L deserve $20 an hour

>l deserve $20 an hour.

Attached: mcdonalds_23036.jpg (3984x2988, 1.39M)

Other urls found in this thread:


i agree

I also agree.

you do. and i deserve $70 an hour.

If you live in NYC, yes, you do.

Living wage's a living wage

Better that money coming from McDonalds that from government welfare. People gotta survive

this is the reason why I only eat in fast food outlets where I can oversee the kitchen.

you deserve whatever hourly wage will support a 2 bedroom apartment within 45 minutes of your job at 40 hours per week, plus utilities, and a savings of no less than $100 per month. This is all dependent on your locale, of course.

Looks fine, faggot. Maybe you should stop worrying about entitled kids wanting more money for flipping burgers so you can address your own issues, like paying 5 dollars for a meal prepared by some teenage nigger and expecting it not to look like that.

I don't see what's wrong other than it being a fast food burger to begin with, toppings are distributed well enough, and given the unrealistic expectations of speed by typical consumers it would be acceptable if they weren't

>2 bedroom apartment
>$100 savings per month
kek. and in 20 years when every working person in the country is rich, where will all of that money have come from?

if you think that's "rich" you're fucking loony

yeah but so does the guy at McDonalds who made your food

>every working person SHOULD be poor
ok good argument, I think we're done here boys

Soo...he was behind all that!?

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We could make minimum wage $20 dollars an hour but first we would have to remove all forms of socialism from the economy.

I dont get how people dont understand economics. 7.25 is not enough for any person to make any reasonable living on

the burger said that?

Nah, kid, you’re just too used to mommy and daddy paying for everything.

>there is no gray area between rich and poor
Good one, brainlet.

we have seen this before
result less jobs , more automation
everything costs 40% more
you pay more taxes

now you back where you where and paying more in taxes

the excessively rich billionaires. if bill gates can donate like 25% of his income and still be one of the richest people on earth thats fine

>I don’t get how people don’t understand economics
>we can just pay people more and they’ll have more money

Ok, but he’s not going to do that. Now what?

thats the way it SHOULD work

What burger is this? looks fucking delicious

he already does hes also a philanthropist. 25% is an exaggeration but still

The problem with you entitled shits is you understand that you’re not making enough, but you think the answer is that you should just be given more. It can’t come from nowhere, and we live in a capitalistic society. So either you want government reform (socialism) or a better job (protip:this options a lot easier).

There's nothing really wrong with that Mcburger. Blame the corporation for designing food like that.

genuine question from someone almost never eating this kind of food, what's wrong here?


a min wage increase is just that, it's not an increase to wages or earning across the board? so yes, comparatively people paid more will absolutely have more money?

How to spot the obvious guy who has never worked for 500

socialism, though, is better.

your boss pays you as little as they can, and they'd be a fool to pay you a dime more. don't forget that.

>giving money to the poor

he dislikes poor people

But it doesn’t. SO NOW WHAT?

>he already does
that’s why you’re here whining about doubling minimum wage instead of scooping up one of those $15/hour jobs he’s paying for, right?


>whining for doubled wages
>”no you’re entitled!”

were de gibs at?

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>thinks negotiating and collective bargaining is 'whining' when all workers have it in their best interest to advocate for their own higher wages

I’m not arguing that socialism is worse, or even that min wage isn’t too low currently. All I’m saying is none of you have even a semblance of a real world solution to this problem.

And then this happens


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thats where everything is suppost to go on the bun.

>thinks whining on Yea Forums is negotiating and collecting bargaining
fucking kekmate

nothing, looks like a normal quarter pounder with cheese

The issue is a bit more complex and abstract than that. The fact is income inequality has been steady on the rise for decades, as has their been a shift in use of corporate profit margins, which used to go back into the workforce and community. Bigger and bigger portions have been going to shareholders and those at the top. "That's just business" it's a changing of the guard, a shift in corporate ethics, the erosion of true free market forces, and the corruption of regulatory bodies that would keep them in check. That's virtually impossibly to address without help from Thanos, but the simple fact is average people need more money to survive while those whose predecessors have secured their position at the top make positively stupid amounts of money

collective action is better than just... hoping your boss pays you more

just because you bring in value doesn't mean that translates to wages - your boss doesn't want to pay you more. you have to advocate for this in some form

Call it Skynet


and i'm sure nothing bad could happen


>explains capitalism
No shit, genius, that’s why I’m saying you can’t just pull higher wages out of thin air.

Alright everyone.. I think the clear solution here is that we follow one of the greatest leaders of all time who successfully changed his nations economy... Joseph Stalin everyone. #commiesforlife

But you’re on Yea Forums, not at a union meeting, not protesting outside your place of work, so...

