Sick of life but cant bring myself to end it.. need some encouragement to do so...

sick of life but cant bring myself to end it.. need some encouragement to do so. I already have a needle ready that will do the trick...
I live alone, I have no job, no education, no money, no family, no friends, and dont even find any joy in anything anymore so trust me you'd all be doing me and the rest of the world a favor

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Other urls found in this thread:

come on Yea Forums help me work up the courage to take control and stop the hurting

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just do it faggot

Just drink everyday like me. I also hate my life

Instead, dont do it

>I live alone, I have no job, no education, no money, no family, no friends

Fixing this would fix

>dont even find any joy in anything anymore

Stop thinking that you're 'just this way'. Your perception of existence is subjective and therefore biased. You've fallen into habits that are perpetuated a belief about yourself. Change those habits and change yourself.

Suicide is harder than just fixing your personality.

Give your life to Christ and repent from sins. You will be saved instantly if your intentions are pure. If you genuinely accept him as Lord and Savior all that pain goes away, if you follow Christ. You have nothing to lose, except your salvation if you kill yourself. Then you'll go straight to hell. What's your name? I'll pray for you. I love you.

I know I should... I have nothing going for me and I'm in the prime years of my life. My family wont speak to me and my daughter is being raised by a whore that lied about me being abusive so Im not even allowed to see her..

job requries education, education requires money, money requires job. get the fuck off your high fucking horse life aint for everyone nigger

That is a lie from the pit of Hell! With God in control that will change! It is his will that families stay together!

im not sweious you fucking dingo brain.
fix your shitty life faggot and stop bothering us here. this is a happy safe space

Your disgusting. Shame on you for talking like that. May the Lord rebuke you.

god doesnt exist, educate yourself

Fuck you OP, you're too weak to even do this yourself and need a bunch of enablers? Fuck you.

I thought about killing myself 3 times a day. Didn't. This shitty life you have is the best and only thing you will ever have. You'll have eternity for not existing. Currently you have a PC, internet, and apparently free time to shitpost on Yea Forums, so use it to grab some happiness from world, one bootlegged TV show, one meme at a time.
Also, take that pain and turn it into something productive. Anything. It's like that shill Peterson says, start with cleaning your room, work up from that.

Also, fuck you.

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since when was Yea Forums a happy safe space? I remember a Yea Forums that would've been asking for a live stream

Your acting like trash. Someone else actually cares except you! Tits or gtfo

Prove it

>job requries education


Also like IS everyone, I'm not sure you understand what you're saying. There's an entire field on study producing data on how people live.

Crude, but straight to the point.

It always turns around

lurk moar

I have a gaming $2k gaming pc and cant even play any games. I havent enjoyed anything in almost a year. I wake up screaming several times a night sometimes because of the dreams that just wont go away and tv/movies/memes dont do anything for me anymore

Stop being an attention whore and get a wage slave job. Happiness is not a right so be an adult and get on with life.

watch the first 20 mins of zeitgiest I cant be bothered to explain it to shitbrains on Yea Forums

idiot. motivation and fun at doing things comes from doing things. just start and roll with it. can't...can you? Science has proved the existence of God. Look up the God particle. And then tell me science is wrong. Look-up CERN in Switzerland. Tell me they are wrong. I've now proved God is real. And you can't prove he isn't. Now. Give your life to Christ

lterally too retarded to work


ty, at least someone gets the point of this thread

I hate it when people tell me "just don't be sad" "just look at the positives". Fuck that noise. People who say that don't understand what you're going through.

I refuse to become a pill popping zombie or an alcohol dependent. Wagecucking your way through life as your health decreases, only to occassionally relax is just a bullshit way to live

same in every single way but wtf then what OP dont be a normie fag suicide is for cowards regardless of how hard it is

Livestream pls

Christ is a faggot, if he ever exists that is lololol

Livestream so I can fap to it

You're more than welcome. You are loved.

fuck you, continuing to waste away my life laying in bed is cowardly

Then stop with pleasure, start with responsibility. You have little, but there are organizations that need help, filled with people who have even less. Go out and help. Feed the homeless, give lessons to kids from poor families, do some neighborhood chores. There is plenty of groups like that everywhere, and helping people, having them depend on you gives not... pleasure, but a sense of purpose, of satisfaction. Maybe that's the way out. And it costs nothing. And you'll do at least one useful thing before an heroing

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Still think Christ is a faggot when you will burn in hell for all eternity? Give yourself to him before its too late. The doors are shutting fast and we're running out of time to repent. Do it before it's too late

im going to hell regardless

How many times must God reach out to you and you keep rejecting him? Your mom left you with hurt in your heart, it's okay. Jesus fixes all wounds. You cannot hate your parents.

