What causes this?

What causes this?

Attached: gtfo.jpg (3589x2337, 1.09M)

Well it's nothing new. Men like to fuck each other.

Attached: ancient-greek-erotic-art.jpg (900x675, 113K)

Its a sign that the civilisation is going to fall

extreme gayitude and rampant homoness.

blacks and asians also do it. it's also very common in the animal kingdom

Yeah keep telling yourself that



Cope with what? Do you have any statistics to support your claims? Homosexuality has been been observed in the animal kingdom with a frequency even greater than humans, there is no data to suggest that white men are gayer than any other race.

It's largely due to the fact that there's a greater population of white folks within western societies to start; the fact that western societies are also comparatively more technologically advanced to have devices on hand to post such pictures and videos in the first place; and with the fact that western societies are more tolerant comparative to other places around the world.

In places like the Middle East that kind of shit is covered up and if exposed you get chucked off a roof.