in the system which Republicans always cry about “mug handouts”. Abort before they strain system more makes sense. It’s not like pro fucking lifers are going to open their doors to these babies and save them from their raped, druggie, or incestual mothers.

>entire life
>9 moths of discomfort
What the actual fuck are you talking about? What does that have to do with abortion prior to 24 weeks?

Ok satan, thanks for letting me know that women should have the right to kill their growing childern when they feel its convenient.

>I'll have Appeal to Emotion Fallacy for $200, Alex.

This is still a problem idiots like you with your stupid leftist bullshit opinions started in the first place. The welfare system creates the actual parasites, bit yes let's talk about our own young as "parasites" because fuck everything amirite guys? Let's all go be edgy teenagers and suck each other off thinking we've really given this topic the ol' thinkthrough. Nihilism is worth it for women to not have to take responsibility for their own actions. Literally the only example of this behaviour, btw.

Potential, numbnuts. That child could have been anything but was aborted because the woman didn't want to carry to term. Don't talk to me about "it's not a life yet" when currently the pro-choice argument is about Third-trimester abortions.

So? Until that baby has been pushed out naturally or had a C-Section its not alive. Idgaf whether it has a heartbeat if you took it out and left it to fend for itself it'd be dead. some people aint cut out to be parents, We've an overpopulation problem... Why does what someone wants to do with their life matter to you? its another mouth to feed, its money to pay out for life, Its something you have to care for... Who the fuck has time for that?

>entire life
Bacteria and parasites r an entire life too.
Yes - womans right to bodily autonomy and consent trumps fetuss lack of right to use somebody elses organs without consent

Its cheat you have no counterpoint and are simply angered by the truth

>our own young
They're not my young.
I take care of my kids.
Society wants more of me.
(White. High earner. Pro-education.)
The fetuses being aborted are likely not to fall into that category. Allowing them to be aborted is a net positive for society.

So stop choking your bishop.

Are you fucking kidding me? The pro-choice argument is ALSO an appeal to emotion.

I used to care. But I don't anymore. Humans are garbage. I pray to the flying spaghetti monster daily that we get wiped out by a moon sized asteroid.


Says the guy who says with a straight face that only humans have periods and only humans hesitate in the womb in this way. I mean, I shouldn't have to be the one to teach you the birds and the bees like your absentee and/or otherwise-shitty parents should have

No prob. Just if someone has had a 3rd trimester abortion I consider them evil and not wirth my attention. Find a girl who is not brainwashed into killing babies. Fetuses aren't always babies, but fetuses that developed definitely are.

Muh women
Muh handmaid's tale
Muh "makes society better"

Fuck if you are the guy saying human fetuses are parasites even that is nothing but an appeal to emotion. Ironic since it's the blatherings of a pure autist, I know.

>Fetuses aren't always babies

Um, k. Let's just say things out loud. That makes them true.


Even the pro choice crowd isn't advocating for 3rd trimester abortions except in the rarest of cases.

So calm the fuck down.

So you want niglets running around loose going bam bam bam?

At the 6th week most women don't even realize they're pregnant. And at that point it's way too early to tell if there are issues with the pregnancy that may prompt an abortion.

A 6 week ban is essentially making it illegal. Stop pretending you support a woman's choice and then prevent them from making an informed choice

Another appeal to emotion. How about we focus our efforts on the CAUSE and not the SYMPTOM. Cure the disease instead of normalizing, legalizing and exalting being sick. Oh that's right, leftists don't do that.

Bullshit they aren't. Colorado.

Your response has nothing to do with a 6 week conversation. Stay on track.

Not saying there's not folks who would. I'm saying that 6 weeks is way too early to draw that line.

No girl is brainwashed into killing babies. Fetuses r never babies.
>autist redefines terms to appeal to emotions

Not an appeal to emotion. I was responding to your retarded comment about making society better.
And you actually want to talk about cause? How about Republicans not fucking want condoms and sex education to be a part of the package? How about the fucking Catholic Church condemning condoms?

How about take sex seriously and stop separating the act from the result to such a degree? How about be fucking responsible and take ownership for your actions once on your life? How about stop promoting a culture that breeds the exact opposite?

