Fuck I need help

Fuck I need help

I really really liked her. We met maybe 7-8 times and would have sex everytime. She even told her parents about me but last time I felt a change in energy.

How do I end this? Should I write what I really feel? That I liked her a lot and truly had a good time with her etc

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Is this a good last message?

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idk man, don't seem to desperate. Go along the lines of "i just don't think i could do that because I fell something more with you" and blah blah. Dont get pissed and ruin any future chance with her

if i was you i would take out the behavior part, seems a little to backhanded and might turn her off from changing her mind

Just leave her on read and move on. If she wants something then she'll message you eventually.

Just don’t respond and block number

also add a part where you say that you will always be there if she changes her mind

Don’t say anything back. Silence drives women insane.

Don’t do that!!! Fucking ultimate friend zone

Nicee one...Elon.

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Not if they don’t care about the person, which she obviously does not

>fuck everytime
>only want to be friends

wtf women

See if she has any dating app and msg her there with fake account

Good god. Quit making it complicated.

“I’m interested in a relationship with you. If that isn’t what you want then let’s go our separate ways now.”

She’s not changing her mind, you cringey desperado.

Leave her on read, OP.

No final message. Don’t say anything. Don’t m’lady tip your fedora. Fuck her dude. She’ll come around if you just don’t say anything stupid. Women lose their fucking minds for a week every month. Just let her be stupid for a while and she’ll change. They all do it.

She's probably fucking someone else now

kek send this garbage and get fucking blacklisted from pussy in a 100mile radius

‘One to remember’ is probably the cringiest thing you could say

Women are fucking insane. All of them. Don’t say anything back and she’ll lose her shit and then realize she cares and she’ll crawl back. Bunch of fucking losers itt.

OP if you want this woman you need to act like "a Man" Don't bother to send any message in response. Leave it days, weeks if necesary. if you've been fucking her her curiousity will eventually get the better of her and she'll message you asking whats up. Then you response that she sent her message clearly. Simply say that her offer of friendship was not enough for you. and that you wanted more.



Don't be nice, or friendly. Women don't respect nice or friendly. Just leave it at that and she will come back around,.

Treat women like trash, pay them little attention, act like a cocky male slob pig, the more they seemingly want to sleep with you. They are game playing silly weak children. Make them feel you wrapping your legs around their head and that you do not give a damn about their existence.

Or u can just ignore her shes gonna msg u back trust me

On to the next!!
Drives them fucking batty. It’s amazing.

"I enjoyed by time with you, and at this time I'm looking for more than a friend. Let me know if you'd like to give it another try."

OP here. This is what she wrote to me 30 minutes before meeting last time(which was 2 days ago).

During the date, half an hour in she started touching me and hugging me again so we ended up making out and I fingered her and played with her tits(we were on the beach at night). She also made out with me before we went seperate ways.

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What everyone here is missing is that it's makes no difference what you would've said here, or not said. She's obviously made up her mind she's not interested so the sooner you move on the better. Don't waste anymore time or effort thinking about her

Yup, don't waste anymore of your time on her. Delete her number too.

Reply "oh good because I was quite honestly wanting to stay friends and I was scared I'd hurt you feelings." Will mess with her head bad.

bitch told you she dont want you like a woman wants a man so gtfo and go find somebody else

drop that bitch like a bad lotto ticket white boy

She doesn’t want to give it a try. She’s just told him that. Fucking hell.

She doesn't want to date you. she found Chad and you were time to kill.

LOL. Not another word to this bitch. Block her number, move on to the next hole.

She will either disappear solving the problem or she will become a clinger that you can treat like shit and abuse all her holes. Problem also solved.

Learn to play the game. Ignore her completely do not text her back with that dad sounding message you were gonna send. Ignore her all together If she feels some type of way about it she will come back in a few days or weeks if not then no loss you move along.

yeah or she actually means what she's saying and he now has to deal with this girl trying to be his friend.

Shes playing you dude, i had EXACTLY the same thing happen to me, alls good, feelings start happening on your end and then suddenly she switches "energy".

i managed to talk her/ guilt her back into a sexual relationship but she clearly wasn't 100% comfortable like the other times. It just got real awkward, real quick, until final nail was me blurting out "i love you" by complete accident when she went to fetch me a beer from the fridge. I didn't even think about dropping the L bomb, i wasn't even sure i was in love, it just casually slipped out and was intended casually but from that point forward there was no return. Just heartbreak and misery dude, took me a year to get over her fully. Best to end it early, by the sounds of it you cant just be friend because you're attached, just rip the band-aid off my guy, it doesnt seem like the right choice now but you'll thank me later

The first part is really good about how you are looking for more than a friend. The part about giving another "try" makes you look like a doormat/desperate.

Couldn't have said any better. Let some time pass OP. While time passes workout be more of a dick with girls and show her what she missed out. You cant be a gentle soul with girls all the time. You gotta be rough sometimes

This guy knows ^^

leave her on read. i've been in your situation several times, it never works out. these bitches don't know what they want other than attention.

