Immigration thread. To my dear fellow Eurofags

Immigration thread. To my dear fellow Eurofags.
Do you hate what your country has become by letting in thousands of muslims and africans these last years?
Do you feel frustrated by the fact that you cant' even express out loud that these half-animals are ruining your country and its history?
Do you feel alone, despite we are millions against that situation?
I am planning to build an anonymous group of people like us, that is: willing to stop immigration in Europe and to stop its islamization. We would be hundreds ou thousands anonymous but we would be together. And while we are growing in number, even anonymously, we can begin to do some stuff. And when we are enough, we will no longer be afraid and we will actually change things.
Actual far-right parties all over europe are only there to gather our votes and neutralize them by doing nothing. What about something new? A real group with real pressure?

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Hahahahahahahah fat redneck u aintt gonna do shit

Europe is not a country dumbass

If only they could all stop breeding.

well it doesn't change anything

By joining together we can have stuff done without entering the political game, ignoring what political parties are afraid of is a big advantage: less rules, less chains, wide scope of action etc.

That’s the thing, is literally every time they fuck. A baby comes from it, they don’t have birth control or condoms or anything. Pretty much every time these immigrants fuck they reproduce

what is your color?

Your ancestors were asian migrants that took over Europe. You can't say much indo European scum.

Do It Dont listen to all these shit cunts

Some right wing parties in power actually do begin to change things.

But have at it. Good idea.

is this your first concern about brown skinned in your country?

Shut up you prick! Or the bizzies will send Abdullah round to stick his finger up your bum!

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I'm light skin, but still Im a dark nigga

eastern europe. pretty white here except slavs tho

The usual stupid argument. What about IDGAF about my ancestors? What about being worried for my descendants?
Do you think your descendant will have at least the chill youth YOU had with so much towelheads around??

Harder to get welfare after the last wave of immigration. Shit is obviously related, last year i could drop out of school like a bum, go on benefits and live sort of normally- then start school again.
This year i can barely afford food on welfare, literally eating rice 10 days a month.

Welcome to Scandinavia.

Yar har, fiddle di dee!
Being a pirate is all right with me.
Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free.

What is the biggest achievement of a far right party in Europe lately? In other words: what did the establishent allowed them to do?
This is my problem with politics: they don't let us go where we want to go. An overwhelming majority of people doesn't want more brown people or more islam in Europe, does it prevent brown people from coming? No...


it's high time you people grow some ball again. Youa re being flooded by muslims. They are raping all there is to rape in your countries and you do NOTHING about it.

Look at Austria and Hungary for plenty of recent examples.

That's what you get for voting in globalist fucks.

kurz is faggot. he played orbans friend but then bowed down to eu again

Honestly they're just brainwashed retards that think they're American niggers.
Little do they realize they're in no way oppressed, they're in the gentle hands of the european social system.

I find it just as disgusting as you do. People without plight living themselves into the role of a victim, to just scrounge off a country they have nothing to do with.

Every somali i've met was either selling some kind of drug or yelling after me. It's literally fucking retarded.

Fuck of Polack. In most western European countries you are the "immigrants".

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Our politic system is somewhere along the lines of.

>Left: We should do more to help the immigrants!
>Right: We should do a little less than that but still alot!

i dont vote.

Actually, Kurz together with the FPÖ in coalition, they almost weekly pump out new anti-immigration laws and such. They have passed ligislation to limit the money asylants get. They work on no more money being sent to Turkish immigrants children living in Turkey. And so on and so forth.
They do well for Austria, so far.

>want to express opinion that country is leaving behind its native citizens in favor of immigrants.
>get arrested for hate crimes just for voicing opinion.

Thats what happens when you let your country cuck you willingly for a couple decades.

OP here, Polish people are welcome in Europe, they ae european. They work hard and respect the law. I have nothing against an intraeuropean immigration since we share the same values. I would gladly welcom 2 families of poles, or even 3 against one family of sandniggers leaving the european land.

Those sand niggers are a fucking waste of oxygen. Literally useless. Can’t keep a fucking job and “Oh, he’s just frustrated because he’s being told what to do by a woman.” She’s your boss you cut shit. Most are absolutely retarded - can’t connect A to B. Few can even follow orders - makes you think how they could even be useful as slaves. Very quick to get angry, barely understand humor. Been ibserving it for two years. We all might think we’re not racist in the beginning, but once you start working with actual people (which these mongrels are not) you see how the fucking world works, and why there are stereotypes and prejudices.

>They work on no more money being sent to Turkish immigrants children living in Turkey.
jesus u were sending money to those roaches back home? why

thank fuck we got only like 4.. most of immigration here is ukrainians, that come here to do manual labor.. but can't rly bitch about 2-3% unemployment and only like 1% of ppl being religious.. we dodged the bullet by being too shity to get here for benefits, while being good enough to stay here

Because the left/green had been in power for a long time.