Every leftist argument is an appeal to emotion.

No, open borders are not a net-positive for any nation. Fuck that lets shut the conversation down and call everyone a racist.

Yes, ghetto black culture is a serious problem and should be addressed. Fuck that lets call everyone a racist and adopt a youth culture from black twitter.

Yes, people should have the right to defend themselves. No fuck that what if you hurt someone theres a human cost there too.

Our species has only ever operated on a two gender binary (albeit sliding scale). No fuck that anyone can be anything they want to be as long as they FEEL they are, except if they feel black.

The list goes on and on. I'm not necessarily saying you believe in any of all of these, but you need to realize the entire argument is borne out of appeals to emotions ONLY. Won't somebody please think of the children?


Consent to sex isnt consent to pregnancy

By choosing the action, you are choosing the consequences.


Exactly. Because we've turned everyone into fucking children. It's literally the cause of pregnancy and yet we act so shocked when it happens, and then rally around the poor woman as though something had been done to her, the poor thing.

This is why I say, take sex seriously. Yes it's fun but there IS a reason why abortion numbers are through the roof these days. People like to talk about the cost hanger era as if that was really all that widespread but it's NOTHING compared to the everyday reality of today. And don't kid yourself if you think planned parenthood isn't only in it for the money. It's the biggest-ticket item they offer which is why they push for it a lot of the time.

If you are the one who is talking about little niglets running around, how about we actually address how the black family fell apart only AFTER the civil rights era? And that single-motherhood rates in that community are over 80%? But yes let's only discuss how to flush their babies out of our minds.

Or they r up, cuz official statistics r drawn from legitimate clinics? U think if they cant get a legal abortion, they dont get 1 at all? Abolish alimony and child support and watch abortion rates go up.
Whatever u said wasnt an argument against abortion or consent.

3rd trimester abortion is food

Fuck off. You are a mong. You fail to grasp simple concepts.

No,u r just wrong

Mm hmm. Again, says they guy that only humans get periods and that fetuses are literally parasites. I'm sure your logic isn't compromised at all.

>"an organism that lives in or on an organism of another species (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the other's expense."
> in or on an organism of another species (its host)
>an organism of another species
>another species

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Right? This argument is only ever made by total fucking morons. It's unbelievable.

even a fuckin' "PLAN B" is actually murder, because you're killing a living human who just didn't yet exit the womb.

Three weeks after impregnating, his/her heart is 100% complete and starts beating (and yes, it may fail more than 100 years later).

Abortion is murder, and that's why savage people (like libtards and feminazis) just push it.
Abortion is also a large industry and noone of those murders wants to stop the money flow.

Also, if you're reading this, it's because your mom declined to abort (murder) you, no matter how she got pregnant.

>fun fact: sex produces babies, didn't you know?

Exactly. What does this idiot not understand. Hey guy, are you going to be a foster parent? If not then stfu.

I didnt say that, nigger

Its still not murder

Ohhh...You’re going to be adopting since you want them. That’s actually righteous pro life champion stuff. Glad people like you are opening your home doors

I'll say it again:
This whole thing is only dealing with the symptom and it is not a fucking solution in any way shape or form. I'd be fine if the pro-choice stance was officially "what, do you want a bunch of niglets running around?" But it isn't, is it? Instead it's a bunch of smug self-righteous pricks who care more about getting their idiot talking points out for social brownie points than to actually take a hard look at their own life and actions. You can mock Republicans all you want to, but abstinence IS the best form of contraception. Literally. If you choose to stray from that, then you do so knowing full well the implications thereof. Maybe instead you should explain why we should make such drastic changes to our society to cater to lowest common denominators?

Fuck no. Abortion at any time is best.

Great fucking point. Well done. 10/10. A human life should be based on how many people want it. I'm sure your way is the best way.

Why is it everytime women win a "victory" it's always about murdering their kids?


Yea so many couples want babies thats why theres hundreds of thousands of them up for adoption right now.

Fucking retard.

I stand on neither side of this argument.

Abortion is largely a symptom of the failed state of marriage and relationships in our "modern" world. You can't fix anything until you start there.

