Just checking that you aren't in posession of any illegal dubs. I hope you aren't....
Just checking that you aren't in posession of any illegal dubs. I hope you aren't
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No officer, im clean
Of course not officer, I'm not a nigger.
Shit officer it's not what it looks like I swear
I leave the company of the gang violent.
Check these trips tho
Yes, i mean no
The one day I get doubles when I don't want them. Just end me.
I am good thank you, have a nice day sir
Sorry for taking up your time lads, i knew you kind gentleman would not be in posession of any dubs. Enjoy your afternoon!
What about trips.
I haven't seen trips in these parts of the country for many years my good Sir...i couldn't imagine any mischievous nigger would be daring enough to posess trips
Officer wait.. Do you wanna grab a cup of coffee sometime?
Don't hate. Masterbate.
nothin to see here
No bubs hete
WEW LAD, you're free to go
I swear I'm clean ociffer
i have LSD but it is for medication purposes
And if I am?
Fuck you mutt, they're legal in my country.
No officer I swear I would never!
Me? No mr officer I swear I would never!
le epic meme gettit the officer gets arrested XD
I never get dubs, so im clean officer.
I haven't had dubs in ages, take a look...
No occifer but i have child porn
I was not speeding
No officer, feel free to search my car.
Officer, what do i look like? A fucking eskimo? Please, we can avoid further interaction, have a nice day.
no officer, I'm clean, don't mind the needles thrown everywhere, they're filled with sea water, for my nose
Sorry can you repeat that officer?
No sir
nope, no dubs here…
Death by coop
Officer, what is dub?
I have a prescription for these dubs
No officer I don’t
Hello sir i dont want problem process checking
Officer did you see this guy ? He not sure
fuck you pigs
No dubs here
It's me lou, I'm undercover. don't you ruin this for me get back to work!
My dubs are medicinal
are trips illegal tho?
But dubs are take him away boys!
no dubs here
nothing to see here move along
No dubs here officer. Feel free to search around
Ooooh shit
Requesting back up
No plz
We'll see about that
Do you really think I would drive through a control zone, if I would posess any dubs haha pathetic idea
Bust me
I just got out of jail for dubs.. You think I'm trying to go back???
N..no officer, just on my way to see gramma