Prove youre not a jew

Prove youre not a jew

Protip: you cant

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I'm a nigger.

I don't have any money

would posting this picture suffice?

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im italian

Both my mothers father and my fathers fother were in waffen ss

aka the jews of italy

Immigrant grandparents who speak fluent German and Gaelic. Try that for being jewish,

I wasn't gassed

German ancestry that fought for the nazis in ww2.

I actually may be a Jew now that I think about it. Does this make me a war hero?

haha i love this little dude in the picture

Have my foreskin intact

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Don't be silly goyim.


>brown eyes
>black hair
hi kike how many Zs are in your last name

it's actually brown and im Latino lol

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there have been jews in south america since the 1500s you matzoh bender

I was not for god took me.

I am a Jew tho.

I didn't get a piece of my dick unnessecarily removed in a blood sacrifice to the Jewish demon god. Pic related.

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I have a foreskin and See ya Kyle fairly openly

nice balloon

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I want all monetary based system to die and have ressource based economies set up in their stead all around earth to solve all of the world's problem.

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Do you want to blow it?

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That's what all kikes claim.

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I'm only half Jewish.

Half Jew here - my last two girlfriends were Asian and black. Jews are the white ethnicity that dates interracially the most.

They didn't, though - there was an extermination program targeting blacks.

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i need someone to hack into a snapchat account


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The ratio of number of cremation ovens and years of war vs the number of bodies supposedly incinerated is mathematically impossible.

The majority of the people who were killed in the holocaust were shot on arrival.

And the inability of seismic surveying to find enormous mass graves? And the records of concentration camp guards being punished for abusing prisoners?

Nicee! Elon.

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You're an idiot, kill yourself.

I wasn't gassed

Give thine shekels

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