I thought it was a witch hunt... shit
I thought it was a witch hunt... shit
Op is truly false and homosexual
Well it is. Trump is a witch. So is half his criminal campaign team.
How does Robert Muellers hairy balls taste bitch?
triggered by the other thread kek. stay mad libtard.
No idea what thread you’re talking about! But you sure sound like a pussy snowflake!
Wow another retarded meme by the Trump fag squad yawn
> being this mad
Is Soros paying for your wife's son to get a decent education or will he just follow in his father's footsteps and and be a gangbanger?
Nice one comrade, one vodka for you.
nobody cares
slide thread
sage & hide
Imagine being conservative
But you cared enough to post kek
This is all pointless degeneracy but I'll entertain r/Yea Forums and play along. Op is using the equivalent of Donalds hair as bait.
At this point most staunch Trump supporters have detached themselves completely from reality. Kinda like Hitler's minions who were still talking about final victory even though the Red Army had already encircled Berlin.
With others I think they see what a bitch he is but just don't care because they hope to profit of his politics after being left behind by both parties in the last decades. .
OP here. I voted for Trump and believed him but after seeing the pic I posted and all the arrests I now have my doubts. I think I voted for a criminal and Russian agent.
Trump tweets its a witch hunt but damn something is up guys
As a Bernie supporters I see this pic and I think I made a horrible mistake. I will be voting for Trump in 2020
Lol yo game weak, ShareBlue fag.
Who are you trying to fool? You know damn well you are not a Bernie supporter
Putting your political enemies in jail like other shithole countries do, becoming an official shithole country.
Yay! Let the celebration begin
Way to stick your nose up the American Counsulates Ass. Kinda tickles. Ara ara.
Russian collusion
Mueller is a Republican so are you either spreading lies or you’re just an idiot. Actually it’s both!
Huh? I see that in Trump prez that people are going through a process in courts. If it was Bernie's prez...people just disappear and / or die.
Oh okay yeah the old guy from Vermont is gonna make people disappear. Hopefully he picks your dumbass first.
This is my problem with the far left and is my main reason for leaving it. Biased opinions that are amplified and self congratulating within your political sect. Anyone who is willing to disagree with your own moral beliefs or ideas is immediately assumed to be unintelligent or deeply morally inferior. Without attempting to view things from another perspective because your head is so far up your ass you forget that conversing with people who have different opinions leads to greater understanding of where people are not just socially, economically, morally, fundamentally or spiritually. But you know, orange man bad!
New too, I think you're full of shit
Old fag here.
Hating the president is as American as hating niggers. Every president is viewed as either the Antichrist or a Dictator by 50%, give or take 10%, of the population. Calling a President a crook is nothing new.
That said, Trump is literally the most corrupt person to take the office. He's a joke. He isn't smart. He's an asshole, and I get that defense "at least he's our asshole". I get it.
But Trump is corrupt as fuck. It's like PT Barnum is President. Sure he might do one or two things right but by and large he's a danger to the world as president.
I miss when politics wasn't front page news every God damn day. That alone should tell you something about Trump.
Orange man is bad. That’s a fact!
Or, and here's a wild one, democrats are not actually as corrupt as republicans.
Some are, but fewer, as demonstrated by the results of investigations on both sides over literally decades.
But you dislike then so you will choose to believe otherwise in the face of actual evidence.
Muller was appointed, much like Hitler was appointed chancellor. Both unelected and all powerful.
But its ok because Trump is literally Hitler. Yeah, keep telling yourselves that when being lieing up the useful idiots in front of trenches.
You sound upset snowflake
The irony in this post is delicious
He's a Russian asset
And you are a fool
I see the same on both sides, I mean look at all the Right Wing memes in this thread.
Nah, saw this shit coming with affirmative action in the 1980's
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
They still found no evidence of Trump directly colluding with Russia, all of those things are unrelated to trump.
>Not gonna lie,
As I habitually do any other time
Yes he met with him to discuss better counter terrorism efforts after the Boston bombing. The FBI director did his job OMG.
False and anyone with a brain and 2 eyes can see it
Fuck off with your excuses.