She either thinks ur a cuck and found someone she’s actually interested in or (less likely but possible) she’s a weird rape victim or something

like someone else said, leave her on read and fight every urge to reply

I've been manipulated like this before just move on now.... It actually really fucked me up I'm still dealing with issues from it.

And what exactly would this do for any good?

shes trying to get a reaction out of him, leaving her on read shows that he really doesnt care even if he really does

You find another girl that likes you for real and won't play games while this girl dies in a fire for all you care?

Honestly, what's wrong with having a friend?
Make it clear to her that "Friend," does not mean someone that takes you out to lunch/dinner, picks you up from school or whatever the fuck favor she needs.
Make it clear you want a gf(or FB or what have you), and are going to spend your money, energy, and time in pursuit of that.
friends are cool, I have several female ones that have endured for decades, some with benefits, some without.
But a friend is just that-a friend. NOT a bitch who will use you for dinner, or to talk to when her nigger boy knocks her up, or a ride to the abortion clinic.
the fact that she said "...friend, but only if you are," sort of indicates to me she is setting you up for that sort of servitude.
In your shoes, I would say "Sure, let's be friends, but I am off to find love. I will call you some time."
And don't call her.

How is this even a discussion without pics? Gtfo OP this is Yea Forums, learn the rules

No he can just be the one not replying.

Men need to play more games with women. It's all women have got.

Oh, see if I saw this reply I would not have written my other reply to you.
Write this bitch off, dude. Waste of time and energy.

Ehh.. leave the door open for her to change her mind. What do you have to lose?

Also, I bet 50 bucks she will have a nigger inside her within 3 months.

Self respect.
Turn your back on those who don't want you.
The world is filled with over 7 billion assholes. surely one of them is looking for you.

The only course of action here is to ghost her completely and not text her back at all. Any reply you send to her will be weakness. She's playing games with you, so refuse to play.

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How can you all be so sure she’s playing games? What if she means what she says?

This, op
That's just the way she goes. But if you do don't continue to be her friend and just ignore her. If you do be her friend you'll have no chance because then she'll have gotten everything she wants, and women can't stand being ignored. I had a girl I was genuinely in love with do this but she didn't have the balls to leave her current boyfriend despite the fact she obviously had feelings for me too. I told her I couldn't just be friends and before I knew it she was texting me three times a day and eventually left her boyfriend

Man I haven't been in a situation like this since I was 12. How old are you dude lmao.

If a girl doesn't want you as their boyfriend right away or if you don't fuck within the first three dates, you're not doing something right or you need to move on because they don't like you.

Ignore her and find somebody else to waste your time on, you'll find someone just as pretty if not prettier eventually and they'll probably be more interesting than this bitch. Hell, she'll probably message you by then too.

Why dont enjoy her? I mean, yo said you can fuck with her... Go on, keep the friendship dude.

This. Just be cool and whatever about it all like you have a catalogue of women you could be fingering instead of her

I agree on the leaving the door open part but you cant blatantly say it makes you a doormat. because she can have you anytime she wants.

Plus it is implied that he will take her back if she decides to settle. When you imply stuff it's not a 100% thing and with time she won't have the same confidence and this will add more value to OP personality


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Tell her the truth, you’re a homo

shes playing games in the sense shes leading him on then told him flat out shes not interested. girls do this shit all the time too.

Because op wants more. If he ddint care then go ahead and keep fucking her

If she's not interested then she's not interested. Don't waste your time being her emotional-tampon/wallet. You're feelings don't matter at all if she doesn't feel the same.
Say that you'd love to still be friends, then avoid her with extreme prejudice.

ignore her , she will come to you if she really wants to be with you. otherwise good message

L.p. Play9ng games. This is a repeAted thread so suspect OP Is a cat. Plenty of advice if true thougy

Listen OP,

God amongst men here. You need to let that bitch go. You got it off your chest what you wanted, she declined, now leave that bitch on read so you're not stringing yourself along like some lost puppy. Show her how quickly you move on from it, be with other women and let her know what she's missing. If she comes back after changing her mind, rearrange her guts and humiliate her until she gets attached then use and abuse that pussy until it's time to pass your hand me downs to some nigger trying to get a fix of nonjigaboo pussy

Shes a slut and if she does that to you she might with someone else. Just enjoy it as long as it goes on but dont get attached to that pussybor you will regret it. Women love to play games like these with guys. You only win if you dont play or take advantage of it.

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This is the most virgin fucking thing I've ever read in my life. Jesus Christ you cuck no wonder she's Bitch zoning you

Don't stick your dick in crazy...trust me, leave on read and move on. If you managed to get a girl (meanns you're not a fat sack of turd) and got a thing going on, that means you can find another chick who's not crazy and actually wants to be with you, without any drama. I spent 2 years with a girl that was just a mess, i got depressed and put on a LOT of weight, things got better after we broke up. Girls are not difficult to get and if you are at least trying to be the best version of yourself, then you'll do fine.

TLDR; Move on