You are representative of the EU youth: you don't vote and you say that you don't give a fuck and will flee from europe as soon as you can.
What about fighting along with thousands of people like us?

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And another fucking thing. “Be careful. You’re in Germany. You can not hit your woman here. You’ll be in big trouble.” Receiving news that the boss’ baby was born - “ Boy or a girl? - Boy. - Very good. Thank god!”

litteraly everyone that worked or (worse) hired an arab will confirm what you say. Lazy, retarded, they always steal and are liars.

Why would i go anywhere, i may not give a shit but that doesn't mean im moving for anyone.

>Let's integrate a lower iq population with a history of inbreeding
>Integration fails
>Let's educate a lower iq population with a history of inbreeding
>Education fails

wonder what's next

>Polish people are welcome in Europe

Says who? You?

I love when racists fucks tell me who I can hate and who not.

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We had very few arabs at work - still retarded af but they don’t really care. Doesn’t matter if you work or not, cuck Germany pays like 1000 eu a month if you have documents that you are from Syria or other 3rd world desert level

And today in German news: Green party gains more new members than ever.

I kid u not.

>Immigration thread. To my dear fellow Eurofags.
>Do you hate what your country has become by letting in thousands of muslims and africans these last years?

we need these people to fill the shitty job, allowing us to spend hours doing close to nothing at our bullshit job.

>Do you feel frustrated by the fact that you cant' even express out loud that these half-animals are ruining your country and its history?

You totally can express these kind of things, but you'll pass as a redneck/white trash doing so. Educated people in cities know that their laziness is only enabled by the exploitation of a working class that has been deterred from rebelling by creating an important unemployment rate through immigration

>Do you feel alone, despite we are millions against that situation?

i don't feel alone at all, there is plenty of us, slacking at work, spending our time browsing social media from work and being paid for it, doing close to nothing while these people break their back working for us.

>I am planning to build an anonymous group of people like us, that is: willing to stop immigration in Europe and to stop its islamization. We would be hundreds ou thousands anonymous but we would be together. And while we are growing in number, even anonymously, we can begin to do some stuff. And when we are enough, we will no longer be afraid and we will actually change things.

you obviously are poor, i understand you are angry about it. But rioting is the nigger's way, get better degree, create your own business if you need, but once you stop being poor, you'll see that the problem wasn't immigration or islamization but the fact that you were living among them because you were white trash.

>Actual far-right parties all over europe are only there to gather our votes and neutralize them by doing nothing. What about something new? A real group with real pressure?

far-right parties are there because people like you are too dumb and lazy to enjoy the system

I hate you.

German here
To be honest I never had any contact with an refugee
We have lots of roaches here and they are shit, with them I have problems sadly because they are aggressive af, the sultan chiefroach goatlover erdogan made it worse and more visible
On the other hand I hate Germany, not because of the typical German Holocaust self hate, I hate that too about Germans, but because the government is restrictive, nannylike and sqareheaded
And everything is a beurocratic hellhole, you need a loicence for every fucking shit so I'll rather do nothing than to do anything legally
>I would have hated nazi Germany too but it doesn't exist anymore so I don't want to waste time on that

>Polish people are welcome in Europe, they ae european. They work hard and respect the law
Only qt Polish girls
Polish dudes are disgusting Slavs and known for high aggressiveness and stealing in all of Germany, stronger the nearer to the Polish boarder

Kill yourself
You should also kill yourself

It sucks when you suddenly realize how racism actually works, doesn't it, you cockmonglers?

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>let's concentrate a lower iq population with a history of inbreeding

I can't argue with that

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>we need these people to fill the shitty job, allowing us to spend hours doing close to nothing at our bullshit job.

total bullshit, you have to be like in you earlyy 20ies.
modernization and industry 4.0 will make the "lower jobs" soon obsolete; also, the immigrants are worthless, as they have no education, no language skills and can not be sufficiently integrated into the job market. even in sweden, they say that only 1/3 can be integrated within 5 years; and 1/3rd never. and they are pilled as fuck

> Educated people in cities know that their laziness is only enabled by the exploitation of a working class that has been deterred from

pro tip: there are white people out there that are not lazy. if you are lazy, you are part of the problem

> while these people break their back working for us.
you mean they break your back when they mug you

>you'll see that the problem wasn't immigration or islamization
pro tip: demography tables, enjoy getting mugged and home-invaded when you are 70. oh, that dream of "growing old in thailand"? it won't happen. and if it will, will take you take your grandchildren with you or do just check german news when they get ass-raped in berlin?
oh, not planing on getting grandchildren? well. incels keep inceling i guess

The only black people I know are vandals smokers get into fights are useless...