It doesn't have to be like that. You. Can. Change.

any god that would forgive me for my sins is no god you want to believe in

My God LOVES you. He is merciful, he is kind. No matter what you have done, you ask him into your heart and stop sinning (try) because nobody is perfect, then you are saved for eternity. ETERNITY. This life is temporary, I'm not kidding. He would love to hear from you. Talk to him, like your talking to me. Because you know, that he has tried to reach out to you, and you push him away because you are caught up in temptation. When you learn to know him, he will change your heart

Get that needle close to yourself and you'll be getting it worse.

I'm not at the same situation
you say but trust me suicide isn't the best option.

Truth is all. Help is for yourself.

Don't mix them up it's no good. At the same time it'll be worse if you truly have no one.

You're so worthless you don't deserve to die. Learn to live your life making vain attempts at improvement until you either eventually feel more accomplished or just die when life has decided for you to die. Suffer by continuing to exist, chances are it's what you deserve. If you beat it, or make it to your death bed, you'd have felt more and experienced more than most human beings will.

Reguardless I know my God. And if he forgave me he will forgive you. It doesn't matter what you have done. He saved my life. All who call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. You just have to change your mind about sinning

then enlist in the army?

Decent level trolling.

A rare sight nowadays

christianity is based paganism which worshipped the sky, the story of christ is an anthropomorphised story following the sun during the equinox educate your fucking selves

If science has proved that God is real... Then what the heck is your problem?

science has proved an interconnectedness between everything, that doesnt prove the existence of a christian god dumbass

God HAS been proven FACT. LOOK IT UP. you are so lost. You open your mouth without doing the research.

so thats it your afraid your wasting yr life really thats it

God will accept you. Just open your heart to him. It's not hard. He will change your heart and life if you sincerely try

nothing scares me anymore, I know im wasting my life and I'm just a burden to society,I'd rather be dead than in constant pain

im no longer acknowledging christ fags in this thread

Get used to it. God loves you

Jesus died on the cross for your sins

Dont give up. Jesus Christ loves you

Dont you want to go to heaven?

God has planned your life from The beginning of time. You are so caught up in the world that you're missing the big picture.

His problem is that even at his worse he isn't chaging. The need to understand himself not yet has he gotten someone who is transparent and trust-worthy.

His situation demands that. Not someone who is there to tell others to that he is using that option. Not a devote/close friend but who wants at least not deal with this situation.
If he "needs encouragement" then that's what it's telling you it's not like that.

He saying he has no one it's what's wrong.

John 3:16

He has a void in his life. A void that can be filled. I'll do everything I can to help. This is my brother

I hope you become happy; why dont you try listening some philosophy related, like allan watts stufs, i recomend, helped me a lot

eternal peace and i mean true peace can only be attained by dying. fuck these niggers who're tlaking about jesus op, im sure youre old enough to know religion is a shame. anyway int he grand scheme of the universe, none of anything matters. not you not me not even this rock floating through space. human lives are worthless and many cant even realize we're all trapped in a box of social approval. its the only thing that gives someones life meaning. just end it op it only gets worse, if you dont you'll regret it and if you do youll think "why didnt i do this sooner?"

or you can endure it for literally no reason other than thinking one day itll be okay. plot twist the human mind isnt made to have self love because without it, it forces us to evolve as a species. youll never love yourself because no one does and all we do in life is pretend. end the cycle or suffer without gain

When is the last time you actually applied for a job you lazy faggot? Stop doubting yourself just because you don’t want to put in any effort. For your information, you’re not the first person in the world who hasn’t had everything handed to them and had to work for everything. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and use your brain to figure out a way

live stream it and live on through our memories and the internet. it makes your memory eternal and memories live on without suffering

