what do you do when you get lonely Yea Forums?
What do you do when you get lonely Yea Forums?
Talk to my friends or girlfriend, hell even my parents.
If you are feeling lonely and you do not have friends ( or parents for some reason ).
You might wanna try and go out some more, you in college? Go out whenever you can, even just chilling with friends.
I myself always invite class mates that are a little more lonely to go to the shop with me in the break.
I try and help out people that are "beta" because I was there, and it's hard. One time this guy was out with me
and I helped him with a girl and he had to leave me to go to her, never been prouder.
I think you are gay.
I usually just be a my dick. I don't smoke or drink, so I'm not a person who would rely on any of that to reduce the feeling(s) of depression / sadness. Literally just beat your cock no matter what.
I give you 2 more years TOPS untill you commit die
Open Yea Forums
Listen to music usually or try to write something
>what do you do when you get lonely?
Share my feeling with liberal faggots on line.
Abuse my power over the less powerful.
somebody has daddy issues.
Did your dad beat you? That's why you feel that way?
What does moot mean? I see people mention it sometimes
>Did your dad beat you?
No, I'm a sedistic Demacrat.
Google mother fucker, do you use it!?
Same here, thank you good sir. Keep on doing what you are doing. You are making the world a little bit better.
Oh you!
nothing, that's probably why i'm still lonely
Join a civic hate group like the VFW
Daydream about having daughters
It is really difficult.
On the one hand I mostly enjoy things in my free time which I can do alone or other people arent interested in.
I have trouble finding people in my age group who I enjoy to hang out with. Most of the people I know either are in university in a far away city or work and have no time.
The small contact I have to other people is when I go out and party, even though it is just superficial and only for the moment of the night.
At the end I sit here again, alone. No real friends, nobody to talk to in person.
Often I feel like I'm emotionally drowning.
I can only recommend to find an activity which you can enjoy and other people in your age group enjoy aswell.
Sports, Games or some other kind of activity.
I do some community service I help out at an animal shelter. Walking doggos and patting kittens feels good mang. Plus most of the other volunteers are chicks so I get to work on my autism.
actually talk to someone. my friends, girlfriend, family, hang out with them or play some games. actually put yourself out there and you'll never again feel lonely, op.
must be nice to be able to talk to someone like that hahaaa
fuckin same. im not fully retarded i can go out and party but what the fuck its hard to make real friends
Girlfriend ASMR
Hmmmm...who think was him...?!