ITT: What's the most psychotic/sociopath thing you've ever done?

ITT: What's the most psychotic/sociopath thing you've ever done?

No edgelord bullshit

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How much do clothes cost in the matrix?

Datamining thread

told a kid i'd trim his rune armour

then i ran

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Make a girl feel like it was her fault I cheated. Went on to make her feel that she had to find new girls for me if she still wanted me around. Gaslighting ftw

Pooped in a toilet

Mind fucked a girl into having sex with me then bailed on her the next day. She brought her mom around to give me shit about it cause it "traumatized" her and told her mom to fuck off and Id do it again. Pulled a gun out on them and escorted them off my lawn

Provided evidence to my roommates fiancé that he was cheating because she made weird noises when she kissed him

>N W O R D

Tried to fuck my dog

Convinced one of my exes to record and send me her mom naked. Among other things but that one was hella fucked up I regret it. Having said that I don’t because it’s still gold fap material lol

i envy you

how old was she/you?

coming back to this shit site.
datamined and sage.

that sounds fucking hot, how the hell did she manage it?

Should have had her steal her mom's panties to wear while you fucked her.

you gunna dump it or just tease us

Texted my landlord to get his PC password to make sure the Wi-Fi was ok and then snooped around and stole his wife's nudes stored in a hidden folder.

Told my little sister and her friend that if they didn't have a threesome with me then something bad was going to happen to our families and having sex with me was the only way to prevent it.

Nicee one...Elon.

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90s ruled

OP your a fag

so these nudes, you gonna share them or are you just talking shit

It started cuz she told me her and her mom and sis walked around topless like it was no biggie to them she like recorded her cat while her mom was getting changed or some shit.

Sorry man I’m not dumping it like I said it was fucked up I’m not about to share it on top of it being fucked up lol

Tried fucking my friend's girl last year, she seemed into me and I was a virgin so I shot my shot. I found out a few months ago that her and her boyfriend just wanted me to have a threesome with them. Also found out my friend was bi because I drunkenly let him blow me. We were trying to both fuck her so we sent her a snapchat of us touching each others junk. Now him and said girlfriend broke up and I want to talk to her again. Have no idea if i'm the cause or not. Last time I talked to the girl was a few months ago and haven't been talking to my friend since that gay shit happened. This is the message im debating sending tomorrow.

Hey slutbutt, how you been? I hope you're doing well. I was wondering if we could talk on the phone later if that's possible. I have some stuff I need to get off my chest if I could get a chance. I have no clue if you even want to talk to me, but I don't care. I'm really truly sorry for anything I did to hurt you and hope we can talk about it on the phone, I think we have a lot to talk about. And if you don't want to talk then we can just act like we don't know each other like we've been doing.

I stopped caring about bad things like mass shooting and the holocaust before I learned that were hoaxes anyway.

How did you "mind fuck" her into sex? Please explain.

Hung a cat once but thats normal for kids these days

Didn't intend to.

I texted my mom's husband from her phone to goad him into beating her so I'd have a pretext to convince her to get a divorce and give me power of attorney over her.

No it's not, mate.

yea rly...

fucking retards trying to ruin the earth with their newfag edge.

shits embarrassing

thats the most beta shit ive ever read.

A girl I liked in school wouldn't send nudes so I messaged her younger sister instead; even though I didn't find her attractive I knew she liked me and would be easier to convince to do it.