>something completely unrelated to your whining
Wow, it’s almost like some people decided to do something other than anonymously bitch about it.

if someone's plan to increase wages was only posting, your point would make sense

if you think anyone here believes that posting on Yea Forums about this will have an effect, you don't understand context

NEET life is superior to wage cucking in retail.


this is why I support a $20/min wage
either you provide some skill or knowledge that takes a significant training time
or w/e it is you do can more easily, reliably, and cheaply be done by a robot

yep. there's no wage floor low enough to prevent major job losses due to automation. the employer isn't running a charity, they're trying to cut costs.

The only plans proposed in this thread so far have been to make rich people pay for it or just make more money.

And I’m pretty sure you don’t even understand the word ‘context’.

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>in a thread about wages
Why tho


Did you get that straight out of your easy bake oven with your barbie dolls you fucking weirdo?

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>make rich people pay

a good plan

OK so make them.

why do commies get involved in talks about capitalism? quit your job and live on gibs, but don't spend it on crack rocks like niggers, that's why they are so poor.

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that's what the organizing, advocacy, and voting is for, comrade

Every working person would be rich? Saving 100 bucks a month?

If you worked from 18-62 you'd only save $52,800. Even with investments and compound interest you wouldn't even get fucking remotely close to being able to retire comfortably let alone be "rich".

I'm 29 with about $30k in liquid cash, I save about $1k-1.5k a month. I'm not even middle class, I'm below that. Someone saving $100 a month is poor.

Just print more money fucking idiot. God damn how can you be so dense?

Because their irrelevant except for some nukes, they know it and we know it. They want a seat at the table and technically they have it because of those nukes.

>voting to take corporate power away
>votes are handled by corporations
Good goyim.

i'm a realist, not an anti-electoralist

Who are you quoting?

>I save about $1k-1.5k per month
>not even middle class
kek what are your smoking boi

lets just kill all the rich people and share their money, 90% of them are jews anyways so its okay.

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No it's the modern perversion of capitalism, capitalism unchecked. Increased regulation, starting with laws to get money out of politics, could correct the course, but oh no big government bad! But much like opposition to the ACA that after all this time have no better suggestions than going back to how it was, simply saying "no that won't fix things" and doing nothing benefits only the status quo. Significant improvements would take time and, get this, actual effort and changes being made. Being open to small changes to address short term issues, and then dealing with the next as well as any fallout from the changes, at least gets things moving in a better direction. There can be no one true ideal solution in managing such large populations, but we should strive to continually make it more ideal. That's why women can vote and black people aren't property anymore

unironically kek’d

This is nigger month, you should know who the niglet is quoting.

Those aren’t really mutually exclusive but OK

To one chain.

Didn't I destroy your frog posting bullshit on /ck? Are you really that pathetic that you follow me around?

This. Is. What. I’m. Saying. To. These. Niggers.

Just watch a Jerry Springer show or maybe a Maury Povitch show and watch the niggers chimp out, yeah they deserve it.

I'm sorry, but some of you kinda sound like you could do a better job. But you aren't in the business of feeding yourselves, so that's why we exist isn't it? You seem to think that these entities aren't corporations and that they won't reward a good work ethic, with you pulling through the drive thru six times a week.
>Somebody has to do it, obviously not you.

When you write "you" you mean yourself right? Don't speak for me bitch, you don't have that authority.

you fucking what? are you really that pathetic you think people stalk you through different boards? shit you might be schizophrenic

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Probably ordered no onions and you fucked that up

Frog posters are really all the same, so maybe it's not personally you, but it's one of you stupid enough to waste time posting frog pictures time and time again. Don't you feel like a fool posting the same frog shit over and over again?

That was the most coherent one of those I've seen yet. They're learning enlgish

>hello faggot police?
it's for you

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I take it American English wasn't your strongest course through school? When I use "you" as a subjective, I mean you dipshit. "You" can't/don't/will never work any of that "fast food" bull. "I" have job security forever thanks to dumbfucks like you.

Don’t you feel like a fool letting a meme trigger you so hard?

Ok frog boi, when the last time you took it up the ass?

It's not meant to you fucking idiot. Minimum wage jobs are for high school kids who still live at home and for mentally handicapped people. If you're trying to raise a family working at taco bell, that's your poor life choices that led you there.

There's a difference between being triggered and hitting back because these fuckers are not only annoying and useless but serve no purpose.
Given what you just wrote, then you were triggered too.

Never. Anal sex as well as oral sex are acts of sodomy and degeneracy. It is a homosexual act; performed by a man on a woman, woman on a man, etc.

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in what sense is a job 'for' anyone? all that matters is that it gets done, no?

or are bosses in the business of intentionally providing roles for kids and the disabled because they're so nice

A lot of old folk too, they have a lot of money but want to be active so a minimum wage jobs helps them stay active. Project somewhat if you're capable and see what might happen to you in later life. Old folk know a lot of stuff and have seen things that we perhaps don't want to see such as WW II.