People talking about God and jesus. Kek

no matter what, do not give up o your fight. times right now are difficult and i can assure you that SOMEONE, out there in the world, cares deeply for you. you need to keep fighting no matter what! there are resources that will make you feel better like suicide hotlines or people you could talk to. you may find it difficult to reach out about this but one you get your mindset to improve and talk to people, your life will start to look up. life has its ups and downs and if you are at your darkest point it will get better. you just need to struggle. it will be hard but there is definitely a way to be happier which is much more worth it for you and all of your friends/family than the easy way out. don't forget that god loves you too. he will walk beside you during your battles.
hope you are okay!

yeah i know the story of the sun dying on the cross, obviously you dont

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Coequally is what you're preventing so no.

youll spend your life filling the void and keeping yourself busy. easiest way is drugs but you get hooked easily. a good job, even tons of money wont fix how you feel it will just give you new problems to deal it. it never stops youll never be content even if you think certain things will fix your current issues but it doesnt stop. another way to put it is the whole, when you receive and answer you just have more questions. the more we know, the more we ask

these are lies told by people to make themselves feel better. constant affirmations can make your lie easier but it wont fill the void.

What state do you live in OP? If in america.

Take shrooms and watch nature documentaries if you've nothing better to do.

start reading a good book from the library. live to get to the end

then borrow another book

Why would it be a void when he has a problem and no one is there for helping?
He is recurring to people get him his (at this point) demand since he has no one at this case literally?

Stop being such a downer hippy faggot. The bottom line is that you can look at life positively or you can look at it negatively. Life doesn’t matter, nothing matters. That doesn’t mean you can’t have fun and happyness. That doesn’t mean that waking up every morning isn’t worth it if you find something you like to spend your time doing. Get a hobby or go try to get some pussy faggot. If you truly believe that downer shit you keep talking about, you’d have killed yourself by now. No one truly believes suicide is a good idea or else they would have done it already

I live in canada

What the actual fuck?

What language is this?

you know you're supposed to be 18+ for this website? its something everyone knows but fear prevents it most of the time.

what's in the needle OP? Heroin? Insulin?

Stop being a whiny faggot. Either rope it or stfu. Nobody gives one

I'm asking why is user saying that it is a void that needs to be filled if what he needs is answers and help to put it simple.

Get up on your feet, go outside and start making some friends. Don't waste your time posting things on here expecting something different to happen in your life from people that are on the same boat as you. If you really want to change your life, first change who you counsel with. No one in /b is equipped to help you in your own misery. Take responsibility for Christ's sake. The only thing you have real and undeniable control over is your ability to respond to your daily situation. Use it, wield it.

Tldr; OP is a faggot who won't do it hahahaha

200+ mg of pure cocaine dunno the exact amount but its more than enough

I dont want to change my life i want to end it

if your reading comprehension was anywhere near an adults you realize im right because its not an opinion its how life is. no one wants to admit it because it doesnt have social approval. and to not have the approval means being an outcast and boom youre right back into no self love. its a lose lose formula because either way social approval only helps pretend to love yourself through the affirmations i mentioned. famous people kill themselves anyway because they realize this they realize its a lie

do it, OP we are here with you. it takes the first domino to make a difference

Why not move man? Get your stuff packed, sell what you don't need for gas and food money, and find a new place to live man. You'd be surprised what a change like that can do for you.

Or do what I do, take my dog out to the middle of nowhere with me and camp. There's something about being out in the quiet forest or mountains, with just your best but sitting around a fire drink in a beer.

If you don't have a dog, get one. They're seriously better than almost any friend

youll regret not doing it. we'll see you again when you make a thread down the road

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Cocaine is lame. Get some psilocybin and watch nature documentaries, you'll find love for this beautiful world.

no car no money anything i have worth anything are my computer and tablet, I dont even have a phone

you make these posts because you want to be convinced not to do it. we cant do it op, we dont know you. we can lie to you if it makes you feel better.

know the truth that it doesnt matter

Doubt its pure, probably benzocaine.

cocaine is for junkies, I dont do it I just bought the first thing I could find to kill myself with and its abundent in this junkie filled neighborhood