>Operation Mockingbird is an alleged large-scale program of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that began in the early 1950s and attempted to manipulate news media for propaganda purposes. It funded student and cultural organizations and magazines as front organizations.
Nothing to see here folks, move along.
The president doesn't "get" the codes. There are plenty of safeguards after he uses the football
Seriously though, we can't let Blumpffff get those codes.
I am in camp 4, i knew he was a mistake but i support him anyway because i hate humanity.
The more I read sheet like this and some of the posts here.. yea Trump has 2020 locked down no problem. It will be a year presidency. Issue is what will happen 2024?
people are corrupt, get over it ffs
Yeah Yea Forums posts have correctly predicted every presidency since 1840. FUCKING MORON LMAOOOOO TRUMP FOR PRISON 2020
I think your nutty post speaks for itself. Nothing to follow up here.
>Say the line ...
>You're a shill
Lol wtf autocorrect. Seahawks? Lmao
>2 eyes can see it
Yeah, not that simple though
Too bad this was a follow up lmao how does it feel to be this dumb?
Doesn't matter, your post was worthless either way.
you are going to have a mental breakdown when the report comes out.
>you have been believing in a lie for 3 years
>you have been played by the media for 3 years
>3 years you called others horrible things
>only to find out that it was all fake
I feel sorry for (you)
so number 2 then huh?
lol who knew that the "rope day" they were talking about was actually meant for their necks? what a twist!
Yes you will :) pretty pathetic to support a career criminal. Do you support R Kelli as well?
Funny how the money trail leads directly to the Clintons and their foundation, and this seems to be a non issue for some reason.
He could be a Russian asset.
These only work on the red hats... just look at the 'burn your Nikes' participants.
so why hasnt your boy lifted a finger to investigate them any further after getting elected? i mean fuck, he had the house, the senate, the police, the army, the courts, he had everybody supporting him and he just bitched out? i think thats pretty weak, dont you?
So now we’ve reached the point where the Trump tards have lost and have to resort to bringing up Hillary Clinton. Fuck Hillary Clinton but she’s not president.
The FBI is investigating donations to the Clinton Foundation
Has Trump been charged with a crime?
Thats the "deep" part in the deep state.
This still doesn't explain why I should suspend logic and reason here. "Follow the money" is the first chapter in an investigators handbook.
So you agree both Clinton and Trump should be arrested?
But the Russia investigator man is ignoring Russian money trail.
Makes sense of this please. Amuse me
First of all, a male witch is a warlock, And second you are a big BIG gay.
Ask a coherent question and I will.
Why should Trump be arrested?
On one hand you have obvious pay to play and on the other, you have "what if".
Ask yourself
(Pic related)
You have that backwards comrad
Show me the proof.
Why should a criminal be arrested? Well maybe for breaking the law?
What crime?
>inb4 reddit list by terrible lawyers
Who's ignoring the Russian money trail, and why?
Which money trail?
The one where democrats paid for the Russian Dossier that's been proven false?
Where do you think they got that fake shit, the moon?
>Russian Dossier that's been proven false?
Yeah, who paid Russia for that?
Who knew it was fake and used it to get FISA warrants?
Trumpeters are so triggered by the rule of law they compare a special prosecutor to hitler lol
>Yeah, who paid Russia for that?
The DNC paid an ex Mi5 agent who then paid Fusion GPS to Pay the KGB for the fake Dossier which was used for their FISA warrant.
Thats the history user.
Learn it
Or re- live it
I may have gotten that a bit wrong...
DNC > Fusion GPS > Christopher Steel > KGB
Trump-fags... is there anything "too far" for you?
If there was a pee tape would that be too far?
If there was a billion dollar Russian loan on the orange tax return, would that?
If Ivanka had a baby and DNA said it was the orange man's, would that?
If he did shoot someone on fifth avenue?
Where's the line?
Coz the rest of the world crossed him (and Amerifags generally) off the list a long time ago.
Heyy!...nice Elon!
When republicans use these same tactics in the future, to remove a Muslim president, will it be fair?
Or will the ol' double standard appear once again?
Ok so we are ok with this cause why?
I don't think getting dirt on opponents is illegal.