As a Swede supposedly living in a no-go zone, let me tell you Americans what the reality is.

There is no no-go zones. They do not exist, except in the minds of the far right.
There is no massive amounts of rape gangs walking the streets.
There is no forced sharia law anywhere.
There is no mass increase in crimes, there is crimes sure from refugees, but not in huge numbers the far right suggest.
There is no mass slaughter houses where it's halal methods all day every day, all but one slaughter house run by muslims in Sweden uses stunning before killing the animals, as it is law.
There is no Muslim police patrols, just a couple of idiots who think they are.
There is no attempts to stop Christmas or other religious events that are not Muslim, in fact most of the Muslim communities take part in them.

So there is the reality, but I am sure you retarded faggots will think you know better even though you do not live in Sweden, in my town which again is supposedly a no-go zone.

I expect a lot of tears, and linking of information that is BS and doesn't actually support them. Every time.

Guess Americans have to keep being paranoid to feel safe.

>There is no Muslim police patrols, just a couple of idiots who think they are.


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I like her chipped tooth. It suits her.

Been to Stockholm myself last year. What a hellhole it has become. You Swedes are insane.
You close both eyes to the problem for the sake of saying 'at least we are not racist'

Like I said posting BS.

Nope why are you lying? Why the need to come into this thread to lie to push your own agenda, typical far right shit.

Sweden is literally a 3rd world country at this point. What the fuck are you even defending. Look at Malmö in the past i dunno 10 years?

This Yea Forums faggot
Why come in any thread?

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>modernization and industry 4.0 will make the "lower jobs" soon obsolete; also, the immigrants are worthless, as they have no education, no language skills and can not be sufficiently integrated into the job market. even in sweden, they say that only 1/3 can be integrated within 5 years; and 1/3rd never. and they are pilled as fuck

look at who is driving your uber, who is serving your coffee, delivering your amazon order, cleaning your place.
With a normal income of someone who attended college, you now have access to downtown-abbey like services. We need a lot of uneducated people to work all theses shitty jobs.

>pro tip: there are white people out there that are not lazy. if you are lazy, you are part of the problem

why work hard when you can afford not to because you're lucky enough to be born part of the aristocratic cast ?

>you mean they break your back when they mug you
in 34 years of living in Paris, i was a victim of one theft and one attempted theft. Stop watching fox news. If you live in decent neighborhood no one mug you.

Currently living off welfare in Scandiavia and while it's not a life of luxury (it should be) I eat well every day and I usually have some money left over at the end of each month.
Just because you're too dumb to manage a budget doesn't mean everyone else is too.

it shouldn't be*

That's gonna bite me in the ass..

Let me clarify, because you ignorants do not read everything.

Isis flag flying is illegal, one person had a prosecutor say it wasn't because of a number of stupid reasons, Sweden didn't say it was legal, that is a bad headline and one you fell for.

As for the flag story it is a lie, always has been, and has been a running joke among Swede's for a few years now. It was made up by a far right website and then picked up by nyheteridag who didn't bother to check anything. Söndrumsskolan the school in question has never or attempted to ban the Swedish flag.

Wait.... why isn't the black guy in front holding the banner?
Clearly racist!
The thought police have been informed faggot

Did you read this statement?

>There is no Muslim police patrols, just a couple of idiots who think they are.

What the actual fuck? Do you not get that Sharia patrols in Europe are about the sickest thing ever? Of course they are a bunch of idiots. They should be arrested, and thrown back to the desert whets they came from.
Instead Swedes defend them even.

Slavs countries are safe. It's fault of countries like Germany, France, Great Biritan etc. Few weeks ago I went to London. Omg, it was a mess. Super dirty, full of niggers and sand niggers. It was hard to spot a white person. Enjoy your fall fuckers

They do get arrested when they do it, police come and get them for disturbing the peace and using threats. But as said the numbers that do it are extremely low, they are young idiots, who are even disliked by the Muslim community.

No matter what you yankfats think, you do NOT understand anything going on in Sweden. No matter what shit stories you post, which most of you never read fully or understand, nothing is going to change the fact it is all BS.

>Yea Forums

How can this be Yea Forums? 2019

Swede here.
There are no OFFICIAL" no-go zones but go take a walk in Rinkyby, some streets of Malmö,Rosengård, Skäggetorp at night. Even showing up with a camera and they will attack you. Se Tim Pools Sweden vid.
There are no "rape gangs" but rape and sexual crime has gone up, and that is NOT cause of Sweds are reporting in more crimes or that we have a more open definition of rape/Sex crimes.
Sharia police are few but still exist. Not hard to find vids of it. Violent crime has been on the rise Look at BRÅs crime statistik. Spike in 2014-2017. The stuff about Halal meat is not super relevant but it is a more brutal way of killing and animal. The rest i agree with.
Sweden is not "dead" or dying we are just having more problems cause of the massive influx of migrants. Sweden is still way better than most countries.

so you are from GB and you say it's not true?