Otherwise, people have been killing children, even their own, since time began. It's actually fairly standard behavior if you look at it. Eskimos used to leave unwanted children out in the cold to freeze if they believed there wouldn't be enough food to feed it. Ancient hebrews and pagans used to sacrafice their firstborn and build the corpse into the walls of their homes.

But one thing I will never bend on is this "fetus" bullshit. You want to kill your child? Be my guest. But don't stoop to dehumanizing a child just because it makes you feel better about murdering it.

But like he doesn t even remember stuff so i guess it's ok to kill it


Fetuses can't think or feel. Some lives are best not lived.

>Otherwise, people have been killing children, even their own, since time began. It's actually fairly standard behavior if you look at it.
I mean there's a lot of shit we used to do as a human race that we no longer consider acceptable. Easy Ex. would be slavery.
I agree that abortion is just a symptom of failed marriages and relationships in our modern world. To me, abortion is an immoral fix for irresponsible people. If you choose to have sex, you should have to live with the consequences of your actions. Unless you were raped, then that's not your fault.

It seems logical but has an obvious drawback: women bear the brunt of the responsibility. 9 months pregnant, and commonly with no guarantee that the father will stick around and do his duty.

Honestly, that's what marriage was all about. It provided stability and structure that nurtured good family life. Without a strong marriage culture, you end up with disenfranchised women who cannot safely raise families.

What kills me is that feminists call marriage an abusive patriarchal construct, when really it was designed to empower women.

Third trimester abortions don't happen unless extreme conditions such as the mother being in danger of dying.

And it doesn't even matter because consent to pregnancy doesn't necessitate consent to birthing. Bodily autonomy will always win.

I wish I could force you to give birth and do it as many times as I see fit.

>women bear the brunt of the responsibility. 9 months pregnant, and commonly with no guarantee that the father will stick around and do his duty.
Hence why they need to be more responsible when choosing to have sex. I get it that people have sex drives but it's imperative for woman to be chaste until they're ready for a kid. Otherwise, we're going to screw over the kid's life before it even starts. And ending it before he/she gets a chance to experience life at all is even more cruel imo.
Easier said than done I guess. We're probably past the point of no return when it comes to the responsibility of woman being the gatekeepers for sex.

3rd trimester abortion is generally forbidden in most countries. Go ahead and eat a flying bullet, OP

Your breath is murder.

>No compromising with Dems.
That's the most retarded reason to not accept anything. This fact alone makes you a humongous dicks sucking faggot. No really, you're worse than the niggers.

No baby ever expressed consent to get aborted.

That's true - abortion and the failed state of marriage and relationships are actually related.
That doesn't anyway change the question: you're murdering an unborn baby.

Toddlers can't think. Also, their 'feels' have to be translated by mommy ("is my baby crying for some good reason?").

>Unless you were raped,
The baby was never the aggressor. The rapist is.
You shouldn't sentence to death an innocent baby.

>9 months pregnant
OMG, didn't they know that having sex may start a pregnancy?
Also, the ratio "raped / non raped" is very low. Murdering unborn babies can't be justified on the grounds that "muh rape muh rapist muh mansplaining muh empowerment".

Thats not murder
And the mother didnt express consent to be pregnant

Unless of course the birth of the child would result in the death of the mother.

Eating green pineapples = abortion.

The world has too many people already. Humans mass murder animals by the millions daily. The world is an ugly place, get over it.

Once you get too the third trimester its either a viable human being or it isnt. Abortion at that point is irrelevant.
A late term abortion is basically killing the baby and then forcing a birth. So the baby is stillborn instead of coming out alive. Thats murder just give birth to the kid and give it up for adoption right there.

I think late term abortion is for stuck up white bitches that cant bear the thought of giving birth to a tard.

Or she may have but has revoked consent and does not want to continue the pregnancy.

These monsters are literally trying to force people to be birthing slaves.

Slaves to their own bodies.

stop living

SPeaking of tards, I personally think if we know that a baby is coming into the world retarded they should be put down.

>revoked consent

They're humans not dogs edgy faglord.

>"no u"

First, ensure noone will murder unborn babies.
Then, ensure every rapist gets destroyed more than actual feminazis dream.

But this will surely trigger who planned the goyim self-destruction by the means of porn, divorce, homosexuality, abortion, drugs, contraception, gender ideology, etc.

