the faces of Yea Forums.
The faces of Yea Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
ugly ass retard cuck
regular BETA cuck
I dunno why its sideways.
woah look at these dubs xdxdxd
let's see you, fatty.
nice guns, that an adler in the background?
do you like to chew on rocks?
the grand canyon in your mouth?
i am no cuck! look at this glorious jawline!
it's where i hold my ciggie while i fuck your mom
ugly ass faggot cuck
BETA ass cuck
Guess my ethnicity.
(Correct answer gets a surprise)
well, you are half right with faggot.
a mix of italian and caucasian?
wild guess but south african
Wow now you admit you're a faggot but you're too stupid to realize how fucking ugly you are
Not the guy you replied to btw
A little advice, lift weights
It will change your life
More testosterone
More motivation
More happiness
Better looks, it even changes the face
You might even drop the whole gay thing
Good luck ugly faggot
What seems Italian about me?
Been trying to be less of a fatass lately and eating healthier and working a job and working out, slowly becoming more alpha but still beta cuck
this man likes to fuck dogs
YAY! It's the butthurt faggot of dog cum being sucked out of a faggot's ass! Still pining for your boyfriend? He's not as big a cancerous faggot child raping AIDS victim as you, faggot boy. Go back to work. You know, sucking nigger trannies off for busfare.
what happened to the neckbeard?
You'll have a nice jawline if you drop all fat.
Don't worry about the haters, mate. Can you smile for me? :)
Your uncle sneaks into your room every night and forces his greasy wrinkled cock inside your boipucci
This is true and his name is Ray.
Get a job
tits or gtfo
good advice, i was thinking about working out actually.
Your uncle fucks your face
I got cucked by my job so I had to chop it all off, still grow it out till they tell me I need to shave.
Thanks m8, been very close to obese for my height my whole life, I'm 6'4" and I feel I'll look much more attractive if I can grow a better beard and slim down to 220 hell 200
ur just kind of italian
Heyy! he was behind of this...?
Hey Yea Forums!
you look like a filipino
A real Nazi would kill you just from the dog filter alone. Based.
Mama mia! I ain't even Italiano Mario!
I went from 280lbs to 180 currently. Still have some chub but running 2 miles a day will solve that I hope.
Fuck those people. Their language is so annoying
im wondering what is particularly ugly about my face? i am aware that my teeth are fucked but what else?
Old enough to drink
Are you australian
damn nigga u halarious
Your hair and dark/beady eyes make you look like rat/creep/Gollum. Grow a beard, shave your head and work on having a deeper voice.
i'm jealous
Irish Scottish German French
i smoke the haters
how do you what my voice sounds like? jew but thanks for the input
you should take better care of your body. How old are you?
Bad forehead ratio to face. Keep your facial hair.
18, been doing this shit since i was 14
i'm gonna quit soon, but not yet
I know that I am ugly.
i used to post lewds here o gOd
I medicate for numerous reasons. Keeps me in check but I am gonna cut back cuz I over medicate if I'm not working or in class just cuz I'm bored
Yep. This is an older pic before I did drugs n shit so I had a better smile back then. Prolly 6'2" and 300 lbs in this pic.
stupid fucking nigger &that cuck ass wide boi need to gtfo Yea Forums
Why do you ask?
Is that why you lost some teeth?
You're not ugly and you've probably had your fair share of female companions. You gotta nice jawline, just keep your facial hair as it distracts people from your forehead.
You should quit before you loose those bright warm eyes, stud
Fuck off goblin
lets see you're snatch
weeds probably my favourite drug, costs too much though, cops stole my bong.
kind of, lost it in a bike crash
>you are snatch
yep illiterate rank hillbilly detected
never, i am to haunt your dreams. ill have you know my penis is exactly 5.5 inches when erect.
Nice jaw, weak chin
I get $80 halves where I live and i got pipes and a chillem for when I'm low, blunt wraps and papers for when I re up.
youre a boy?!?!
