Eat balanced meals

>eat balanced meals
>don't smoke
>don't drink
>sleep 9 hours a night
>take caffeine
>still feel tired during the day
what am I doing wrong here and how do I shake this feeling? I can barely function anymore but if I sleep during the day I'm up all night which kills my social life.

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Work less, relax on your free time. It doesn't matter if you sleep 9 hours if you are busy the other 15 hours.

Try taking modafinil

List your age and height and BMI next time user.
It's helpful.
You could have Atrial fibrillation, or have a cardiac blockage.

Ever been to a cardiologist? Or had an EKG? More importantly a stress test? Source... Imma cardiologistfag.
Reading EKGs right now

How old are you? It could be that you're just young and your hormones haven't stabilized to adult levels yet I'm almost 20 and I have the same problems

Get labs done, magnezium, vit D, thyroid TSH, terstonsterone and estrogen levels. do reaserch on what labs youd need and reqest them specifically from your primary care doc, its a start but will lead to an answer.

Caffeine most likely. I cut that shit out except for the very rare oolong tea but since I stopped, I sleep fucking amazingly and wake up feeling great.

>>take caffeine

Caffeine blocks your sensors for tiredness and your brain just amplifies the feeling of tiredness to counter the caffeine.

Drink less coffee or none at all, you may feel a rush of energy 15 minutes after that cup but an hour later you will be even more tired than before.

Also 9 hours sleep is quite unhealthy.
Decrease that to 7 - 8 hours. Look it up.

TBH you are over sleeping.
Compound that w/ your caffeine use and you could be fine... Make some changes; if nothing happens go see your doc and get a full work up. Hormones and heart issues go hand in hand.

Attached: OldFagMedFag.jpg (3199x1563, 1.42M)

ur a pussy

maybe an iron deficiency?

Shut the fuck up, you're retarded for even pointing any of that out based on what he said

>Does everything you should.
I dunno man but I can tell you one thing and that is if I had a girlfriend that I loved that would motivate me to get up and stay up. In any case I’m in the same situation as well.

Be quiet Jew. Nobody here is going to give your greedy ass a damn penny.

might be and underfunction of your thyroid maybe get that checked some time

These dudes. Your actually better off taking ritalin or adderall as it is more effective, yet potentially addictive. The higher you go, the harder you fall. Full physical. Solid diet, high protein. Structured sleep routine. Exercise. Add some B-12.


This shit changed my life. 10/10 would recommend to anyone. Also, get checked out for sleep apnea. If sleep apnea is the case you're waking up during the night without knowing which keeps you out of deep sleep so you're body isn't resting enough.

Water. Drinks lots of water. Cannot recommend enough. Also try cold showers

Cut the carbs and caffeine.

exercise more

You depressed?

9 hours a night? that seems a bit much, for me sleeping too much makes me tired, try cutting it to 7 or 8.
you can also try staying up 24 hours, take vitamins (for example if you are not getting enough sunlight during the winter) or just simply set yourself a sleeping time like 11 pm and do NOT go to sleep before that and have something to wake up for.
also taking caffeine isnt a good thing, 1 or 2 cups of coffee a day should be the limit.

Do you snore and/or are you over weight? Being over weight can cause sleep apnea. I know "just losing some weight" is easier said than done. The around your neck puts just enough pressure on the airway to make you snore, causing you to get a lack of oxygen. The less oxygen you get while sleeping, the less actual rest your body gets. My dad and one of my friends were both recently diagnosed with sleep apnea and both now have a machine they have to hook up to their faces while sleeping. A bit inconvenient yes but both of them say they have energy all the time now. It can also be as simple as a type of mouthguard your doctor can give you that stops you from snoring.

Drop the coffee and cut back sleep to 7-8 hours

could be chronic fatigue syndrome. It's rare but it exists.

Did someone left the gate to the robots open?

In all seriousness, you don't need a gf for any motivation. And your attitude won't help getting one either.

>eat balanced meals
I don't know what you consider as a balanced diet and what exactly you eat, so I can't properly help you. Generally, 2 meals are enough for most people. The contents will vary depending on daily activity, but fruits and and non-dry food is essential. Reply with your eating habits and I will tell you more.
>sleep 9 hours a night
You can reduce this to 5 hours. It is possible to reduce it to 2 and be able to effortlessly spend days without sleep, but that requires more work. Apart for reducing your meals, your sleeping quota will go down if you maintain a state of relaxation or if your body is at ease during the day. Because the body doesn't need sleep, it needs rest. When you can't sit at ease, without the body being revved up, then sleep is the only way to rest. But something you can do immediately is to simply spend more energy during the day. If you want some simple practices to get rid of lethargy, reply.
>take caffeine
Completely unnecessary, like having a booster rocket on a car for daily commute. It won't be used and will slow and wear down the car.

Go to the doctor's and quit caffeine for a while. You might have Pfeiffer disease or something similar but probably just a heavy caffeine addiction.