Let this sink in:

You say $1200 a year is rich and then imply someone else is a kid for disagreeing.

A happy meal a day makes some children feel rich.
Which costs around $3.30

Isn't pretending to be a frog also against some biblical edict?
What human would want to be a frog?

Um. I don't think you get how the modern age works:

>You raise lazy, codependent children with zero social skills.
>Special snowflake kid join workforce at entry level position (ie: fast food)
>Cry a week later that jobs to hard, boring, a customer yelled at them.
>You coddle

I know that patty. Thats a quarter pounder patty. I don't know what they use for seasoning on those fuckers but goddamn I wish I had some at home.

Perhaps you have a strange way of looking at things, some folk are actually nice and think of their parents or older siblings. On the other hand in ways that you have to understand, it's a tax writeoff.

I'm not pretending to be a frog. I'm just posting frog pictures. I am part of a plague of God upon this world.

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Salt and pepper blended together, it's called "grill seasoning".

It is "for" kids and retards in the sense that any properly functioning adult has had the opportunity to make themselves worth more than just flipping burgers. If you haven't concerned yourself enough with your own well being to make yourself valuable on the job market and you're an adult working there, or god forbid trying to raise a family working there, that's your fucking fault. You aren't entitled to $20 an hour for a job that a fucking toddler could do.

right, yes, see - people are often altruistic, especially towards family

bosses, however, are altruistic, but would be smart to not let that cut into profits! ergo, if they can pay you less - they will

and they're running these businesses for profit, not to altruistically give jobs to people who can't find them elsewhere.

What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

uh... so it's 'for' any person who needs it to support themselves and their family, then?

no dude, theres something else too it. I just know it.

Dayum man. I get payed 5€ an hour in taco Bell. I'd also like 20$ an hour ffa

You're not doing a very good job at it.
Check out the movie "Frogs." It's pretty funny.

You dont deserve shit. No one does. You get whatever you get...barely above minimum wage...and that's being generous

I'm generally for increasing the minimum wage, but not at the federal level. Federal 15/hr is a fucking disaster waiting to happen, it will price small towns out of existence for most low wage jobs. Automation will look a hell of a lot more attractive in the middle of bum fuck California at 15/hr.

Illegal immigration doesn't help things much either. Put a halt to that, and actually prosecute companies and owners that hire them, and you'll free up a lot of jobs at the very bottom where wages are being driven down the most.

That being said, if you're past college age and still working for minimum wage, you're probably a failure at life.

Doesn't always work that way. Sometimes you have be willing to quit and work for some other company then it wakes the so called boss up when there's not really a single person in a big company and they give you more money. Most people are too wimpy to ask.

Will do fren.

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No, not at all, as I have already explained.

If you need the type of income that is large enough to support a family you first need to make yourself valuable on the job market. Law enforcement, finance, health care industry, these are the jobs a head of a household should be looking at for a higher wage because they are worth a higher wage.

Putting a basket of French fries in hot oil and then pulling it out when the machine tells you to is not a marketable or valuable skill, sorry.

this is actually completely correct

wages just... don't relate to productivity, to merit, to value to a company or profit. there's no connection, nobody 'deserves' anything!

Everyone working 32+ hours a week (i.e. "full time") deserves the pay that would support continued existence, as well as justification of maintaining that position. Doesn't matter the social status of that position, doesn't matter the skill involved in keeping that position. Do doctors deserve more than fast food chumps? Sure, do doctors deserve more than teachers? No, not really. Do teachers deserve more than auto mechanics? yeah, kinda. Do entertainers deserve more money than every other job ever? That's A HARD no.

right. hence why you need to advocate for a higher wage. whether with a better bargaining position from better skills, a different job offer, a union or strike - that's how to get a higher wage.

there isn't an infinite number of these jobs

You're not being the ball Danny.

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No. Not unless you're a shift lead worthy of a managment position. In which case perhaps I'm addressing the right person.

I asked for no ketchup. Can you please remake my order or bribe me to fuck off somehow with stale pie or a free drink?

There also are not an infinite number of people who have applied themselves enough to obtain one either.

'scuse me, there's some ketchup on my boot

it would appear you're interested in licking it

hahah what the fuck, is this the 'infinite monkeys' of economics

This one

Apart from the presentation; Too much ketchup, unless that's two cheeses the cheese has been left open.

Also OP, cut your fingernails you animal.

untill you morons get “no onion” right...I wouldn’t be complaining about what you get paid,try going and getting a job that requires skill and talent

Nice. I earn 6.5e an hour as an electrician. I love my life...