I'm not an idiot, I swiped it from a bangers stash and left some money to replace it.
I know better than to try to buy it myself without a reputation as a banger

then what are you waiting for? you know who claism suicidal thoughts for attention? women and then they fuck it up because it was only a cry for help. 8 attempts later

men do things right the first time

stream it pls. am also suicidal but watching somebody else do it would probably a) put me off and b) at least be entertaining

if i wanted attention i wouldnt be asking anonymously for encouragement

That in itself is a change. But it's a change for the absolute worst and frankly, I am not buying it. If you wanted to end your life, you would have done so already. Yet here you are, posting your cry for help. I know it's hard to believe but you literally have so much to look forward to. The only question you should be asking yourself is if you're looking hard enough? You've no idea the negative impact of what your proposing will have in this world. However minute, it still contributes to the absolute worse in humanity. You'd be robbing the people who do care about you (believe me, they're there, you're just not looking hard enough) of the value you can add in their lives and most especially, you'd be robbing yourself of ever becoming truly happy and satisfied. Life is suppose to be an adventure. Trade your $2000 computer and get out of your damned house and make some friends.

you want to be convinced not to do it. if you wanted it youd do it.

youre just a pussy.

self love can only be achieved by social approval. its one of humanities greatest flaw. social media makes it even worse.

Better than being a labeller.

You'd have done it already if you were set on doing it. You can always do it later. Get a bicycle and start cycling for the shits, can be great for mood.

again, I'm posting anonymously asking for encouragement... how is that a cry for help? gtfo with this "you can be happy" and "it only gets better" shit. I know where my life is headed and its dark, very fucking dark, and I'm taking control while I still care enough to do so

and even then its a lie and once you realize it theres not going back. you need constant affirmations to pretend ot be happy. its easier for woman because if theyre hot they get endless attention and help. men kill themselves more frequently because no one gives a shit

your bored thats tough but its a chemical problem if you cant drop a logic bomb try chems, if not chems get smarter and find something u enjoy and fuck everyone thats not ok with that if u feel comfertable explaining that to them great if not fine but get rich get laid get obsessed become crazy start preaching wtf get smarter Yea Forumsro

you have a means to an end what encouragement do you need?

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I have no interest in sex

You don't need a friend.

If it's your final decision to end your life in despair i can't help you to change it.

If you want to end it with what you'll get as not a coward and maybe get your life together and not end your life i'll help.

People telling you to do drugs and other degeneracy isn't going to help.
If you know that laying in bed cowardly drugs is going not to push you to that but get it worse and with yourself get it to be anger.

I lost interest in sex long ago. I'm good looking and get laid with ease, if pussy could fix me I'd have been fine long ago

whats in the needle

its too late. even if you get social approval and constant affirmations it wont matter. your self worth is decided by other people and how you can benefit them. that's it, from birth are brain structure developed like this because its a constant. so if you get that hapiness itll feel wrong because it is. no one cares about other people its only for benefits. that's why celebrities are famous we like what they do. musicians and actors they make us laugh and feel good. but if they didnt do that they would be nothing. robin Williams knew this, even famous and spreading cheer he knew people didnt give a shit about him. he was a cash cow for his managers

did you even red the tread due???

“My expectations were reduced to zero when I was 21. Everything since then has been a bonus,” - Stephen Hawking
“Life would be tragic if it weren’t funny.” - Stephen Hawking

I like Stephen Hawkings view on sadness and tragedy.

Where do you get your logic? Self love can only be achieved through social approval? What a whole load of bull shit. There are absolutely no one getting in the way of you from being able to love yourself. The only one who does is you.

And then you turn around and write, literally in the same sentence that social media makes it worse. Do you not see your contradiction?

Wherever you go people are going to say either do it or don't. It's no different here, I'm assuming you thought everyone here would say just do it, shit doesn't work like that


200+ mg of pure cocaine. I've been around junkies long enough to know the difference between cocaine and benzocaine

Soo...he was behind that!?

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I hate my life plenty. I do cocaine now. Shit's alright. Why bother killing yourself? You don't know that you go somewhere so you may as well see how the movie ends. Also try new things... like Coke...

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>>wathes for $0???

