How does Yea Forums like their coffee?

How does Yea Forums like their coffee?
For me, it's black. No sugar, no milk, no creamer. And no butter either.

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Black for me too.

>no butter

Are there fatasses that actually do that?

Yes, there are.


I am genuinely curious as to what that tastes like, but also disgusted by the sort of person who thinks that's okay

With chocolate. Mocha.

Try it. Unsalted butter is better. It's basically the same as heavy cream. It adds taste (fat) to the coffee without adding as much water to it.

Eating fat ≠ being fat. I'm 140 lbs and I do it all the time.

i like coffe made with moka pot. I put whole milk in it

I make coffee in a moka pot too but I dislike milk in it as it adds too much water and sugar to my taste. If I have no choice I prefer to drink it black. Whole milk is superior to skim milk, though.

One cream no sugar. If its Sinaloa coffee then one sugar.

>I dislike milk in it as it adds too much water and sugar

i live in europe, we don't have sugar in our milk, nor corn syrup, or growth hormones

>not cream
Heh cuckmilk.

Same OP. It's the only way to drink coffee.

>doesn't know lactose is a form of sugar.

Ha it's true European are dumb.

Lol, lactose is sugar, eurofag.

Are you so stupid as to think milk in Europe doesn’t have lactose in it?

lactose is a sugar. you apparently don't have very good education there either.

I like it black with one sugar.

How much is a good amount?

I do with weed butter but that's it.

>Eating fat ≠ being fat.


The health food scam industry has gotten people terrified of butter for some reason, even though the reason people are fat is simply because they eat a shit load of food.

A tsp

Start with a tablespoon or two. Melt it first then blend it until it is frothy with a hand mixer or something a spoon just doesn't cut it (heh).

Especially carbs, which promote water retention and are "empty calories". Ever ate a huge bowl of pasta or rice, to the point of feeling sick, yet, an hour after you're still hungry?

Excess fat in people is not 100% fat, there is a lot of water in there, so it is in some way true that you can eat a pound of cake/anything else and gain more than a pound of weight. Beer is especially bad.

i forgot amerimutt lost their ability to digest lactose and need to care about it.

Try harder, I can drink a 2L box of milk in one sitting.

>How does Yea Forums like their coffee?
Lots of cream, lots of sugar


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sweet condensed milk with black tea is good never had it with coffee


The question talks about LIKING coffee.

I love how you're trying to direct attention away from the fact that you don't know what lactose is. Plus, if someone is avoiding sugars for health reasons then they can obviously digest it.

I take it the way I like it

>omg I LOOOVE coffee, that's why I smother it with sugary stuff
massive yikes

>no butter either

What are you, fucking american?

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Ill-educated philistine

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OK, how about this.
Go to 0:50

>It must be shit to have no decent protection on the internet so you're afraid of links

black and bitter as fuck

You didn't recognise the quote, did you? But, even knowing where you are, you charge right in and make yourself look stupid. I assume things are easier on Plebbit

Black I don't need any extra bullshit

Just like my ex's heart

Just black. Usually in a French press. If the coffee is well-made, you don't need to add extra shit.

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Either the darkest coffe in the world or a capuccino.
If you mix water and milk in your coffe, then you are a sub human.
Full water or full milk faggots.

who the fuck puts butter in their coffee?

Embarrassing display of damage control

Soo...nice one Elon!

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The very thought makes me shudder user

It's popular with keto diet. It's often called bullet proof coffee. It supposedly promotes fat loss when on low carb diet

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Nice reference user

I like my coffee as I like my bulls - black.

I drink black. I’m gay and roast my own coffee beans with a hot air popcorn popper. When freshly roasted and freshly ground, coffee actually tastes good on its own. Very fruity and chocolatey.

If there's anything more reddit than liking Tarantino movies, that's referencing movie quotes. And getting butthurt at someone not recognizing some obscure meme quote from a Tarantino movie is as plebbit as it gets.

Good....goood. Let it flow