Yes, she couldve revoked it Yes - u can withdraw consent, if the action is ongoing, but not after its over

Oh I never said they weren't human. But they are a huge burden on the parents and society at large. It's very sad, but in the natural world crippled/retarded creatures are meant to die. At what point did we humans decide that we aren't part of the natural world?

If I have kids, I want fully functional kids.

Theres no such thing as "unborn babies", so thats done
I dont have to - i can let women have bodily autonomy and its not only about rape

Scramble that egg

Because killing a human is a crime retard


Why do so many people think that every Democrat or every Republican hold the exact same values and can't possibly be reasoned with because their views differ from yours? This political 'otherness' is part of the problem. I tend to the left, but I don't agree with a lot of democratic views on immigration and gun control. I would vote for a Republican easily if they had a good platform and addressed the issues I most care about, and I think that's how most people should approach politics instead of this mindless party loyalty.

I think there's merit to it

How many people are having third trimester abortions because they changed their mind?

I'm the same as you, I'm a conservative mostly, but even I don't really care that much about abortion.

To me forcing all these children to be born into destroyed homes with mothers who don't want them and fathers who are absent is cruelty. I would also prefer abstinence as a better course, but I know I'm never going to get that.

we're the lucky ones
we're alive

Letting babies live is murder since they'll cause more deaths via the butterfly effect than if they just die now.

since you weren't murdered (aborted), you don't have the right to ask for abortion

What a doctors do with aborted childs?

Its still not murder

Yeah, it's a good job no one can get one unless they will die themselves or the baby will be stillborn.

I don't know why peoole complain about this.

Wait for it. It'll happen. One of the things I've learned as I've gotten older is that basically all of the "slippery slope" arguments come true. Look at Colorado.

who gives a fuck?

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Christ, stop watching Handmaid's Tale

Clearly the law disagrees with that.

Broken families lead to those kids statistically falling into crime which is cruel to the family, kid, and the victims of crimes. Your ilk has been beating "ur gotta be responsible!" drum for hundreds of years. Turns out not everyone is going to become responsible even with a kid involved so society ends up paying out the nose for a kid that wasn't wanted. Irresponsible people are going to fuck and have kids on accident and it's not going to stop. Proper family planning and handing out contraceptives can reduce abortions anymore then beating your Bible and sticking your nose in Americans bedrooms ever will.

Sex causes pregnancy. It's just not 100% foolproof so you don't get pregnant literally every time you have sex.

That doesn't change the fact that sex may lead to pregnancy and you don't get to act like the fucking victim if it happens. You made the choice to play that particular game of Russian roulette. Again, take responsibility for your own goddamn actions.

I'm libertarian and generally supported abortion years ago because I saw it as something that didn't get used much and only under in circumstances where it posed a risk. Like it could hurt the mother, or the kid would be a severe retard. Rape and incest...that sort of shit.

Then the left kept pushing...and pushing....and pushing...yeah I'm starting to side with the right and religious people now. Hell I'm all for those circumstances I just listed still...but it's clear there's a huge amount of payout there that use abortion for convenience. Oh you're poor and cant provide for the kid? Too fucking bad. You make that argument then it's a short jump to taking out undesirables.

The law... Fuck you. As if the law was the arbiter of morality. Btw Roe v Wade was not a constitutional decision and it, as have the other unconstitutional Supreme Court rulings, have had a fucked up effect on people's mindsets. SCOTUS does the exist for you to ram through your stupid ideologies.

Not to mention it was majority Republican at the time.

Additionally, if abortion was ACTUALLY put to a vote it's lose. A slight majority of women are pro-life and you'd definitely have enough men to tip that scale. Why the fuck do you think everyone was so terrified of Kavanaugh repealing Roe v. Wade? It wouldn't have made it illegal, rather kicked it to the individual states to decide by vote.


Consent to sex isnt consent to pregnancy

The only way 3T abortion is permitted in NY is if the mother's life is at risk or the fetus is not viable outside the womb.
There are a lot of genetic disorders that would fit the last part.

ANY abortion is murder.