Got it.

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that's cool, how does that help fast food workers

There's not man. That shit comes in unmarked boxes that essentially say "grill seasoning". Then you actually get a pack out and it says "salt, pepper, blend". I kid you not, the other day I found a tortilla with the expiration date printed directly on it. It is what is, eat it or don't.

>being this fucking retarded

Fast food work is a very mentally taxing occupation.

I deserve a mansion in New York, and at least 15 anime maids, and also a gold plated car.
My job? Head chief at Wendy’s.

The world doesn't have the same view of value as you do.

I think teachers deserve what they make, given that they come almost uniformly from the bottom 25% of their college classes, are useless, and they have whole host of other benefits that other jobs don't have that offset their relatively lower pay.

>Thinking doctors don't deserve more than teachers


But shit like this (us disagreeing) is exactly why you would never be able to institute pay controls like this. Different people with different values.

absolutely, holy shit

>at least 15 anime maids
weeabu gonna be untouched forever, stop jacking off over cartoons and go talk to a real girl.

I couldnt see OPs point, burger looks delicious to me. But im prob stupid.

Fast food workers are not miserable here. Its cashiers who are fucked.

Worthy of management? That's a fucking joke. I've been paid more than so called managers as a consultant/contractor since I was about 24 years old. Talent and skill helps with that plus making myself useful. Directors too, it's like GTFO!
They all get paid shit and accept it because they all have big families so can't say piss off.

No I'll just throw smear it all around your resturaunt and one of you lesser human beings can clean it up.

You faggot

hahah holy shit you're provoked

I've really avoided every management position that I've been offered, I prefer to left alone and write and do what I'm good at. I leave filling out reports to someone that can't write and loves the pathetic politics of sucking up at a managerial level, it certainly doesn't pay any better.

>raise minimum wage pls
>fire half the staff
>save money
ez pz

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Bring in h1bs who have no choice but it takes like 20 of them to do what one of someone like me does. However it's a tax writeoff and looks good on the corporate statement to say that we're the friend of foreigners.

simple economics... or automate the process and the only human element would be end of line quality control.

>>raise minimum wage pls
>>fire half the staff
>>save money
>ez pz

what you don't realize is elminating staff already happened at most places. its just that the employers pocketed the cash instead. thats why there's been an issue of wage growth in this country the last 40 years. good job not investigating shit to form an opion about something you know nothing about.
and thats how you make yourself look like faggot retard on the internet where all of posterity will have the opportunity to see it

It's not about "saving money" in corporate culture, I guess that you've never worked for one or many. It's about spending what's in your budget, saving money is bullshit in big companies. In fact by saving money it shows a lack of budgeting and then you wont get that money on the next budgeting cycle.

What is wrong with this burger?

i dont think fry cook is in the list of occupations that h1bs apply to.

I have an Amero-centric mind set, brying that I'm not a world traveler, so my opinions on like U.K. doctors means fuck-all. Just FYI.

I think that doctors perform a service, in the US though, doctors are ridiculously over-paid, especially considering that most doctors primarily are just nurse-foremen (in that they delegate MOST of their work to a nurse instead of taking the time to treat individuals). Every teacher EVER should be able to retire at 50 into a comfortable situation. There absolutely should not be stories of teachers who are also Uber drivers.

On top of that, no politician of any sort should get a pensioned retirement, I don't care if he personally stopped a mole-mutant invasion. Military pension, SSI, SSD & any other government level retirement programs should absolutely be out of bounds for the government to take from.

Government bail-outs should always be loans, not fucking bonuses for the wealthy. Too but to fail economy is hoisting up bastards that are killing the economy from the head down


you're thinking of department level budgeting

They're not even qualified for that given that their daddies bought them degrees from india or some shit which means crap in real life.

As have I. I make quite a bit for the state I live in and live pretty well. Those that have been around 3+ years are living good too.

Doctors are paid over the odds because it costs so much to get into medical school... the costs of which trickle down to, unfortunately,
the people who are in need of medical attention.

Budgets get cut routinely. Yes you need to spend to your budget ("use it or lose it") but many companies and departments are cut year after year.

Source: just did my plants budget. We accounted for a 3% increase in janitorial (and other stuff related to hygiene) and submitted budget. The VP told us it was too high and to cut more out. Literally just went through and randomly started taking shit out to save 35k for next fiscal year.

It all goes to the accountants at the end, from departments, to companies, to the corporation itself. If you're not spending your budget then someone's done something wrong and it gets a ding, that takes time to correct.
Check out the movie Head Office, it's more true than you might want to know.

that's the best argument I've heard in a while.

I don't see a problem here. it's not constructed improperly.

I mean, you are eating mcd's/fast food, so your judgement is questionable anyway...