I am European.
Sharia police is equal to treason .. arrested? Thrown out of the country would be more correct.

Wow, you must be retarded of just missinformed. Malmö is shit sure but Sweden is a 3rd world country. Motherfucker Sweden is way fucking better than most countries still, we have problems sure but to say that we are "lost" or "dead" you must be a fucktard.

it's only dirty and full of nigger in neighborhood where Slavs like you are allowed.

Ok, you are full of shit. Sweden has gotten a lot of problems now with the immigrant crisis sure but to say that it has become a hellhole is just fucking retarded.

keep lyling to yourself you will beg in the future to let you to western Europe dog
pic related - france football team, its the future of eastern europe

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I said I was in Stockholm. And it has become a multi cult hellhole.
And it is true.

You know, I visited Oslo afterwards. What a difference!
So much nicer.

In Scotland I can literally go weeks without seeing a non-white face. I sure am desperate to hear some fuckwit from Shitstick Alabama tell me all about Europe.

Go take a walk at night everywhere else the chance of being attacked by non-muslims is just as high, you know this and I know this.

As for rape and sexual crimes, yes it is because more are reporting it, just like Japan more are reporting it, like Russia more are reporting it, like in Brazil more are reporting it. It is as if you want to find excuses to blame another group of people with no real proof. Why is that?

Like I said they do exist but not in high numbers, it is usually 18-23 year olds who try to go about acting like they are the law around mosques telling people not to drink etc, but they are shut down very quickly if not by the police but by the actual Muslim communities who frown on it.

Sure we have more problems, but not in huge numbers, unless you wish to prove it statistically? You cannot say because immigrants came in that is the reason the spike happened, I am not saying they did not do crimes but not in huge numbers, it is an easy finger point situation where people find it easier to blame the minority than themselves.

Just like what Americans do when blaming blacks for supposedly doing more crime than whites "per capita" when that is just a convenient statistical lie.

Nowadays one could really sum Skandinavia up with: Norway good, Sweden bad.

but what about ambulance/fire dept being afraid to go to those no-go zones without the police? r those videos fake on the interwebs where they get hail of stones thrown at them, cars burning etc?

Many somalis in Norway user. Oslo is already ruined

More likely to see a romany with a big issue under the arches than another race. But saying that all the blacks, muslims, chinese, etc I have come across in my 45 years of existence as a Scot, not once have I had problems from any of them.

What videos? Post one, and the back story of it.

Again full of shit. Multicultural sure but a hellhole is so fucking retarded. Swedes are still the most dominant culture (lets make it stay that way) and there is a lot of immigrants i will give you that and they should return to their shit countries but comparing Stockholm to a hellhole is just plain fucking stupid. Hellhole is something like Syria you fucking retard.

For your understanding: I feel the same way when I visit Paris.
To me, these places have become dirty hellholes.

its called youtube u faggot and if u cant even do a simple search then we have nothing else to discuss

Reported all of your "everyone has a chance xD" posts. Do not post this content again.

>in 34 years of living in Paris, i was a victim of one theft and one attempted theft. Stop watching fox news. If you live in decent neighborhood no one mug you.

Wait. And you are still defending them? What kind of dense cuck are you? Do you borrow your GF to them so that they LE high five you?

>can't post video
>gets upset plays the "google/youtube" excuse


>nothing is going to change the fact it is all BS.

Its highly violent BS and you are trying to say it is OK.

Because you are assuming that the theft and attempted theft are by Muslims or Blacks. Because in your country Whites never do that right?

He is defending them
There was NO rape in Sweden. Then they arrived. And now there are cucks to defend them

>Just like what Americans do when blaming blacks for supposedly doing more crime than whites "per capita" when that is just a convenient statistical lie.

They actually do, you leftist liar.

Sure, i think we are on the same page but we were talking about the "no.go zones" and i said that there ara not any officially but there are areas where ambulanses, firedepartment, and police get attacked. Maybe calling them "no-go zones" is a bad term (sorry) but they are problem areas with a high immigrant population. To deny them is just plain stupid, what would you call these areas then?

Can i see some numbers on that? If im wrong then i am wrong. I just do not think it is a coinsidense that our sex crimes has spiked when we have taken in people (mostly men) who see girls second class citizens. And why is it a spike and not gradual change LIKE Japan LIKE Russia LIKE Brazil. And blaming it on another group? If they are doing something wrong they should be called out for it. I do not give a fuck what skin colour they have.

The Sharia police i do agree with.

Then what would explain that spike then?

I do not blame most immigrants, i know that it is a minority of them that commit these crimes. Blaming all immigrants is just plain retarded.

