Is my dick weird looking or too small or something because I’m always ignored in rate thread

Is my dick weird looking or too small or something because I’m always ignored in rate thread

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Yeah it looks weird lower it down. It might just be the angle

What’s weird about it?

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it’s a normal looking dick. Don’t see anything weird about it. BTW do you shave your balls or is that just how it grows? mine are always hairy AF and it’s annoying to shave that shit

This is another goddamn Brandon thread...

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Def just the sack dick is well shaped

I trim
Who the fuck is Brandon?

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Your scrotum extends way up on your shaft, it looks kinda weird and makes the lowest inch of your dick look thicker than the rest

Its kinda small but hot i would suck on it tho

I feel really fucking insecure. So much that I’m afraid to ever even flirt with people

What’s the average size? Pretty sure his isn’t small

From the side it doesnt look big but its not small small supposr avarage. Wonder what it looks like dripping in cum tho

You consider average to be small? So the majority of men have small cocks?

Yes. Just like the majority of women have big pussy lips



OP show us

it's just the scrot gets pulled so far up the shaft because of the circ, it's pretty common.



Looks like an average dick bro
>trust me I seen plenty

Porn giving men unrealistic expectations, aint nobody want a 8" dick in them NOBODY

It's quite short.

Your shit small man


Your dick looks like a turkey neck during Thanksgiving. Ues it looks weird af.

Thanks for confirming my anxiety enducing, awful and life destroying concerns are justified. Feels great

Op here gonna kms

Bitch, it looks fine.

Happens to mine as well
You're not alone OP

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look friend, you don't need to have a perfect penis to be a good and worthy person. it literally does not matter. (yes, this is the same dude from the dick rate thread that just 404'd)

yes I fucking do

No dick is perfect ffs

Everyone hates mine cause it’s disfgiured and tiny

It’s hard to fucking take you seriously when you’re a dick enjoyer yet can’t say a god damn thing about how mine is. You hate my dick. You think it’s disguting and a turnoff. That’s why you avoid commenting on it! Idc if you think my life has value. I don’t want to fucking live like this

Looks hot. Dig the pubes and body hair.

dude you're being really entitled right now. i'm here trying to help make you feel more secure in yourself and realize that your life has more meaning than just your dick but you're just shouting at me because i won't compliment your penis.

it's not even an ugly or small penis. there.

you've been spending way too much time on Yea Forums and on dick threads. again, for the third time, your penis literally does not matter.