> (OP)
>If you live in NYC, yes, you do.
>Living wage's a living wage

Maybe paying attention in school and living within your budget would have been a better idea.

Learn a skull, become marketable, earn more money.

kinda agree, i only work enough to afford an apartment... could not cope with just a room

i know that feeling too well.
fuckin suits.

And we frequently shift what charges go into what bucket to balance things out. I do it every month at close to balance our labor between the different production lines depending on what we want to show on financials.

That being said, generally you don't get dinged for saving money. Obviously if it's a huge amount you have to explain it, incase there's an error in either your budget or AP or whatever. But corporate tends to be a lot more forgiving being 5% under at the end of the year than 5% over, and no one wants to have to bridge an overspend gap.

>orders McDonald’s
>expect anything but shit

he is not middle class... 1.5k/month is nothing... i was working 25h/week and i was saving/paying off that much.

middle class starts at like 150k a year these days

>Learn a skull
Learn english


>Too much user, your volume is going up but we want to spend less overall not just on cost per unit basis. Cut more.

Their goals are frequently conflicting - they want more safety features to reduce accidents, but want to simultaneously cut out hygiene spending and employment screening.

You got lucky op

Hey at least your pickles aren't stacked.

I have literally never gotten a McDolan's sandwich where the two fucking pickle coins are not stacked on top of each other. So either I have 80% of a sandwich with no pickles with one ultrapickle bite, or I have to open the sangwich and fix the god damn fucking pickles.

Be thankful.

oh shit thats McDonald's?

The things that are wrong with this burger:
-WAY too much ketchup.
-Far too many onions, its around 7grams of silvered onions.
-That cheese has gone dry hence the two different colours.

> (You)
>>Learn a skull
>Learn english
Sorry, phone posting.

Oh, for the record, English is capitalized.

Well yeah, pretty much only in the U S though from what I hear. I mean doctor is pretty decent pay pretty much everywhere, but here it's like "4 stitches? That'll be the cost of a small used car." "Unexplained leg spasms? You're putting my kids through medical school!"

We're talking English not bastardised English

get the fuck out of here.

I never wrote that it was a problem, it's just the way that it is.

>hours of work combined in the country stayed the same for the last 15 years
>productivity and big corp earnings rose by 40%
>normie wages grew only by 2%

And capitalists will defend this.

>slavery is ok if you pay a token wage lol stalin was worse than hitler

things'll never be the same.
*piano roll*

There's nothing wrong with having your own apartment and not dealing with idiot roommates stealing food and being chumps.

How is this not automated yet?

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You basement dwelling retard, just because your parents are paying for your housing doesn't give you an excuse to be this stupid. $100 a month into a savings account is piss all, insurance, down-payments, unexpected car/house/medical problems would destroy those savings immediately and even basic entertainment like eating out, going to movies, paying for streaming services or buying a game or whatever would eat away at that extra $100 a month. That is living paycheck to paycheck. Even when upfront costs are reimbursed you need several thousands saved minimum, cost me an upfront expense of ~$5000 extra for a couple of unexpected business trips a couple of months ago which if coming from an extra $100/month would be over 4 years of savings.

lol ye right, u deserve 200.... cents a year

fuck you he got TWO pickle, I say he hit a jackpot!

You always get two pickles... they're friends not lovers (they should be aside each-other not overlapping)

Wearing a suit is pretty danm cool. There are a lot of pockets to keep shit in, so you don't have look like a faggot wearing a backpack to work, they always look like morons. In some places it gets kind of chilly in the afternoon so you can put the jacket on to keep warm. If you have a girlfriend you can take her out and not look like a fucking backpack wearing fool. You can also get a seat at a table and look proper while knowing what your doing.
If you have to deal with front end customers you wont look like a fucking cheap ass schmuck.
The list goes on and on...

But it's not saving money, that's what I wrote. It's using money that's been already budgeted to that group/department. It's already been budgeted and done. Maybe we're looking at things at a different level.

i fell like you missed the point user.
>look like a fucking cheap ass schmuck.

The worst thing about Americans, they don't even know that some of their greatest individuals, their greatest icons, were in favor of policies that they would now call "communist". You've been played by Republicans since Nixon and you don't even know it.
The most tragic thing about all this, the only thing that could bring America to its knees is internal strife. Your anti-worker mindset is exactly what will be the cause of that. It's not about what people "deserve", it's about what they need, and about the type of society you are: one that takes care of its own, or a glorified shark tank.

Keep begging your own doom, you fool.

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I thank my mom and family for teaching me to be a human being and not some fucking wigger.

There's no such thing as a living wage. If you can't make a living at one job then you find another.

Jacking up minimum wage just causes inflation and increases the cost of living.

this is oversimplified but close

Go eat your pork faggots you sack of shit Brit!