Attached: rage.webm (960x540, 1.31M)

So basically what's going to happen is abortion is kicked off to the states. Some have it, some don't. Poor people the ones who really shouldn't be having kids as they can't afford it are given another hurdle to jump. Those states who are most opposed to it tend to also do the least in educating about safe sex and in providing for poor families so the cycle of poverty and the inevitable crime continues. More nigger and trailer trash babies with shit parents means more you and I are taxed to help them or are thrown to foster care which we pay for fully to rot (you know the actually living breathing children that are forgotten by pro birthers.)

All this to stick it to the libs and women. I don't like abortion either but it can be greatly reduced with education and free contraceptives which is way cheaper and leads to much better outcomes than broken families having more kids they can afford.

That's literally my point. That's a fucking idiotic way to look at it.

>Consent to snake charming is not consent to snakebites

You really do think you've got the smoking gun here, don't you? It's a failed argument. Who's fault IS it then? Honestly, answer that. Who's fault? Does it just happen? Do you think kids are delivered by storks?

"Consent" is such a bullshit modern term that is glorified WAY too much. How about just face reality directly instead of hiding behind shit like this?

This guy gets English.

You assume all risks inherent with the act and all consequences thereof.

Yes because God forbid laws get decided by the will of the people through a vote. Glad to see you trust the moral authority of your government 100%. Let's just anoint the Democrats as the new Monarchy and just do what they say from now on. You clearly want to switch your brain off and have others do your thinking for you anyways, just complete the process.

Tut tut mother fucker if you want everything to be decided by popular vote then your scenario wouldn't be coming close to fruition due to Trump losing the popular vote.

Quit pretending you and your ilk care about the sanctity of life because the vast majority of you are nothing more than pro-birthers. Because as soon as the kid is born under the same breath you're bitching about your taxes going to support them and their families.

This. The only babies being aborted at this phase were wanted by the mothers.

Its not about fault
Yes, consent to snake charming isnt consent to snake bite - thats why weve got medicine. Consentung to snake bite would be to not treat it.
Idiotic way to look at things is your life. We, reasonable and rational ppl understand consent

I didn't say popular vote did I? You are getting into the vagaries of the electoral college which is an entirely different conversation. My point is you all act like abortion IS the will of the people and it is not. God forbid there be some states that have it and some that don't. Clearly we cannot all live together side by side anymore anyways. Fucking move.

Besides while what you are saying is true about the areas that are the most pro-life are usually the least educated, however you need to understand that the VAST majority of that shit in red states is coming from blue cities, i.e. ghettoes. These are caused by other failed policies. And failed policy after failed policy after failed policy because we do not EVER want to talk about the source of any problem. We just keep bloating the victim class to the point where it becomes totally unsustainable.

Also, people who are pro-life tend to also preach a sexually-reserved lifestyle. This is considered laughable in modern society, but you need to ask yourself why. It's because we're all just fucking children only doing as we see fit and never once looking into the future.

That doesn't negate consent to your body being used, retard.

The utter virginity of 4chinz on full display:
>OP believes there are women who would abort healthy fetuses after carrying them for 30+ weeks
You fagots do not understand that carrying a pregnancy isn't comfortable, it doesn't feel good, and the only reason to end it on purpose without birth after such a long time is that something is very very wrong with the fetus, to the point that it is tantamount to delivering a corpse.

Omfg no. Just no. You consented to the possibility of a snakebite by willingly getting close to a snake. Absolutely no victim here. And yes it does ultimately come down to fault. If you understood the concept of personal responsibility (that is to say, the opposite of trying to fob YOUR responsibility off onto the state/society) it does eventually come down to where the buck stops. And guess what, the buck stops at having a male ejaculate into your vagina. Who is the fucking victim here? Literally the ONLY victim is the life that does not get to happen as a result of your childish approach to life.

Also abortion isn't "treatment", and saying so is disgusting.

So whut

No, u didnt consent.
Its about consent, not forcing ppl to undergo every possible outcome of the action. If u let me into your house, u can withdraw consent, instead of now being forced to host me until i decide to leave

Except for it was at 13,000 annually up to 2008... So you are wrong

Did you just imply that a black man being in your vicinity and 'looking threatening' is in some way a justified killing, or did you say:
>If you murder you'll be charged with murder
No Sher shitlock.