You look like what normies think Yea Forums users look like in general.
no, i just have a very large clit that i sometimes call a dick.
goddamn wassup with all these busted teeth redneck showing up? did yall just discover this place?
hi guys
ill take that as a complement
It was angled
This better?
You look like a baby wreck-it-Ralph
i make english
i'm from the land down under
not bad, i only smoke outta bongs. the pipes for weed?
You're lucky you have that dimple. It's still a weak chin but you got the chin dimple girls go crazy for
who did your makeup?
You look like a fun guy you have a lot of friends?
Wtf dude srsly
Yup. Used to smoke meth and do tons of coke and Adderall because I made pain pill sales/dope all through the day and night when I was 16/17.
i dunno you looked like this one australian dude
Ugly fuck
Let’s see you
Fuck you you dildo cabinet!
used to, nowadays i just work and do drugs. had to cut off most of my mates.
yeah easy money, sucks how just one snitch can fuck it all up.
youre cute :0
Here'sa drunk selfie of me drinking some cheap ass sake
Still waiting for that one guess so I can post the goods.
Me on the left before I lost 50 pounds.
We don’t want your dick it’s a face thread
I would've hang with you if I was in your country sure your still a fun guy
Reporting in Yea Forumstards
It's not my cock ya Dingus. Your guys aren't blessed enough to see that. And nop
I've seen you before
No filter.?
thanks man, nothing like a cold beer and a few cones after a pipe
You look like a trap, oh shit i'm gay
Tnx bro
I agree with this fella. If I went down to Aussie we'd for sure smoke up
You look like marcel hesse
I thought abos were black?
Ikr he looks like a great guy him Will meet up with you when I visit your country in the future
Oldfag here. Why do all you kids that can't grow more than some patchy, scraggly, fuzz all try to grow beards? It looks stupid. Are you not considered cool if you don't have facial hair? Just wait a few years.
What kind of threads do you normally lurk here?
what happend with your mouth?
Pizza threads. Of the cheese variety..
shitty genetics and shitty diet
I'm just on Yea Forums while some more posts accumulate on /hc/ because I've jerked it to pretty much every pic.
yeehaww, stay blazed bro
hell yeah dude
Nice hair bro
Someone you know?
I’m not too ugly a-am i anons
i'm making one
i watched "lords of chaos" last night. you could have done well in that.
what does starburst have to do with that
Looks like a mugshot love the shirt
Hey guys
Join Discord
E-Girls and Boys, Nudes, Lewds, Boipussy (Traps/Femboys), memes and the potential to get mod just from posting.
Kys faggot
No one here likes traps
idk how the shit works
I will add you works like telegram and most IM applications
no go away
Just go goon simpler
>and do tons of coke
Cocaine in Straya? Not worth it. Maybe lots of bulking powders and maybe 50% purity
Is that a tear drop tattoo?
Choice insult "you dildo cabinet!" Nice
goon is harder to run with
It was supposed to be a club (like in a deck of cards) but I'm twacked out of my fucking gord most of the time and it is hard to make straight lines where you're all geezed up.
iDk and if u r the guy from kik who called me a trap kys
I feel ya did u make it yourself? Also favourite drug?
Yep. And meth. Lots of meth.
I don’t use Kik. I’m not an incel megafaggot
What's the craziest thing u've ever done on meth that you remember?
ay ay nigger pull down your pantsus and bend over so i can shove some baccy up your anus faggot
Sucking 3 dicks in 2 minutes for a puff
Holy shit that’s the face of a god
And your not even gay
Smoking nic and sucking dick
well, we’re on Yea Forums after all so i can admit to being some kinda faggot
nobody will know, right niggers?
not me. That's pedestrian shit.
I went into a music store, stripped off my clothes, and tried to play a trumpet with my asshole because it seemed like the right thing to do. I got mad at the manager for calling the cops and fired a ukulele at him. I caught a pretty bad charge because there were a bunch of kids in the store at the time.
>not me. That's pedestrian shit. you admit to having cockfluffed before?