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Will that be a Billy Joel or an Elton John song?

Check out /ck, I don't understand how so many shill threads get through unless it's automated somehow.

Doesn't your company pay for your business trips? What kind of shit company do you work for that doesn't pay for it's people's trips?

Imagine a scenario where machines take over 90% of jobs and 0.1% of people own almost all the machines. the other 99.9% are essentially worthless to those who treat others as production factors and no longer have a need for them.
What you get is either the demise of all those people, or an uprising that brings down society.

Now this is a very extreme scenario, reality isn't as severe, but then again you don't need such extreme numbers to create outcomes that are equally undesirable to all of us.

Why do you protect the expoiters? Even the richest people publicly call for better welfare and a society that takes care of all its citizens. Yet here you are, relegating yourself to a minion of the heartless machine. You have fully internalized the serf mentality.

The problem is the lack of jobs where one can get a livable wage. I grew up in NY under the federal poverty line and guess what, when the options are grocery bagger, or working at a deli or a laundromat for less than $8/hr there is no way to get into a better position. Similarly now I'm in NM now in a desolate college town doing research for the school but there is literally nothing else related to my field of work for 100 miles in any direction and my skillset is well above that of a burger flipper. Until government money is diverted from bloated budgets and put back into supporting infrastructure there's pretty much no way for new businesses to survive their first couple of years and so no new jobs or higher wages can even occur without some very wealthy person personally invests in it.

You don't 99.9% to 0.1% spread.
51% to 49% is enough. People will vote in a government that distributes the money as soon as this becomes an issue.
It's not an issue yet.

There's also devaluation of currency caused by just printing more and more.
Here's a good book for anyone interested.
Secrets of the Temple by Greider.
It'll give you a good insight into how things really work.

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oh so hundreds of billions that owners of walmart or amazon shovel in their pockets, come from nowhere? You dense retard, someone has already paid this money, except 99% of it goes to owners pocket, instead paying workers 1% more so they could feed their families.

You're the one with the "serf mentalty" you complain like a nigger but offer no solutions except that the government should pay for your existance.


It's called a travel reimbursement, you pay for the travel expenses upfront (plane, cars, hotel, food, etc) keep the receipts and get reimbursed afterward. Some companies can do travel advancements where you still need to purchase the tickets and hotel reservations upfront but they'll use those and estimate the remaining costs and give you a check before you leave, then afterward receipts are compared and the difference is paid.

I agree 100%, that's why I said it's an extreme scenario. I'm in favor of a UBI, precisely because I don't want a situation where the mob votes in a government that just brute force redistributes the wealth. I see the inherent virtues of capitalism.

I'm not going to waste my time with you, sorry.

pic unrelated, but it's Steinski

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and who's gonna flip burgers or pack your groceries or maw your lawn if everybody will go looking for better jobs? And where are all those better paid jobs, just waiting for employees? You are a typical republitard, just chanting the same shit Fox has chewed for you, how about you come out of the bubble to the real world and see that life is not like it's in the books?

Some companies give you a credit card to use for that so you're not doing it directly. Then you itemize expenses and at the end of the day, most shit gets approved. If it's something from the room bar at night, well ok cross that one out.

It will become automated when it is cheaper to install and maintain machines than to continue paying a human.

>I'm not a bait thread posting AIDS victim.

Tax companies incremental on their automation. You replaced 20% of your workforce with machines? That'll be 40% of your yearly profits thanks

everywhere there's a hike in the minimum wage, the cost of living goes up
Look at Seattle and Portland
record numbers of homelessness. And not just any kind of homelessness. Feral, homeless. Tourists are warned to keep their distance at all times.
But yeah, at least you make $15, have to ride a bicycle because you can't afford a car, and pay $1100-1500 a month for a one bed room with a roommate.
Oh yeah, and you pay state income tax ontop of food tax and federal income tax.

Living the dream

Where do come up with these numbers from bizzaroworld?

OP is mad that it's kinda thrown together haphazardly, which is to be expected at a fast food restaurant. You're far more likely to get the wrong order than you are to get something missing buns or toppings and the like.

so the solution would be state owned low-price rentals, it's the greed of people that drives the prices high. What, it's better now when people get so low wage that they can't afford apartment anyway and have to rely on foodstamps?

It's not an issue of what you deserve. People don't get what they deserve. The world isn't fair. That's how children think.
It's an issue of what you need.

>state owned low-price rental
they can't even afford to house the homeless

Where be at my pickles, beotch!

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he ha a point, number are prob just to give an example... however this will never happen since companies that rely heavily on robot already exists... so if we were to introduce that law we would shut down entire sectors

No. You're wrong, it's issue of what make out of life. You come across as a commie scumbucket if all you from life is just what you need, who determines what you need?


