Hey /b, what's your one nostalgic thing that you do or someone else does that's their/your identifier?

Hey /b, what's your one nostalgic thing that you do or someone else does that's their/your identifier?

>I'll start
>always having a Winnie the Pooh costume keychain on any bag I own

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Bump for interest I am an uninteresting asshole

Always eating Mac'n cheese for dinner on the weekends

I (try to)watch the cartoon Adventure Time every single day, when I wake up.

The later seasons are legit amazing

Oh really? Do they have depth?

Brushing my teeth than shoving orange juice up my ass

I take out my old sheet music from my band days and play along to a recording of the piece on YouTube.

Being a trap

Pulling the condom off. Every time.

What instrument do you play?

Making pancakes with my little sister every time our mom has to be late coming home from her job

I played mainly bass clarinet when I was in band, but I also have and play the B-flat clarinet, e-flat clarinet, soprano and alto sax, and recorders from Garklein to tenor.

There's this guy that I go to school with that can't afford much and never really has a lunch take him out for sush every Tuesday

That sounds awesome, I play French horn personally and more brass instruments

Being an asshole when deserved

Fucking your mom

Lecture coworkers I don't like about how the holocaust didn't happen every chance I get until they gradually quit talking to me and go out of their way to avoid me.

mad respect to french horn players. Most difficult brass instrument. The oboe is the woodwind equivalent.

Whenever I go home I like to make my parents coffee and bring it to them, and keep their coffe warm with refills. I also like to watch my dad play Rome Total War in the mornings, using the dining room chair and sitting on his left side, for at least one economic round and one battle.

Nicee one...Elon.

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Still asexual fapping to skin mags.

I also like to get a bag of VITNER’S krunchy kurls from the local gas station every time I go home...literally the best spicy flavored corn chip that has ever been made. Fuck Cheetos, fuck takis, fuck the off brand spicy chips. VITNER’S BITCH