My only regret is that I never tried weed

My only regret is that I never tried weed.

Attached: weed.jpg (275x183, 14K)

Drink air.


Why are you dieing?

Drive Christopher.

today ganja tomorrow heroin. thats what i have heard

My only regret is that I used weed for a decade of my life.

Never to late

You really believe that D.A.R.E bs?

r u serious

Had a friend try a joint at a party.
>told him not too
Died 4 days later from herion OD

Attached: tay sad.png (377x598, 237K)

I regret drinking and smoking, I shouldn't have bothered

Its really not worth it

Stoners are the most pathetic kinds of people. Pretending to themselves they’re not addicted to getting high and pretending marijuana drives some sort of creative impulse. I was in a group of stoner friends and all anyone cared about was smoking weed before watching the big game, not of that inspired art faggotry shit that stoner fags for some reason believe marijuana inspires

It just turns you into a grumpy zombie when you don’t have the drug, fucks your eating schedule and makes you a weak willed cuck

>being this triggered

derpiest derp on the derpearth

You just had shitty friends and people in your life and you’re probably pretty shitty yourself. I bet you don’t even have any real hobbies.

Fuck DARE. They said random people will hand me’s been 32 fuckin years and no free drugs!!

Naw man. Weed, shrooms, mesclun, acid then DMT. That's how the drug rabbit hole goes.


>My only regret is that I never tried weed.
Orly? the only regret? haha

Simply. You’re friends just sucked. Me and my stoner friends are home owners, decent careers and focused on our families. Will you let the reefer madness goes. A white man told you it was bad in 1931. Before then, humans collectively used it since the first recorded written times.

Don't let your dreams be dreams.

smoke crack weed makes you gay and its a scientific fact.

If you live in a city, chances are you're within walking distance of someone willing to sell you some.

Go to your local community college. Find the white dude with dreads. AKA-Trustafarian. Git weed.

Your bigger regret should be never having tried lsd and dmt. All weed does is make you feel good.

Triggered for all the right reasons