There are high skilled jobs doing the programming and creation of those robots. This has existed since the 1970s yet people are still around.


Your ban is over?

It's a mcnigger, before the watermelon has been put on it.

sure they are, but number of jobs in meaningless and useless bureaucracy has increased significantly to cope with this... system will continue to pit out 'useless' jobs to keep the unemployment rate down so people dont off themselves.

Try out a bit of salt on watermelon, it's really good. I learned that from /ck, thought it was weird but tryed it out and it was damn good.

I'm working in the commercial side of a research university, I doubt they'd ever deal with business credit cards for travel.


mcdonalds doesnt flip their burgers, they use a clam-shell grill with heating elements on both sides.

my uni reimbursed my research trip like a boss... flat fee after i returned... made like 600bucks AFTER covering the bills, + my pay

Then don't work for them if they require you to travel at your own expense. It seems simple enough to me, but then I'm not so high falooting to work for a university and would never want to.

kek, such a useful robot then.... its like US developing a ball pen to write in space and ruskie took a pencil

And thank me later


You should have seen what the suck down toilets cost so that the shit and piss doesn't float around in no gravity.

>hurrrr u dont make enough money?

Looks empty. Good post though. Real good, you should write home to mom about that one.

what's the argument?
what got the product to do with his wage?

you buy clearly predefined fast food, did you expect "like mother" from a franchise? you got service, even if you seem to be a stupid arrogant retail client, like most USfags, and probably should be denied service for being too stupid and arrogant.

There's has always been ditch diggers, there will always be burger flippers. People have different levels of motivation and intelligence that suit them for different roles in life. If you think "just give everybody a shit load of money!!!" can create a sustainable economy. Then you are too retarded to even debate with. Reply if you desire to, but I wont read it.

They reimburse the expense, I don't see what you're getting at, this is a pretty common practice for smaller companies as well.

>go to a fast food restaurant
>expecting your food to not look like shit

ur literally sperging like in that one movie

and what Russians just crack open an airlock? that one actually makes sense

They have the option to train or educate for a better job. If your on any type of assistance, the government will pay for it. But that involves effort.

the poor people arent the problem tho
also you make it seem like there's no morons with unleaded amounts of cash

i agree tho, they should stop putting up pictures of plastic burgers.... put up what i'm gonna get intead

It doesn't matter. The ultra wealthy will never change. Forcing a plan that depends on something impossible to happen for it to work is idiotic.

so we need to just all strap on our chains and make sure they keep their wealth

give them more and more while the poor suffer even more

capitalism wins again

I'm getting at the fact that you're a sucker for having to pay for it yourself instead of it being on some corporate card which you use seperately than your own card(s). I've been offered jobs by universitys and they're known cheapskate sacks of shit and I'd never accept a job from one of those high fallooting fag types.

And no "univeristy" is a small company, they like to appear that way in order to get tax write offs up the ass and buy up properties while making millions if not billions. You should see the property holdings of NYU, a girlfriend went there so I looked into it and it's fucking pathetic what they get away with.

I went to school near by and we used to sucker those people, time and time again.

For Apollo / Soyuz a special dock was made so the two ships could connect.

not once did I say give everybody shitloads of money, giving someone few dollars hour more is shitload now? The economy now is sustainable in your world? Where majority of people get below livable level but few owners of corporations get hundreds of billions? Yep, perfect capitalism right there, all those millions of walmart or amazon workers should just go and get a beter job, all those jobs are simply waiting but they are dumb and don't want to earn more.

Read if you're interested.

i really dont see a problem with your food. you went to a fast food joint. they have to make it fast because your lazy fatass wants it fast. stop complaining and eat your god damn food you lazy fat fuck.

you autistic fuck can't understand that OP was talking about low wages not the quality of that burger on the picture?

>anyone deserves anything

The problem is you live in a democrat shit hole. You fucking elected AOC who believed recyling piss to make coffee is a real solution. What's crazy, is every shit hole being New York, Los Angeles, Detroit. You all fuck yourselfves, and cry out a reason that sounds sophisticated but in reality it's so much more simple. It isn't capitalism's fault, it isn't the previous generation, it isn't income inequality. It's the fact that your state and your elected officials are pumping out so much shit that costs you as citizens so much that you built your homes on sand. Then get pissed when the foundation isn't solid.

What perfect nation are you from that makes you think that you know better than we do?
I always love the crickets on that question.

he's a republitard, didn't you understand that from "you fucking elected..."?

lets make it a 5000 an hour, we can all be rich and stick it to the man. amiright?

Why is inflation so fucking hard for retards to understand? The poor will always be poor, the only question is if everyone will be poor. Stop being poor, its gross.