Sounds like a lifetime experience also meth?
So did I. ;3
That right arm
Is this better?
I do it all the time. I suck dick on capital hill in Seattle for meth (the faggots call it tina).
Oh yea - I had been up for like a week.
Much better you look nice
Did u get v&?
Alright faggots, give me your worst.
Oh fuck yea. I was down for almost a year and now I'm suppose to register as a sex offender.
I'm Prussian and Saxon and Russian
Are you the "good morning tippity top kekkers!" girl?
I don't use that faggot shit XD I'm sure someone on b still has my Skype tho
Are you taking a shit or wtf is going on
>Are you taking a shit
Precisely, my friend.
tits or gtfo
Ok Claire
I lovecan taking those and editing them so you can't see it's in the bathroom and sharing them with unknowing people
r8 me
>so you can't see it's in the bathroom
Then what's the point, man?
Okay just lost interest in the thread because of you faggot i'm out
With cock
You ruined the thread
I hope to God no one I know irl browses this shit.
hey guys im still here
Guess where i'm from
Why is it sideways, fuck
u look british
u got a purdy mouth boi wan sum fuk
yes gimme ur cock
Not british, but i'm from europe
From Nowhere. You look like a guy I used to be close friends with names Jared.
You look like someone who would come to my restaurant and would stay for too long.
You need to socialize.
I don't trust you. You look like you've fucked over people who were close to you. But you treat women fine though.
You've won a couple of fights. But talk too much about it if the subject comes off? I don't know. Hard to read you. Good jaw.
I do not believe you.
My man you have gone into the deep end this time.
All of you all are probably fine people though in all actuality.
Post from
what about me? i am OP.
>Hard to read you. Good jaw.
Kek, read me like a book. I probably do boast a lot. Thanks for the compliment.
Depends on what your restaurant has.
My name is not Jared and i do come from somewhere
Guess which one is me
The wairwolf guy?
Jk this is me
Show ur feet
Nah mate. Im not an aus fag. Also READ SIEGE.
Long time no see Epstein! You know you can sneak smartphones in here?
here go
who suck you off
my ex sucked me off a few times
thanks fren
What's that chad doing in Yea Forums?
I'm the mexican tyler one.
> There's no food so I can't bulk.
Spanish/ Portugese?
You're fucked up. You talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded
Its because i am a fag
Do you work at papa johns?
Don't worry, scrote. There are plenty of 'tards out there living really kick-ass lives.
Pussy bitch ill beat the fuck out of you faggot
What do you think about Mexican Tyler, the kid who's starving?
>I don't trust you. You look like you've fucked over people who were close to.
I tend to be very loyal to people I consider close friends.
>But you treat women fine though.
I’m what you’d refer to as an autist, haven’t had puss in some time (don’t really put myself out there much or risk trying). Got a hot trap’s fb from a party a few days ago though (never done anything like that before though).
Says the fatass with no picture
I want to cum on ur booty
Post a picture of your perineal raphe
i dont like him, he looks like he wants to kill me and put my head on his wall as a trophy, also im going to bed now
go ahead
Roasted by OP the fag. Mexican Tyler you gotta kill yourself now.
Possibly. Who's asking?
I stalk people. You’re on my list now.
Well I don't work at papa johns, save my images?
thing he does
Let's see that we, fam.
Tinder pic. Thoughts?
i'd lick ur jaw
>this kind of autist
Get a buzzcut and you're good to go.
I'd love to post but this shit's gonna get archived and stuff.
You look like Linus Tech Tips if he started drinking.
You look like that kid from momma k
Elmer fud
pic related
You stupid fucking faggots destroy the purpose of anonymity. All of you queers belong on reddit with the rest of the attention seeking retards.
niggaer c'mon don't be so negative, at least you can get a laugh at it
Some ugly niggas in here
Bully pls
None of this is humorous in any sort of way. Its degeneracy and degrading to the point of this place.
go whine in the trap threads, you're even gayer than