Why do you hate Nigggers?

Why do you hate Nigggers?

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They're dumb thieving violent monkeys.

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They're subhuman, devolved apes

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because they are stupid and act stupidly



Nigga look like a Bloods from Cali

>theyre dumb
>they create terrible fuckin music that for some reason has become more mainstream and popular than everything else at the moment
>they create awful retarded slang
>they act like literal gangs of chimpanzees when there is more than 2-3 together.
>They are too loud and obnoxious.
>Too violent and criminally minded to exist in a civilized society, yet cry racism whenever they face any consequences for their own actions
>Act like white people are the ones with the problem
>Are given jobs over white people simply for the colour of their skin
>Are the most racist group of people on the planet but for some reason its ok

i hate them niggers too….


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White women don't hate them too

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Most do, only the dumbest, naivest or most easily influenced by (((popular))) culture dont. and they soon learn once they take their first couple of beatings at the hand of their partners.

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Niggers are not human... they got the gift of a big dick, but thats all....

>only the dumbest


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this is not normal...

Sport , Music , Porn , Fashion

Yes black men is not so bad.

go and kill urself fucking nigger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And why not?

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Calm down i'm white buddy.

Just some fact about black men.

oh okay, sorry dude :) but all the niggers must die

How old are you ?

I don't hate anybody, man.

>this is not normal...

What ? talk about something

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rape, murder, theft, low intellect

Yes, they are pretty bad.

Way to much to list but mostly because they pussys who wouldn't dare insult a white man to his face

Good goy

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Same reasine I hate /pol/fags. No wait. I only hate /pol/fags.

this thread is one giant samefag.....

>rape, murder, theft, low intellect

Trump voter?

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I don't have anything against niggers.
I fucking hate Trumptards, though, and would like to kill a dozen or so.

Suck a dick, then kill yourself.

You hate but same time you wanna be her

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Why not.

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I hate NIGGA

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Probably life failure...

no thanks, thats for niggers.

Yes too

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this is pervert stuff

I hate and watch same time

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fpbp, but this abortion will shamble on with the same old shit it always has

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