Doom and gloom is your choice eh? That sounds nice. Buddy, you're not in control. Trust me. You're very unstable to the point of considering the dumbest option a human being could ever make. What's sad is you're not even willing to die for anything. Absolutely pathetic.

social approval = self love
social media is the easiest way to get that. but i bet op doesnt care about social media and no friends. no self love

probably a phishing scam, go enter your personal info if you want but if they really were free they wouldnt let you bulk order them

I'm helping you to get it to not be dark. You're cowardly killing yourself like a junkie with not self respect consiously.

I want you to get it together aren't there any laws? don't you have any laws for yourself? what does it bring for you? you've already told us your location. ill tell you mine. Ecuador. If it's not worse for me with psycologists had been taking with no seriousness.
You're here to earth

I hadn't read that you have coke already. So your problem apparently is half-solved. Now get some OTHER coke since you ruined it putting it in a needle. (You could prolly sell what's in there some people like to inject coke, just advise that they cut it down?)

wrong, it takes balls to kill yourself.
cowards live because theyre scared

i entered your personal info instead my friend

Also, you got a cat? Always harder to end one's life if you know your cat will not know why you're gone...

Sure thing tough guy

I cannot stress how much I agree

good, hopefully I'll be dead soon anyway nigger

no pets

strange logic, but it works

But you're going to die with no honor and with no value for yourself. That's more coward than dying with no self satisfaction.

You can live without the "happiness of having children" but you will die. End of the story.

honor is only worth something for the living and also that's social approval. everything anyone does it for that approval. its what ive been saying

this guy gets it. honor wont matter when im gone

what about eating food? i don't do that for approval. checkmate atheist.

what about breathing or going to the bathroom? I dont think basic requirements for life count as doing things

does eating truly fill the void of hapiness? no neither does shitting. the basics arent relevant to the topic.

And attention whores ask for encouragement.

russelled jimmys

Those dont prove god exists?

anonymously? doubtful

not op but k. im the one talking about social approval being what sets self worth. kids have depression because (besides abuse and shitty parents) of social media. they even understand why it makes them feel alone.

What does it matter if he's doing it anonymously, he'll still know that it's him getting the attention.

dont even understand i mean. its really fucked up. like i said social media makes it worse. sure people have been depressed in the past but its hit 10x since the age of social media its not a random coincidence. you can google it for more info. its an actual problem. but to not to have it is to be an outcast. which creates the same problem.

Yes. And then there's tons of people who lack the courage to ask for help.

apparently my neighbor wants to fuck, I'll be back in an hour or so if the threads still alive.

Get this one straight.

If you care about a cat. He is going to me helpless like you and not know why you are gone.
Think about the cat as someone else as human. Literally you.
You will want to help him to not be on that situation if thats right.
He has no one like you.

Honor comes in if you would want to help and take care of someone else same as you. You will be fulfilled and you will find a reason altough you don't want to live anymore.

Trust me this works.
Hell if it does i can't do anything for myself with this situation.
I've been living with this since birth and theres things that keep you on.

If someone wants to die definitely because of depression but they want to feel at least once before everything ends here that is what i'll tell them.

If you're not attention whoring or doing this for reasons... this is your answer. stop with the faggotry and be a man.

people only live because they are scared of dying.

gonna fuck my prostitute neighbor one last time then im ending it, peace out yall

Trust me i've got my point to be on this "contradiction" if i got the answer myself.

Hate to break it to you but nobody gives a fuck if you went to high school or not. I'm a drop out yet I'm in a manager position for a multimillion dollar food processing facility. It took a lot of hard work but when the opportunity arrived which it was always there because people are so fucking dumb lazy and careless. Somebody with any kind of ability to perform is going to grab that motherfucker and take it like anything else. Get your soft dick little ass out there and do something.

>OP - I''m going to kill myself

>Yea Forums - get a cat

>YOU are 100% responsible for the way you experience life. Not your parents, not your surroundings, not your ex, not your bully, not your future spouse. YOU. Complete, sincere acceptance of this is the most fundamental step to bettering yourself, and it is by far the hardest thing you'll ever do.

YOu're an asshole.

Claiming that being socially ostracized automatically makes you right and means you know something others don't is a typical Yea Forumstard move. Just that indicates that you're in a category of people, granted a very bad category of people who are severely mentally ill and need o get their life together, but still. I know you created this thread to wallow in your misery but guess what, there are plenty of Yea Forumstards who got their life together and were at some point in worse situations then the one you're probably in now