You can take over someone's body for one day
Who would it be?
You can take over someone's body for one day
Random person unrelated to me in my town, and have to going around killing the people I hate.
that woman
i would grope and finer myself all day and then i could masturbate with the memories for the rest of my life
You can just grope and finger a girl while youre a man
i dont want to go in jail
Even if you get arrested, you'd be back into your own body by the end of the day and way before any jail time.
Probably a buff dude like that one, he seems to have pussy within reach
how would you feel if somebody would steal your body and then you get arrested for rape?
this is the problem with the world, nobody cares about anyone else
Scarlett Johansson. Id be a total whore.
the guy from Jessica Jones (the only worthwhile Marvel series to watch imo)
I want to be you so you end up going to prison at the end of the day for being a fucking faggot
So you want dick inside of you? Nothing is stopping that right now faggot.
better yet, go as somebody you really hate, go on a spree, then let them deal with the consequences after it ends
Of course. Yes i realise that. Nothing stops me from doing that. It wouldnt just be nice to be a hot girl taking dick for a day. Saying that i might get bored after an hour
> Takes over woman and basically self rapes her
> Takes over man to rape someone
this is what's wrong with the world
Nobody who gets a power like stealing someone else's body is going to do good. Nobody. Not even the best person on fucking earth. Fuck outta here with this "why do you not care about other people" bullshit. That other people you "should" care about are gonna do the same shitty shit to you if they are able.
Fucking desperate beta cucks trying to be a chick for one day
>I would be Jeff Besos
>Transfer one billion dollars to my account
>When I change back now I'm rich
>Literally be swimming in pussy
Any other answer is retarded
I would just stay home and play with myself all day. See how many things I can shove in my vagina and ass.
You'd still be an unlikable gimp but you would have some money
groping and fingering myself while i am a girl called masturbating which does no harm
this mentality is the root of this corruption
"nobody likes me, i wont like nobody"
you are exactly whats wrong with the world
and this fact that i wrote it down makes you feel even worse about everything and you'll just hate everyone else even more
the infinite flow of hatred
Angela White, so I could titfuck as many dicks as possible and not feel guilty about taking a tart yet savory blast of little swimmers in my mouth
which is enough to live like a king
you already can shove stuff up your ass
this, and then rape and film some bitches that need a good raping.
I would go into someone I really hate and ruin their life forever.
Do I also get access to their knowledge/memories?
Because I'd just jump into some wealthy douche's body, have him transfer all his private funds to me, and then walk his ass off a skyscraper or something.
A lonely pussyless "king" of nothing
That comes from learning how most people behave. I was part of that minority you call good people and people appreciated me for that, until it wasn't necessary. This went on for 14 fucking years. I am completely done, and alone because pretty much next to no fucking body is truly nice. There's a point at which you become nothing but a tool and a rag. When it came to me, I had my own problems and I had a moment of real weakness, where that help I gave would have been good, nobody I knew even bothered. I had to push myself out and I learned that the shitty way.
It takes all of two seconds to acknowledge that someone has been there for you. If you can't even do that, why bother? The only good thing about this? I owe nothing to nobody. Nothing. Not even a thanks. Try to be the person that you think it's so great to be, learn the hard way like I did. And yes I will say with all the pride in the world, I was a god damned good person.
Are you hitting on me?
Someone who doesn't skip leg days
I don't think you understand how money, girls, and friends work.
>Scenario 1: woman wakes up the next day in her own bed, maybe a bit sexually satisfied, but not much more than that.
>Scenario 2: man wakes up in jail, has to be there for a few years, condemned by his family and friends, seen as a sexual predator. For a crime he didn't do
Pretty big difference
Pretty prestigious tittles tbh
Naw. They might enjoy it or be renowned for it. Death without passion.
Some billionare. Then I would spend the entire day transfering as much money to my bank account as possible. I would also take every opportunity to tell strangers how it was God in a dream who convinced me to do it, make them sure I've gone mad.
Honestly if you got grindr now you'd have 5 guys hitting you up in minutes.
Hmmmm...who think was him...?!
vladimir putin's.
i'd spend ten minutes or so looking up how to say "launch nuclear strike on Pakistan and Palestine immediately" in Russian, then i'd pick up the phone and have some fun.
>You can just grope and finger a girl while youre a man
yes, but you can't experience multiple orgasms the way she can.
i want three dicks inside me.
I would become her and send me nudes and texts saying "I love you"
cmon guys, really?
watching others suffer gives you joy?
no wonder we're at the edge of the third world war
whats wrong with you people?