Well it is true but Americans usually forget that it is a minority of black people who commit these kinds of crime. Cause most Americans are idiots.

It doesn't happen, but yet you think it does, from thousands of miles away?

>implying that the authors were, then, muslims or black

why would i be upset? my country is white. we dont burn cars, throw rocks at the popo or rescuers. u r the one defending sweden oh so bravely that everything is fine and dandy. u have a mental capacity of said immigrants that come in daily

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There was rape in Sweden, don't be fucking retarded. Like I said other nations with minimal muslim numbers had significant increases in reports of rape, because the mindset of victims have been changed over the years from many campaigns of talking out against the criminals, especially celebs.

The increase in reports has nothing to do with Muslims, because you want it to be doesn't mean it is that.

Like I said in Japan, why has rape reports increased there? Well? What about Brazil? What about Russia?

Actually Indonesia and Pakistan have had increased rape reports, why now and not years ago? And they are muslim rich nations.

>It sucks when you suddenly realize how racism actually works, doesn't it, you cockmonglers?

Slav here, we dont give a fuck because we want our expats to come back home anyway. It is just ironic that some of you are racist against Poles while being fine with dirty muslims, who are worse by any measure (crime rate, religious extremism, terrorism, you name it). But "muh colonial friends" lol..

The EU is fucked and you know it. Everyday I rub my hands together at the thought of its collapse; the best part will be that it was your own doing, voting those globalist cucks into office.

>Do you hate what your country has become by letting in thousands of muslims and africans these last years?
We're ass deep in europe and we haven't let in a lot of muslims or africans. We did take in some refugees, but I can't be sure wether they're these two groups.
Also, I hate what my country has become and quite frankly it was all my fellow citizens.

>Do you feel frustrated by the fact that you cant' even express out loud that these half-animals are ruining your country and its history?
No, because I can already express whatever I want.

>Do you feel alone, despite we are millions against that situation?
I feel alone among dumbshits that eat propaganda like you do.

You're a beta cringe cuck faggot. Stop being so scared.

Wow, retard. There is rape in Sweden is there will probobly always be in every country. And then "they " arrived and now we got more problems. Btw using "cuck" unironically is just so gay. Call me that all you like but it does not distract much of how much of a fucking faggot you are.

Let the be said once and for all. One SHOULD hope that in any given country most of the crime is committed by its own citizens. In some EU countries immigrants crime is proportionally so much higher that even a Swede should be able to see the fucking difference.

>If you live in decent neighborhood no one mug you.

No shit Sherlock. No one should mug you, period. The existence of those shitty neighborhoods has a lot to do with unintegrated low class migrants.

>blacks - about 13% of the states populace
>commit about half of violent crimes

I call the zones nothing, because they do not exist, yes there was a couple of incidents with services being attacked because there was a backstory of violence from SDs initially.

As for sex crimes, before immigrants the number was rising per year, and as I said elsewhere globally sex crime numbers have risen because more are reporting them, because of the #metoo movements and other things in the news.

How big a spike? Not that big is it?

I agree with you on Americans they are idiots kek

>still unable to post video
>tries to pretend his country is a paradise
>continues to complain about blacks and muslims in other threads


Leftist propagandist. Which ethnicity is over represented for sex crimes in the swedish prisonal system?

>inb4 these statistics are censored by the gvt therefore there is no problem at all.

>per capita faggot
>"but but it makes it more better for whites who numerically do more crimes than blacks by 2m+"


of course we have unintegrated low class migrant.

Do you really want your white son to deliver uber eats by bike ? It's a good thing that these low class job are filled by these migrants.

We keep them segregated in poor neighboorhood and we live in nice place where they only come to work for us.

>Because in your country Whites never do that right?

They do, but several times less frequently. Which is the point, you dumbass.

im not an american. im white and live in europe.

> (You)

>look at who is driving your uber, who is serving your coffee, delivering your amazon order, cleaning your place.
in 10 years: the google car, still the white hipster student, the amazon car, myself (because i don't want someone go through my stuff)

>With a normal income of someone who attended college, you now have access to downtown-abbey like services. We need a lot of uneducated people to work all theses shitty jobs.
these jobs won't exist any more in some years.

>why work hard when you can afford not to because you're lucky enough to be born part of the aristocratic cast ?
the so called aristrocratic cast hopefully does not need uber and hires an Alfred as Driver, not Muhammad. working something useful is what departs us from all the people you have mentioned. as a doctor though, i may be biased.
>in 34 years of living in Paris, i was a victim of one theft and one attempted theft. Stop watching fox news. If you live in decent neighborhood no one mug you.
neither have been ever mugged, but this will not prevent this from happening in the future when: we both are old and not built any more + the people who once were driving uber are no jobless thanks to google and nobody else is working to pay their welfare check. and then they will come from their banlieu and grab it straight from you and your wife

Ahh because I do not agree with you, you instantly have to attack with the leftist/liberal excuse. Because you cannot form a cohesive argument, so childlike attacks are your fortee.

