I desperately want to have sex with this woman. Surely I'm not the only one.... anyone else want to plow this hot latinas tight moist pussy?
I desperately want to have sex with this woman. Surely I'm not the only one...
Is this a organisation thread for a gangrape?
She's the boss. How bout dat?
dunno, those crazy eyes are a turn off
Why is she 29 but looks 49?
If her eyes didn’t look like a fuckin Mexican Butterfree half the time, she’d be a lot cuter
Do I have to listen to her talk?
Great tits and nice body beside her hideous man feet and abject confusion of who works for who in government.
To summarize-I would fuck her, but only because she has a hole and a heartbeat.
i think her feet are pretty nice
dude, go take a long walk outside. talk to a few people in person, read a book or two. it might help you not be such a creepy faggot
She’s a paid plant for the republicans 100%. No one has divided the Democratic Party like her and driven away huge amounts of fairly non political left leaning voters. You literally couldn’t pay for a better job here
Nice and huge.
Bitch could climb a tree without using her hands.
nothing wrong with big feet
Sex means stop.
This bitch is heading for one term wonder status.
Fucking delusional millenial thinks a HoR seat makes her boss of shit.
No idea how her own job works.
Communism kills. Slowly, by inches draining her of life as well as common sense.
Must be national opposite day, because that's nearly as retarded as the fake and forced "walkaway" bullshit. Go eat some borscht, your slav is showing.
I wanna bang her and jizz all over her face while Donald Trump jerks it while watching
>Mexican Butterfree
She is not even hot, maybe a 5/10 on a good day
Gross like a Silverback feet.
Probably smell like month old cheese and picante.
She's really pretty, and I've seen her in person and she's more attractive IRL.
She actually looks younger, like 25. You're just gay. It's okay, be proud.
I'm AOC and I approved this message
I want to fuck her in the same way i want to fuck Hillary Clinton, to degrade them. Alexandria isn't ugly though so i also want to bang her cause shes a decent looking woman.
>tight pussy
>implying she hasn’t been pigeon-holed by Bill Clinton, Al Sharpton, Fuck You Schumer, and Nancy Pelosi
Enjoy your STDs.
any chick this bat shit crazy HAS TO be fantastic pussy. the rule is the crazier the girl the better the pussy. you just have to establish the " is this pussy worth the crazy " threshold
Would love to put my white meat in her brown taco
Her new nickname should be bigfoot
She's a plant, put there to ensure the division of our nation. They had to do something, people were waking up. Sex sells.
i want to fuck her
Buddy you have to be blind to what’s happening to not see this as fact. The white democratic voters in particular who probably still culturally identify with the American values are not going to buy straight socialism and racial based shaming attacks forever. The white vote is the largest swing vote that still decides elections and will for a while. The quicker they are chased out of the Democrats voting ranks the sooner the party basically becomes powerless and a non factor. You already see the new right discussing worker party type ideas that are very popular among left and right wing working class people. The days of the neocons are over, no one wants religious Christian/Zionist government and endless wars in the Middle East. Mark my words, there is change in the air and the last 60 years of the status quo are old and stale and people are sick of ancient people and their ancient ideas
Nah, can't even fuck her brains out since she doesn't have any.
I would abuse the fuck out of her
everybody does, that's why she's copping it.
all the maga wearing fucking small dicked pricks hate here more because she's pretty and they're neckbearded MRA's than a single policy she says that pretty much pays for their lifestyles
I want to fuck her as hard as she wants to fuck the super rich over.
I want to hear this bitch scream!!!
autistic ramblings, sense they make not :(
She's a thot
I dunno who she is but id fuck her sure.
If you weren’t such a cuck you’d realize it was a joke
I want to suck a fart out her ass.
yeah, she is beautiful and hot; but, OMG, Venezuela my god, Venezuela
Hm, if she is a socialist, and they're so close to communists, when she has to give a pleasure for everyone? :thinking:
I too would like to insert myself inside of her but she is a dirty whore.i like dirty whore but she is also an asshole and you got to draw a line somewhere.would fuck/10
Non democratic dictatorship. Not social democracy. Try Norway.
China is a successful socialist country
now i fucking love her
usa end like Venezuela with this girl, not like noway
Someone knows his way around MS Paint.
Heyy!...nice Elon!
i hate the world
If you are an NYC I've got good news, she has already fucked you. to the tune of 15k jobs
>anyone else want to plow this hot latinas tight moist pussy?
Probably more like fucking a warm glass of milk