What would you ask to an owner of a minecraft anarchy server which was founded aproximetly 8 years and 2 months ago...

What would you ask to an owner of a minecraft anarchy server which was founded aproximetly 8 years and 2 months ago. I might be the owner. >Ask me anything.

Attached: this-might-get-you-an-clue-on-the-server-thumbnail.png (253x255, 2K)

r u gay?

I prefer to not talk about it.

fuck off and put your dick in a grinder

What king of anarchy? Capitalist or communist?

Sry kind not king

How does it feel giving birth to a dissapointment such as yourself?

mass noun
1 A state of disorder due to absence or non-recognition of authority or other controlling systems.

2 Absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal.

Oh, its this thread again. Its been quite a few months since you posted, whats been keeping you so long?

Is this minetexas?

What are your private ssh keys for the server

I drank so many alcool that I almost died in a car accident to end up being in the coma for 4 months.

is this hause?

Oh, that explains it. It woulda been better if you died, one less cum-gargling closeted jewish faggot.

r u hause

no one cares

> Perhaps ;)

Give the ASP’s sign department a bigger budget.

did it work?
do you think it would be the same in rl?

You're not hausemaster im popbob and me and hause are close friends.

/op RusherB0T

Yes the server did a massive sucess in 2016. However people aren't realizing it's just a shitty block game with shitty graphic.

What did you do to the real Hause?

delete server

Why haven’t you killed your self yet?

I would rather you to do so

Are you single?


As I said before, I prefer to not talk about this subject.

>You fiflth animal.

Is this about the Constantiam server?

Let's say some of the server player base moved here.

make a modded version of 2b lol

I beleive that with all the mods not being updated at the same time would be a harrash to maintain. So I rather not.

cracked/offline 2b when?

Nice server lad. I've struggled to get on for longer than 10 minutes at a time due to lag but 2b is nice.

Benjamin är en jävla apa //T
Best server ever.

I'm genuinely curious, but, there isn't a way to ask without sounding mean or like I'm trolling.

How often to you contemplate suicide?



Lol I totally forgot about that. Isn’t there a comic about that server?

I enjoyed reading it! It make me feel more confident than usual!

I sometime censor submission from the subreddit.

How much does it cost to run the server and how big is the file size?

Just asked hause, Wasnt him.

It cost a lot of money! It cost as much as a teenager monthly salary. The file size around 4 Tb.