Stats have always been represented that way for decades, there is no cover up like you ignorant Americans think, prove me wrong? But you will go back to childish attacks again won't you, because you cannot handle it.

KYS please or grow wiser

Lets not lie, they do it in large numbers.

Care to post your country's latest theft stats on race?

I guarantee by numbers whites do it more.

>boo hoo you hurt me with facts and reality
>i will attack you because my butt is sore


What Elder Scrolls game is this?

You are a cuck, you just give your country to muslims the same way you borrow your GF to gain a little acceptance while cleaning her.
Thats' pathetic. You wouldn't struggle for anything at all because you are a coward. And as all cowards you try to dissimulate your lack of courage under a varnish of fairness and other Nice guy's traits. Fuck you millenials, you are pure cowardness.

yes, lets fuck him. That leftist cuck

Italy = Sweden?

Tommy Robinson, inciting violence as per usual. Yeah must be a legit video guv.

Isn't he supposed to be posting his amazing video but is fucking about because his video is shit and people put money towards it?

>Do you not get that Sharia patrols in Europe are about the sickest thing ever?

You apparently know nothing about European history and what the natives there have pulled of in the past.

Per capita is the only relevant measure you monumental idiot. Otherwise you are just measuring population size, not crime rate.

>Stats have always been represented that way for decades, t

show them

sweden really is cucked

This is officially a wyboi thread

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We live in the now though.


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lol they call no-go zones vulnerable areas

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Ahh this guy, well known for doing interviews and antagonising people to get a response, even in this video the clip of the audio is clearly spliced you can hear it.

He also only shows the negative responses, there was a forum post about this years ago on a swedish student site, and they talked about how the guy had interviewed them and because they answered 2 questions with positive answer they quickly moved on to other people and anyone who was negative got longer interviews.

You have to post something that is neutral, always posting this pro-far right nonsense just proves how ignorant and easy gullible you are.

There are more than a couple. The violance there is mostly immigrants. There are fucktard SDs who does dumb shit there i know but the underlying problems are a minority with an immigrant background who runs gang of mostly young immigrants that does a lot of crime. To blame it all on SD idiots is just dumb.

Yeah, sex cime has gone up globally and they number of reports has as well but if you compare between other Scandinavian countries that spike is none to be found. Just a gradual change. #metoo is from what i know is mostly focused on celebrities and such, not about the common people.

The spike is big enough to be noticed.

Yeah, retards who says that Sweden is "fucked". Meanwhile in the good ol USA. Opioid crisis, shit health care, shit pay, no free collage, shootings are a daily thing, money in politics so that the ruling class subvert the peoples will and this is just a FEW things that is fucked in America. What a fucking joke.

your females are ours

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awwwwww he got mad for defending sweden and now must post his masterrace pics

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Why do I have a feeling you don't know what this word means and that you're an American capitalist pig being okay with outsourcing and chinese sweatshops?


Attached: 1541398433770.gif (400x300, 1.46M)

Her oppe på fjell ved midnattsilden kan man enda se
De komme som ville dyr ut av skogsmorket
Over trollberg...

They are all on here

Look at the picture and notice that there has been no real change in crime reports, only slightly increasing like it has been globally due to specific movements encouraging people to report it more.

Attached: stats faggot.jpg (729x574, 45K)


Attached: gay-interracial-blow-job-movie.gif (500x280, 616K)

Thats a freaking nice graph. Now I know that the reported offenses did not grow.


Attached: 1541391883570.gif (400x225, 1.88M)

Nah, I'm fine with it. Thanks for your concern though.


Attached: gay-interracial-face-fucking-4.gif (500x228, 1.99M)

Haha, just end it dude. Give our county to muslimes? They are such a small number and most of them are not radical you fucktard, most of them are just normal people who goes to a moske (which is still think is retarded). No, im not a cuck, if my GF is fucking someone else then she can go fuck herself, but she does not so yeah, as for someone a cuch? Bad insult mate lol. We are struggling in Sweden mate, most Sweds have enough of immigrats. Look at how many parties copypaste what SD want? Yeah, im sure that you are some badass and not just some normal dude that is as much of a cowards as me, so do not give me that shit internet tough guy. Millenial? Wow, must be hard to be so wrong about so much.


another graph for you

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I help them and welcome them regularly to m'y house. Never had pb.
Stop Being so insecure faggot


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kek op , who is by laws of this universe a fag, is also a racist cunt who probably never met a islamic person in his life.

well guess what ? this morning one of them help me and my gf take her car out of the snow even tho she was illigaly parking at their mosque.