Oh, so you'd rather have the vampire shillary in office? As if she'd do a better job, that thing is a fucking shill cunt and you know it. Go back and cry in your closet in a fetal position like the good little demoshit that you are. Your anointed one didn't win, deal with it.

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lol here we go, we arrived at hillary, good one republicunt, I'm in tears now

For the retards I feed I say give me 3 extra

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Good response, you are crying in your closet, because your anointed one LOST!

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"Know better than we do" listen to the narcissism on this guy. I'm a dude that makes a livable wage and not in a city in a list for the top worst places to live. If you don't like your leaders but the people around you put them there? Fucking leave. You're your own person.

I don't care whether a moron foreigner like you is in tears or not. Did the USA pull out of some deal where you were making free money off of our taxpayers? Come on now, be honest. Why are you pissed off that shillary didn't win?
I bet you're not capable of honesty because you're a fucking faggot and Trump goes through line items and deletes shit that have no advantage to the USA, that scares you doesn't it.
GOOD! It's about time you foreigners earned your pay.

If a job doesn't pay enough, don't take the job. The business will fail because no one works there. The self-regulating nature of glorious capitalism handles the problem.

That wasn't me I don't bring up Hillary. No one likes her.

What's your point foreigner?

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Uhuh, guess if we just elect republicans everything will get better, can't wait to see all the new jobs, livable wages and infrastructure improvements once we get a republican president. oh wait.

This thread needs a proper speach.

It certainly wont get better if schmucky scumer and pelosi are in charge.

You can't possibly believe this. Living wage is living wage, sure, but mcdonalds and fast food joints, unless you're one of the higherups, is an entry-level job, meant for highschoolers, people getting into the workforce, and felons who can't get jobs anywhere respectable. You're not meant to live off of a mcdonalds job.

Network - Money speach

I wonder if it was ordered fresh.

>fast food restaurant
yeah right.

We don't just elect republicans there has to be a balance. But you elect who makes sense, provides results, and isn't overly emotional. Like you're acting right now.

My point, is that just printing more money. Isn't a solution. That there are deeper issues that other cities don't have. So move to one.

Listen man I appreciate where you're coming from but you're coming off as an ass hole. Poking fun at the targets you see Shapiro go after doesn't make you a political wise guy. It makes you the ass hole at the party who argues off assumptions.

>Every human being has the right to be happy

Anyone that disagrees with your commie bullshit is an asshole, see, I know where you're coming from as well and it's a shithole that I want nothing to do with. Go wear your black pleather jacket somewhere else and sell your hypocrasy to some idiot who wants to hear it. You're just pissed that I call you out on your own bullshit.

Don't forget the little A in a circle on your black pleather sleave, it makes you feel as if you belong to something.

Dude, you don't even know who you're arguing with so settle the hell down you emotional ninny

>reddit formatting

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What does that even mean?
Reddit formatting? You must go there a lot and use the term to try to "fit in." Don't be a faggot.

What formatting, separating paragraphs so it looks good, or don't you phone posters know how to deal with that yet?

Hey i'm the one who the guy you think you're yelling at, was originally talking to. You're super edgy, and i bet you think you're brilliant. But do yourself a favor and settle down.

If you go into history, you're the one that got on my case when I was making funny posts. You're the uptight faggot that can't take a joke.

I wasn't "yelling" either I was simply making some observations, and one was that you come across as a pathetic homosexual. That's not an accusation or anything, it's just an observation.

I was trying to have a conversation, you threw Hillary into the mix. Now you're crying

Seems to me that you're the one crying because your annointed one lost. You made a Trump comment and I responded calling you out for your bullshit.

I didn't even mention trump dude? You don't know who you're talking to. Hence settle down

Crying in your closet in a fetal position, whaaaaaaa!

It's probably you, over 290 posts it's tough to track every post, but you do seem like a shillary moron that's still crying in a closet in a fetal position.

Holy shit, he got fucking mogged man. Source mna.

>Reverse image search that


I'm sorry for whatever you're missing in your life

Well I certainly wont miss the likes of a lying son of a bitch such as you.

I think minimum wage should be a nice even $10. Just enough to live on. On the other hand it really isn't that hard to find a job that makes more than minimum wage. Working a fast food job makes sense for a high school or college student, but beyond that why not just work a manufacturing or warehouse job if anything?
I think the a bigger problem is the real estate jew, making certain parts of the country practically unlivable for the middle and lower class because housing cost are so high. I live in the midwest fortunately so not an issue for me.

That is a solid B+ mcburger

Fuck OP

>real estate jew
Still in issue for you as well when the price of a house is doubled or tripled because of the money spent on interest.



The homeless flock to those places because of the prevalence of social services. You won't get good help in some flyover shithole.

So child/slave labour. Nice.

sauce on that?