I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of the left regarding Russia.
ITT: Anons go above and beyond to prove their point to trump supporting anons who will inevitably play dense on purpose for an easy troll...
and the cycles goes like that, forever and always, until this fucking clown is out of office.
Damn I miss old Yea Forums. R.i.P.
Who's we?
I'm not Ok with this, it's called treason to attempt a Coup of a legitimately elected President.
What about using the go by dirt to fool s judge?
You ok with that?
How about when the other side does it in the future to remove niggers from office?
Serious questions here
Mueller is the Deep State's golden boy. He'll "find" evidence, even if there is none. I don't even like Trump. Just look at ol' Bob's history.
Agreed, somehow I thought we were on different pages
If only any of it was actually related to "collusion".
>What about using the go by dirt to fool s judge?
>You ok with that?
No, not at all, they should be going to jail for that.
Even some of the FISA judges are baffled by what has happened.
>How about when the other side does it in the future to remove niggers from office?
I'm not going to go into hypotheticals, show me when Republicans have lied directly to FISA judges for spying warrants on Democrats.
Yeah, this shit is wrong no matter which party is doing it.
He's the new Chancelor user, but not like Hitler
These morons literally used Buzzfeed at a source to get their warrant.
leftists are so triggered by democracy that they compare Trump to hitler
Yeah, my point was that this will set a new standard for politics, and did the dems really understand the pandoras's box they have opened.
I don't think they expected Hillary to lose.
If she won, they could just cover it all up, now their only defense left is Mueller who, in my opinion, has no proof but is only their as a blocking mechanism.
An Obstruction of Justice defense.
Yes, and two things will come of this.
1) conspirators against the US will be executed as in the past.
2) the republicans will adopt these new tactics and use them to fuck with them.
We already seen this in the supreme court nominations. Dems set it up so that their president got to pic them, but were so short sighted that now they are demanding that it be changed, because its not their turn now.
*one of 2 things will happen
>2) the republicans will adopt these new tactics and use them to fuck with them.
Hopefully they don't and just legitimately win.
how can anyone even argue this? i was there first hand, but there is also radar/cloud maps that show this is exactly what happened
trump is technically male, certainly not a man
you chose you words wisely
Yeah, but if one side sets the president the other side would be derelict if they didn't employ the same tools that their opponents was using.
>They still found no evidence
they have not RELEASED.
Did you just assume someone's gender?
You can go to jail for that user
Oh unless your a liberal or faggot
Welcome to 3rd world status
>>you have been believing in a lie for 3 years
you do not know how to read a calendar.
>explains why you think 5 years in Jr. high is OK
Somebody's pointing out tRump's bullshit. I better bring up the Clintons.
>You can go to jail for that user
that's OK. I'll identify as female when I'm sentenced :)
Oh sorry, I forgot that laws don't apply to liberals and faggots
I also forgot it was unethical to point them out.
Please forgive me, as fascism is new to me.
Nice plan. You are a genius. Seriously.
I'm waiting to be able to identify as 70 years old so I can get social security, and discounts at resturaunts.
These bots are getting almost realistic.
Ignor Russian money trail. Nothing to see there
I said I was sorry.
Fascists aren't very forgiving I guess.
Yeah, it's crazy.
Their grammar is better than yours.
So without Trumps knowledge multiple advisors and his own son went behind Trumps back to have shady meetings with Russia in order to get him elected knowing full well they'd risk jail time. All because they're just so super fucking loyal and will suck any dick too get their guy elected...Imagine how much paint you'd have to huff to believe that
>orange man bad
>democrats literally control what the news channels are telling you about
>orange man
>Clinton supports economical imperialism stompinh other nations in the ground so we can procure black gold
>republicans are warmongers
Buckle up you faggots, literally supporting everything fucked up going on around the globe, day by day, while Trump's only crime is to dislocate funds from your needlessly decadent military to build a wall, with the additional perk of protecting you from possible attacks on land, while being a wee-bit retarded guy with a slighlty warped view of what is important for its inhabitants
>implying you have friends
>muh hillary
get over it already.
>implying you are not a fascist.
I should get over your delusional fantasy.