Shows the increase of rape numbers way before 2010 was always increasing.


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Impatience, I posted a link that shows the per capita rate since the 1950s in all scandinavian countries, broken down per country on rape reports.

Pages 38 and 39 show. I await your rage.

Attached: 1551089818947.jpg (750x1334, 143K)

You are a pathetic leftist. You defend the islamic invasion of your country and you should be punished for that. That's treason. It's not clear now but when a european civil war will arise, people like you will be hunt down and ... punished. You are as anonymous as OP for the time being. And you still thik you are OK to support these half-apes pouring into your country (your gvt does, too), but there will be a time when the tide will turn.

Attached: 1545419787733.jpg (378x408, 60K)

Hate other sand niggers and taco burrito niggers.

Yeah btw, i am against immigration and i do value Swedish culture and our country. I and have for a very long time. I hate Islam, as for immigrants, they should return home where they came. Just caues i try to be fair makes me a "nice guy" or a "cuck"? No, it means i think a little, you should try that. I do think we want the same thing, but you are just more extreme than me.


Attached: qaqvnpcmi2hl33jeebppk2kb87ki.jpg (384x411, 32K)

>how how... do I find information how how does searching works?


well its the only problem my country really has to be honest.


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sauce pls



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How accurate is this?

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so progressssssive!!!!!!!!!!!!

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beeeeep beeeeep

Attached: truck of peace...webm (960x540, 1.41M)

>There is no massive amounts of rape gangs walking the streets.
Sweden has one of Europe’s highest rates of sexual assaults.

At 120.79 violent sexual assaults per 100,000 people, and 56 rapes per 100,000, the otherwise bleak socialist country ranks as having the second highest rate of sexual violence in Europe.

What makes Sweden so exceptionally dangerous for women? Its militant feminism is embedded in its political culture and its educational system. Sweden has boasted of a “feminist foreign policy”, 61% of Swedes in one survey identified as feminists and hold the strongest views on “gender equality” of any Europeans. Swedes are the most likely to believe that it’s okay for men to cry. Only 11% believe that women should take care of the home and only 10% believe that it’s a man’s job to support his family

A local branch of the Left Party in Sweden even demanded that men urinate while sitting down.

And then there are the Czechs, just 13% identify as feminists, 77% think that a woman’s place is in the home, yet the sexual assault rate is 7.79 per 100,000, a tiny fraction of feminist Sweden.

If the real issues were feminism and toxic masculinity, if sufficient educational indoctrination about the evils of masculinity is needed to “teach men not to rape”, women should be safest in Sweden.

Wow, you are such a badass. Im not left, i hate the left in my country. I do hate Islam, it is so fucking stupid. And i should be punished, dude. I voted SD twice in a row. Maybe a Eu war will arise and then i will side with Europe, or my country. As for being "punshed" that is so gay dude. They are not half apes they are apes, just like you and me, they just have a retarded culture. If you stop assuming things about people, maybe you might have a good talk with them. The fact that i have to explain that to you is scary.


Attached: like a pig.webm (266x480, 1.83M)

>facts presented
>far right fagbois get upset
>posts multiracial porn
>trying to push whites are dying out excuse again


Imagine being so upset your sister/wife/g-f was fucked by a nigger.


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Visited Stockholm last month, city center is still at least 51% white, take the metro out of town and it quickly becomes almost entirely darkskins




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Whe he tickles ur neck

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That's graphic.

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Anyone who uses surveys to prove a point, are ignorant to be honest, as surverys are useless considering they can easily change depending on the people who question.

Also I posted the link for the pdf file that shows stats from 1950s to 2010. Actually according to silly reasons Scotland is viewed as having the highest levels of sexual assault, something like 145 per 100k.

Now may I ask are you American, what is your rate in the US? The reason I ask is because I believe it is higher and with little Muslims, I guess you are going to blame blacks right? Even though sexual assaults cover rape and inappropriate touching etc.

Fuck off niggers

Attached: tumblr_o0hue2HP9j1sgi1lso1_500.png (500x687, 318K)

Map is a lie btw, but we all know you far right fags can only understand pictures, especially bright coloured ones. Because words are hard.

Attached: wyboi.jpg (1024x755, 64K)

The most thing I hate about those muslim apes is their clothes. They always wear clean and expensive branded clothes while me, the white adult male, wearing some second hand cheap dirty shit

rip wyboi

Attached: pale bitch wanna die lowkey.webm (640x360, 1.78M)


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Really thats the worst? Not thier dumbfuck behavior, and forcing that retarded behavior on us or they will kill us? I could thing of that as "the worst".


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I just don't understand where they get the money for that

Im into this

It has nothing to do with my budget, the government is literally able to assfuck me financially because im under 25. I get literally less than most immigrants.

