I want to put gays in camps and beat them until they are straight

I want to put gays in camps and beat them until they are straight.
If fags still want to commit sodomy so much we should sodomize them with soldering irons.

Attached: 1546458731347.png (600x846, 306K)

if you're not involved in their fucking, then why the hell do you care?

Gays need to die for God's will to be enacted.

got any more of that fat boi butt?

okay, but why do you think that?

No. It was bait for the gays.
Becuase god hates fags.

They already have that
Its called Conversion Therapy

For all of them would be good yeah?

Attached: e9d.jpg (600x600, 18K)

Gays deserve death

god is a fairy tale

God is real and hell is eternal. That may be difficult to think about so please do some LSD so you can come face to face with eternity.

Maybe taking LSD as a delusional religious sheep wasn't a good idea for you.

Why do you say that?
There are no negative effects unless you are a schitzo or something.

Well maybe it's because you're on a self righteous crusade against gay people when LSD should've shown you to be accepting of all love instead of trying to save or belittle people who don't give a shit about your god

I have come face to face with eternity in ways that were profoundly positive and profoundly negative but never have I or god stopped hating fags.

You are a failed hippie and a closet fag yourself if you care so much about what gay people do alone together and spend time searching out gay pics as "bait for the gays". Maybe eventually you'll take an LSD trip where you can accept yourself for who you really are.

>hates gays
>saves a picture of some anime boy's ass
i have bad news for you user

Nah, being gay is a choice.
I literally just went over to /y/ and saved it, took 10 seconds. It's bait for fags.

>doesnt want gay to somodize each other
>wants to do it by himself

OP is totally not gay, lol

Then why can't you choose to be straight?

I do

Literally the shittest bait I've ever seen...

Attached: Quot+ponyseks+quot+and+serious+replies+_8a30e83502ad0f0449117371f7219cc8.jpg (360x361, 38K)

Trips of truth

I'd just like to point out that this pic can't be found that quickly, but then again I'm not a connoisseur of gay porn like OP

Shut up. I wasn't looking for it specifically I just picked one.

"S-shut up and stop outing me... I can't accept myself for who I am..."


I'm not gay. This is a fag psyop.

why the fuck you in /y/, you gay or something?

Looking for an image to start this thread with.

You sure spend a lot of time thinking about gay people. That's pretty gay

thats pretty gay fam

As a gay, can confirm.

OP is a closet case. Find help. Mate, Same Sex Attraction is OK!