Your 18 year old daughter wants to have sex with you

>Your 18 year old daughter wants to have sex with you
How do you react?

Attached: Katie Pladl.jpg (922x1153, 95K)



By spamming the boards with the same faggot cancer like the cancerous faggot you are you cocksmoking faggot.

You legit scared me. This girl really looks like my daughter
Sick prick

nothing unusual here.

I react like I did for the last ten years except now shes legal

I'd fuck her pussy
Why ask stupid questions OP?


I warm up, then fuck her brain out
>pic related

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Every daughter wants to sex daddy / thread

put in her pooper

*Unzip dick*

I'm game

did you ask your mother first?
> she lies and says yes anyway

Fuck her, have a baby, leave my wife and move across state lines, forge documents saying we're not biologically related to marry her and then when the cops come to bust down the door I kill her, the baby and myself.

That's what happened to the woman in OP's pic, by the way.

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Her left eye is way higher than her right eye

Fucking lost 8D

killed himself, daughter, baby, adoptive dad, all while he and daughter were on bail. Whoever paid that bail has to be hell mad to have lost all that money

Thank God that 10 years of training her finally paid off.

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Pretty fuckin shocked cuz I have no kids.

Fuck her ofc

I'd be shocked. I have an 18yo daughter?