What's the best way to avoid attracting homos...

What's the best way to avoid attracting homos? I don't believe the myth that it means you have a gay aura if you attract them; they seem attracted to certain guys for no real reason.

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OP has gay aura


/thread your own post
you gay piece of shit

well, you could be really ugly, wear very unflattering clothing, dont bathe or brush your teeth, really the normal stuff you do to not get the attention of females

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Actual gays are attracted to manly masculine men. I'm not kidding.

jizz boss
make her drink the cum sauce

well you looks pretty faggot, that's all

Or just average guys

If you attract gays, you should also be attracting women. You can tell gay people to fuck off maybe?


The same way you repel girls. By being ugly and having no personality.

But I don't have a personality and I still attract homos.

They actually have a different taste in guys than girls, apparently.

they're attracted to you if you have too much big dick energy

I have this problem also so I back this claim 100%

Sorry to say, but you definitely have a gay aura, OP

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The funny thing is, I don't even have a big dick; it's average size at best. Kek.

But I don't even have much of what you would call an "aura", let alone a gay one. I have no real personality and I rarely speak at all in public.

Big dick energy, not big dick. There's a difference.

if you have no personality or friends, some gays will see you as easy prey. they'll leave you alone if you introduce them to a more extroverted sociable person. be careful though some will think you'll be sad if they stop interacting with you and will stick around out of 'pity'. your best bet is to be as homophobic as possible and talk about how much you love vagina and how much more interested you are in women than men.

Just say no thanks. Pretty simple

>talk about how much you love vagina and how much more interested you are in women than men.
I think I will have to do this.

Seriously I don't have a single friend, I can't make friends at work, in cafes, anywhere I go, my childhood friends avoid me, the only people that give me the time of day are my fiance and kids, I'm a super cunt, literally piss off everyone and I learnt it from here, probably, just be a cunt and no one will like you

Actually a guy called me a friend today, I helped an old guy that didn't look like he should be driving put petrol in his van.... Fucked up thing is I think it was diesel, I did say to him is it diesle but he said it was petrol..

You just have to act and appear very unnatractive. Unless you want women to think you're gross too, I'd advise just telling gay men who seem obviously into you that you're uninterested, and if you don't want to be a dick to potential male friends who aren't gay, I'd also advise asking them if they're coming onto you before you go assuming a man is flirting.

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make yourself hideously ugly, they tend to like attractive people

Most people are annoying as fuck. They seem to either hate you for no reason or love you for no reason, but they're rarely neutral. Maybe I'm better off being a cunt as you say.

>"they have a different taste"
there's more than like, 20 of them. they have differing tastes, much like literally everyone else on the planet. is that actually the block you're stumbling over?

"The Gays" aren't just 2 dudes in your town named Robb and Gary, who like one specific thing. There's fucking millions of them.

>gay aura
>big dick energy
fucking millennials

I think it's actually a good sign to attract homos. I tend to do so but I also attract females so I just don't care.

>There's fucking millions of them.
I realize that, but I seem to attract a large percentage of them, without doing anything other than meeting them by mistake. Women, on the other hand, are no more interested in me than the next guy, leading me to the conclusion that most gay guys have a different taste in men than women.

i was around them for a bit in california in the bay area. i was only there for a year.

i think you should realize that to them, being friendly for no good reason--like just because you work together--is an invitation. other guys notice that they're gay and avoid them but you might be dumb, get a new job, and want to meet people and they'll eat that up as a sign that you're gay.

there was this fat guy with a lisp, stupid dyed hair, etc and well, i was just a guy from arizona who was ahead of most people, downloading all the best electronic through underground sources like hotline that no one had heard of and FTP servers that no one understood, and i did LSD and smoked a ton of weed. i was hoping to find someone who liked aphex twin. instead, i got dissed one day when he quit talking to me and actually acted out one day on break, proclaiming that he didn't want to have anything to do with me because he found out i wasn't "family". it took me a while to even understand what the fuck he was talking about, being a pudgy white guy.

fucking faggots.

be a man, don't be too friendly and they'll avoid you.

But, what about the predatory ones?

>don't be too friendly and they'll avoid you.
This is probably true, except for the predatory ones who can't take "no" for an answer.

Just say you're straight, if they don't give up then I make fun of something about them or say something homophobic. That always works.
I don't see it as a big problem.

Yeah people don't talk to me, I used to work on a crew, about 5 of us used to go to. The cafe everyday and they used to call everyone by their names other than me, I literally can't stand small talk, I stopped going to a different cafe because he wouldn't stop saying shit like "alright brother" "hows it going" he literally talked the entire time he was cooking my fucking breakfast, everyday

nope, fag aura

Quit showering

Don’t be a homo

im loving this thread

fucking MEN

Killing yourself would be a good start. Try that and let us know.

fucking nigger

Did you ever have a kid in your middle school or high school that you fucking knew they were gay, but they didn't? And it's not even like adult-life, where people won't call you out on it.. people would literally tell this person that they were gay and they'd fucking argue with them or even fight them or sometimes just cry a lot? ...And then eventually they just fucking accepted that they were gay and everyone finally moved on with their lives? Ever see or deal with a person like that?

The gay guys talk to you for the same reason that the straight girls don't: they can see that you're gay.


explain yourself

one can project "Big Dick Energy" in their body language, speech patterns, social interactions, etc. regardless of the actual size of their penis.

Oprah has big dick energy. OP does not.

you're cute bro, just take it as a fucking compliment.

if you act all cold and standoffish, you'll just come off as alpha

Gay guys will have it on with just about any guy who has a dick. Seriously, you know how a lot of guys will just try to hump any woman that comes their way? Okay, same thing, but for girls.

Don't take it personally, they'll hit on you very clumsily, usually, and that's that. Just blow them off. Gay guys are like regular guys in that they're used to being rejected WAY MORE than women are, it's just that the target is different -- your DICK.

Honestly OP, I have the same problem as you. 95% of the time someone hits on me, it happens to be a dude. But then, I asked my close friends and most of them told me they believed I was gay at first. So there is such a thing as a gay aura. I don't really mind it, but I wish these homos wouldn't hit on me, it's embarrassing because I don't want to imply that they're interested in me or something and not only being nice, but at the same time, a part of me knows because I can read guys' minds much easier than a girl's.

Another thing that came to my mind the more I thought about it is that men usually make the first steps when it comes to flirting. So if you're being passive, guys will come to you and girls might give you looks, but nothing more most of the time.

gay guy here. i dont care if you're straight or gay. if you're hot i'll try to fuck you. I'd like to think that, as a 9, i have that divine right.

You're gay


You do realize than not every guy wants to be "cute" or even "good looking", don't you? And, if I was that cute, girls would also think so.

girls do think so. girls cant go around gawking or they'll get reciprocal attention in the form of stalkers. so they're subtle.

........post pic

Gays have always been attracted to me. I am a masculine guy big but not fat. I'm pretty handsome but not concerned about always shaving or buzzing my hair. I'm approachable but not outgoing. Woman are attracted to me but usually not as quick as the gays. Im not gay and I make it known but don't have a problem teasing a gay guy or being friendly with them They are good friends loyal and great wingmen. I think attractive people draw people in no matter what, but men are more likely to express interest if you aren't outgoing.