Your right to defend yourself from anything threatening your life IS absolute. LOOKING a bit scary according to YOUR OPINION does not constitute a threat to your life.

It's not about goddamn consent. You accept the risks when you undertake the action. You accept you may die when you go to war, but you don't see people running around screaming that there was no consent to die. Because it's a non-starter and a pointless argument.


The whole crux if your argument is wishing how things should be instead of understanding how they are. Well we don't live in a land of wishes coming true. The fact is left or right people are going to keep fucking. Telling people they should wait is marginally effective at best and pointless at worst. You want to reduce abortion? Teach sex ed, give out contraceptives, and then tell them to wait. Because those that don't listen are at least now prepared and ready able to avoid a pregnancy all together. Making people have kids they don't want doesn't make them responsible people. That's another wishing for this instead of understanding the realities of how things actually are.

Contraceptives and abortion (which I agree should ideally be kept to a minimum through what was explained above) and family planning let people have kids when they are ready and able. Throwing young adults into the crucible of child rearing to teach them a lesson is pretty vindictive to them, the kids, and society that have to suffer through it when it doesn't go well. Family planning is the economical, moral, and healthy way to go about it. No amount of wishing this or that about how things should be is going to stop abortion ever.

And second and first

You are correct in that you cannot change the meaning of a word. That includes by posting it on an image board and inventing a new meaning for it yourself. For example
>Murder: To kill someone
This is not the meaning of murder. Literally EVERY dictionary specifies that murder is UNLAWFUL killing. There is no such thing as a legal murder.

Its about consent and thats what u cant understand, retard

This is correct

Pregnancy is murder.


>Making people have kids they don't want doesn't make them responsible people. That's another wishing for this instead of understanding the realities of how things actually are.
Lmao, dude, the right doesn't base anything out of reality.
They literally choose what they feel is better, not what is factually better.
Your argument is going to fall on deaf ears my man.

honestly who gives a fuck even if it is murder. we have a shit ton of mediocre never ganna do jackshit why shit out more. everyone thinks having a child is so special and must be done. who gives a fuck about a dead baby

Being this blind


Nothing that's dead remember.

>Comparing carcinogens to ripping a tiny human apart
Kys fucking bismuth incarnate

No. It is unborn, therefore it doesn't have rights

Don't pretent you care about killing, killing people, or crime. Answer the question.

If the word "consent" was a dildo I imagine you'd massage your prostate with it daily.

There's way more health, economic, and emotional suffering going on caused by the effects of those carcinogens than abortion has ever had or ever will.

Attached: where is your god now.jpg (225x225, 9K)

I know, I don't know how they do it.

>the right
That's a funny way to spell "The Left".


Attached: your time is running out human shit.jpg (525x700, 105K)


Attached: Gods creation.gif (498x290, 490K)

Who fucking cares. If you dont want a child just kill it. You can always make more. People die everyday.

Forced abortions should be a thing.
You should need a permit to have a kid.
You need a permit to drive.
A permit to hunt.
A permit to build.
A permit to fucking fish.
People are too fucking stupid to be allowed to have children without proving they can handle it.

Not an argument

Nobody who matters cares, OP



Finally someone who gets it

"The Government should tell us what we should and should not do all the way down to a micro level"

I will never understand why people constantly turn to their government for anything at all beyond the barest essentials

Should fuck

It's genocide. That's what it should be called.

Attached: IMG_20180623_103141.jpg (480x454, 37K)

Biggest lie...it's my body, it's my choice

It's not your body, if it were your body, then the child would have the same DNA--the same way your fingernail has the same DNA as your intestine. The child does have the same DNA, it is not your body.

I wasn't aware that one child was an entire group. Thanks for redefining individual killings as genocide, Satan. Nice trips.
Today's news:
Almost 20,000 genocides per year in the US!

Her uterus is her body, u dense motherfucking pleb

>The government wouldn't tell us what we can and can't do.
>Except abortion. They should tell us we can't do that.

No, it's because the body doesn't really show biological symptoms of pregnancy until the 7th-8th week.
So in order to have an abortion at 6 weeks or less, you literally need to go visit a doctor every 5 weeks just to ask if you might happen to be pregnant.