Also the welfare is diffrent depending on where you are located, a norwegian guy who suffers with depression, gets 10k+ a month, while Denmark regulates the living shit out of people that are young, to force them out into work.

If it was my own mistake holding me back i wouldn't be whining.


Attached: Tut_statue.jpg (492x690, 81K)

male or female?


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Soo...he was behind that!?

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Finland is still saveable. We have huge problems with refugee rape rings on Oulu, terrorism attack on Turku, almost 80 % unemployment everywhere, they dont work, they dont pay taxes, dont learn The language, they dont understand even The idea that If an woman is showing skin that doesnt mean that you can rape her. Animals, i hope that we do not take anymore of them. There are not luckily no-go zones like in Sweden, but If something doesnt change our beautiful country Will turn into shit.

what is it exactly that you want towards muslims in your country?
Not clear

what terms do i need to search for when i want to see feminized white boys being fucked by black bulls?



Attached: BAN-548393.jpg (620x413, 43K)

Form groups and raid them. Show your people you do'nt have to be afraid of them. Make kids throw stones at them

What's the point in fighting it? The world is doomed anyway. Yeah it sucks that our governments were retarded enough to do what they did and our people would have been much better off today if we never dealt with any other races for any reason, but it happened. Humanity isn't worth saving so just get yourself on welfare and do your best to not contribute to this backwards system. It is immoral to bring children into this world.

Sweden can also be fixed. And it would be kinda easy. The problems that you are talking about is happening is Sweden to, more or less. Btw, we do not have official no go zones but they are areas with a lot of problems.

>what do i need to search when i want to see
feminized white boys being fucked by black bulls?
feminized white boys being fucked by black bulls.

Attached: wygirl.webm (1280x720, 1.19M)

And why shouldn’t I blame blacks?

thx for being useless. i thought its called traps



Attached: aryan women n shieeEeet.jpg (750x1334, 146K)

Islamic people are the worst. They are the ONLY people causing chaos and destruction in every countries they move in. If they weren't a problem we wouldn't even have this discussion right now.


Thats cause i do not have an exakt idea. But i want immigrants to go back to thier countries and start rebuilding them. As for muslims, i want a real debatte about how Islam can work in Sweden without being called racist or islamophobe. If they are going to stay, adapt to Sweden, work, pay tax follow the law and leave everyone else alone.

where was the first islamic terrorist attack in Poland?
Map is accurate mate.
You are a pathetic leftist.
Why don't you go and borrow your GF to these brown guys against a high five?

Its called being a biologically feminine white man.

Attached: 1545516344540.webm (640x360, 1.27M)

Kill yourself Schlomo.

Sure, it is only semantics but they are very much alike.

The denial is strong

Blacks and muslims welcome.

Attached: Gods.jpg (610x406, 42K)

If the guy is white (I doubt so) he must be hang


Attached: 1545515657554.webm (1280x720, 1.71M)

? Who is causing chaos and destruction in syria afghanistan and other islamic countries?

why would u keep so much of this retarded porn on ur harddrive????

Attached: god is watching.jpg (320x320, 18K)

He probobly wants to be fucked by a black guy.

as france become more diverse, racism and anti-Semitic is rising too.

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Not me, not the swedes, no belgians french or german. No one here. Go whine somewhere else

Yeah, that is a consequense of the idea of that we need multiculturalism in our lives. And when people are not happy with it, they get called racist islamophobe etc. Then they wonder why there is a growing right wing.

One day we will avenge them
The guys that did that can consider themselves dead.

Attached: bad sweden.png (640x640, 232K)

Im not holding my breath for that. If we can avenge them sure, but lets just not let it happen more. Thats what i want.

so progressssssive

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>It's not too late...
>He knew where the real problem was, and acted.

Attached: Breivik.jpg (916x773, 85K)

Yeah, he acted retarded. Killing kids is the problem? Even if they were dumbfucks, killing them is the answer? Kill youself faggot. End it.

Attached: u better not.jpg (526x572, 39K)

I feel horrible about it,but I was also red pilled and turned in to a Nationalist because of it.If only libtards would immigrate in Muslim and African countries instead,but they don't want to.

>The parents were making the problem, nits make lice...

Not really. Killing kids aint an answer, neither is letting millions of immigrants in Europe.

Attached: civ.png (500x491, 151K)

>muslim kids
but kids grow up

Attached: aids beats aces.jpg (480x326, 21K)

Breivik did not kill muslim kids, and deporting them is a lot more realistic than killing them.

Attached: europe and africa.jpg (800x600, 322K)

"Hurr Hitlurr..."

well he kinda did

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Attached: allah.webm (640x350, 1.84M)

Here Weber Go again anither Rassist motherfucker

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He didn't even say that you illiterate retard

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at least she wasn't racist

and somehow that was everything

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