Post more millenial cringe

>Post more millenial cringe.
Millenials cringe thread. Yes, that's you!

Behold, your children's future babysitters, teachers, and professors. Their shoulders cannot bear the weight of our civilization.

The fall is imminent.

>Post more millenial cringe.

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Generalizing a select group of retards into a massive sample group. Are you retarded?

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this is a reflection of society some weird mixture of genes, circumstance, upbringing, life experiences and this is what is the result quite interesting sometimes i wish humans were the size of hamsters so i could keep them like hamsters like in rick & morty

Butthurt millennial detected

kek logic has never been a woman's strong point

>makes valid argument
>"Fuck you"

Millennial logic

That's a goth. She's doing it wrong, but at least she's doing it. More power to her. OP, stop being such a judgey fuck.

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