Did Lexapro help with your social anxiety?

Did Lexapro help with your social anxiety?

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lexapro is an ssri, it has no social anxiety benefits.
Get on a benzo

Fix the missing holes in your life and become what you want to be, dont rely on a drug to fill the voids that cause your unhappiness.

Fuck your hippie shit nigga
Clinical depression/anxiety isnt some OH READ THIS BOOK AND BE HAPPY bullshit
Its genetic faggot. You literally need medication

In extreme forms it is a clinical condition you fucking retard. I hate hippies, but I'm sick of people being prescribed depression meds and turning into zombies when they arent chemically imbalanced, theyre just lazy and unmotivated.

nope. someone i know (MD) always puts his patients on Sertraline -- high success rates. he has the lowest depression/anxiety rates in his patients because his patients claim to be fixed.

ive taken it as well. way better and less side effects than ecitalopram (lexapro).

>extreme forms
No, its common place.
>lazy and unmotivated
So you want them to not take medication and be lazy and unmotivated and suicidal?

I think it has helped with it, am certainly more comfortable in large groups of ppl than before. But the weight gain and constant sweating, not worth it. I was on 10mg a day for six wks and have tapered down to 2.5, today is first day of nothing. planning on staying off it

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Sertraline works, but it is weird (at least it was for me) because it put a max and a min on my emotional levels. You aren't a zombie, but your emotional range is narrowed. If you go off of it for any reason, those next few weeks are just awful - like severe depression swing.

Tried it for 3 months and felt no difference. Anxiety is for life. The only temporary relief you get is from benzos but that makes you worse at dealing with it. Just learn to accept it

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honestly bro just fucking deal with ur issues go see a councilor (not a therapist) pay if you have to. Rx is not going to fix anything and to be honest its a waste of time + bad for your body.

if u want to rid of ur anx completely do what i do and snort oxys all day

I've been on multiple SSRIs and none of them have helped me, though it's case by case. I'd suggest possibly trying something like cbd if you can't find any effective solution. It has helped me a ton, though it's not for everyone.

Nope. Dont take these unless you really need them. If you manage withouth them you are much better off.

Helps for some people, as in SSRIs are actually "kinda" indicated for anxiety in some cases.

Not me though. Not the depression either. Neither did anything else and now I'm here.

Fuck it bladee city thats my cousin

it doesn't fucking do anything it's a drug for profit i had terrible anxiety i got over it by growing a pair of fucking nuts figure your shit out or kys drugs will only make it worse faggot

Wtf is social anxiety, just go outside and talk to people. When did humankind get so fucking weak. What the fuck is wrong you, fag?

it's one of the most common disorders. you can just google really

YES! THIS! I had horrible withdrawals coming off of it.

Anti anxiety meds helped me with the anxiety but left me feeling incredibly tired all the time, so now I'm off them and just trying to manage the disorder. You only know what they do for you by trying them

I've been on it for going on 9 years, I'll be ending it next year as I'm becoming resistant. Lexapro just makes me numb, no highs or lows, just numb.

The side-effects for me are just sweating randomly, weight gain (That I needed), and hypertension.

I'll leave you with this; if you're going on any depression medication it's only a tool to be used with therapy. You can pop all the depression pills you want but you still need to get to the center of the problem or at least understand your depression.

Likely, you'll probably end up trying several other meds but if you don't be aware of withdraw as it's the most unpleasant thing I've ever experienced.