Mom gone until Tuesday

Mom gone until Tuesday
Find this in her bathroom
Why is it black?
Why is one ball bigger than the other?
Dubs decides what I do with it

Attached: 20190225_024616~2.jpg (2080x3181, 780K)

cum on it and put it back

Clean and put away

put it in your ass, then clean it

before she comes home, cover with your cum

insert into anus balls deep

rub chocolate pudding on it

Kind of glad this one missed. I'm don't want to be an brother/daddy

Put it in the fridge

reroll for fridge

do sissy roulette with it

Smear habanero sauce onto it

reroll for roulette



Chop it in half, down the middle

Attached: 1522981268492.jpg (400x400, 26K)

Rolling for this

Turn off all lights and stick it to the wall by the light switch so she grabs it instead of turning on the lights


Seriously? Its got a fucking suction cup!
>unicorn LARP

>Chop it in half, down the middle
Rolling for this

That's what we all want you to be: a brotherdaddy

Send the pic to your mom


deep throat it and post pics of you doing it

stick it in your ass

Not sure I could do this. Wall isn't smooth enough

> (OP)
>stick it in your ass


do ass sissy roulette

Glue dumbass

Put in pooper

Oh yeah just go and fuck the wall up

put in poopshoot

insert into anus

Glue it to shower wall and back up onto it

So OP, tell us more of why you want to fuck it or cover it with cum

Dubs decision your words

Put it in your butt

post dildo with timestamp



post vid

Bake her a cake, put dildo in cake. Give her cake.
>tell her to stop leaving her pussy hammers layin around.

This and this

how have we not gotten a fuckin dub yet?

take it up the ass

Dubbs it is

Balls deep in ass. Easy

Ricardo rolling



I shall roll for this as well. Do it, user.


And OP is gay

I mean wouldn't you?

we have a winner

post pics

Clean your fucking bathroom you degenerate

Well shit, I hope she has lube


nice dubs bub.

It's yours user you can't fool us and time stamp that shit while your at it

And the other ones as well

Rub icyhot onto it, use a peppermint airfreshener in the bathroom to help hide the smell.

I can't write upside down switch flipped for timestamp

Attached: 20190225_031216~2.jpg (3556x2432, 1.12M)

Attached: 20190225_031144~2.jpg (3777x2315, 1.07M)

He actually did it

Attached: FF94B2FCA47D431F9E4F4E657A97B03D.jpg (960x528, 35K)


You are so fucking fat it's gross

Attached: Screenshot_20190224-003643__01.jpg (1080x1055, 143K)

It hurt a little too

OP is not a fag, but OP is also a fag

wish somethin better won

idk, i enjoyed it

Attached: head_explode-470x327.jpg (470x292, 17K)

And on this day, brothers, we rejoice: For Op, in his mad lunacy, actually delivered.

Take better pics you dumb retard

op always delivers. 110% of the time

dumb retard? as opposed to a smart retard?

Take a video of you bouncing on it. Bet you'll do it anyway after thread dies so do it.

>le clever comeback opposed to a smart one...retard.

Try to get an anal orgasm and if you cant then jerk off while you fuck it

Put it in the fridge with a note "It's more delicious when it's flaccid"


Here we go

throat it balls deep and hold for 15 secs

...that's your dildo isn't it, op?



nope, mine are all purple


Attached: osama-says-hi-hi-world-d0bfd0b5d181d0bed187d0bdd0b8d186d0b0-363915.jpg (464x351, 11K)

post more pics of it

While i want to believe you i can't.

Attached: Grillin TT.png (669x334, 521K)

shhhhhh, no more doubt. just put your dick in your hand and begin stroking

take more pics u fag


dont tell me what to do