This guy went missing 2 days after making this post

This guy went missing 2 days after making this post

Here is the news link to his report:

Anyhow, my friend and I believe that he went missing on purpose possibly to chase down the girl from said Fortnite concert, You may say that this was a joke post but he deleted it by the next morning, really just seems kind of suspicious to me, on top of that he is a pretty muscular guy so I think it’s pretty unlikely that he went missing against his own will unless he got hit by a car and they hid the body or something, we think it would be really amusing if he was exposed for going missing on purpose to chase down some internet gf and making all of his family and friends freak out about him in the meantime, For reference, he has Aspergers and he’s generally considered to be somewhat of a weird guy in general so it’s not at all surprising that he might try something like this if he met a girl online or at a concert or whatever the hell it was.
So for anyone who has the time to pursue this issue, I will let you know that his Parents are offering a $1000 reward for whoever is responsible for finding him so theres that in it for you as well.

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I just looked at his Facebook profile and he seems like a genuinely good person. I hope he's alright.

Thinking the fortnite thing was a joke

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it's just kind of weird that he deleted it, if it was a joke.

Didn't realize he deleted it.

It's strange, but also kind of hard to think he wouldn't take his car or his wallet with him.

one less nigger tbh

He likely offed himself and is laying at the bottom of a creek or some shit, if he was in fact mentally unstable

What’s fortnite

he probably left his car behind because it would be a lot easier to track him if he had brought it with him. as for his phone, it's possible that he left it behind because it was a smartphone, obviously smart phone apps these days have numerous tracking applications, could have possibly compromised this whole facade. as for the wallet, we're not really sure.

That's what I was thinking. Definitely seems like a suicide.

What I'm saying is why would he not want to be tracked if he was truly going to find this girl? It would be so much less alarming if he just said he was going on a trip somewhere.

Might've caught a bad batch of something and overdosed

If he's been missing this long and wasn't kidnapped, then most likely this is the case. Did this guy have access to a gun? Then again, it is also likely no one is really trying to even find him in the first place. Guy missing in her 20s that isn't an imminent danger to the public isn't exactly top priority for the police.

video game that kids and autists play

Hit the nail on the head. Honestly looking through it all is kind of heartbreaking. Really clear that a lot of people care about this kid.

>Gender Rd and Refugee Rd

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lol yeah i low-key noticed that but this thread seems genuine so I ignored it

The description also says black.
And that he has autism.
Has the US got to the point where a white dude gets called a black autist?


Dude's mixed and has Asperger's.

Idk seems like an accurate description

other friend related to this post here, heres a screenshot of what we think is the account he may be using to spy on what people are saying while he is missing, it was created the same day he was declared missing

Attached: mutuals.png (914x851, 586K)

give me a moment im trying to think


Attached: hmmmmm.png (271x325, 64K)

>Mixed "Black"
>Is whiter than most full blood Anglos
Yep, race really is meaningless nowadays

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OP here, this is my friend.

Attached: 18301250_10155255698028498_4478967105589171817_n.jpg (228x222, 8K)

>seems like a genuinely good person
>is named rayvon
>plays fortnite
Fuck off faggot

If your definition of race is literal skin tone then you are retarded.

It's genetics but skin tone is related to ancestry. The guy might have like a few percent black ancestry but would have to be mostly from other pools

Skin tone has some merit but even I can tell that this person is mixed just by the facial structure alone. Though she you combine that and the skin tone and facial hair you get some results. Also I don't know what you are looking at but he looks darker than most British people I've known or seen.

>Skin tone has some merit but even I can tell that this person is mixed just by the facial structure alone.
Not really enough to be called "Black" tho.

>I don't know what you are looking at but he looks darker than most British people I've known or seen.
Sydney beach suburbs...