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Other urls found in this thread:


Sorry Ivan, I have to report this intentional evasion of the spam/post filters. No kopeks for you from this post, Ivan.

>muh russia
What's it like being a sheep?

she already went to school
we currently pay for her healthcare and housing
same with literally everyone else in congress.

she wants to spread that shit to the rest of the people, like a decent human being.

>she already went to school
And yet, somehow, she's still fucking retarded
>we currently pay for her healthcare and housing
No we do not pay for her housing you imbecile, and she has healthcare through her fucking job. How stupid are you?

>she wants to spread that shit to the rest of the people, like a decent human being
No she wants to take money away from people who work and made the right choices in life and give it to smelly minorities that sell/do drugs, have kids out of wedlock and collect welfare.

>being this triggered on the fourth post in the thread
you're really new at shilling, aren't you?

Yes socialists hate socialists

I'm not triggered at all, I just find it funny that you're this dumb. Are you a spic or nigger? At least then you'd have an excuse for being this stupid.


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Rot in hell, cunt.

Communism is inevitable which is why you're crying.

She's just riding on the wave of Trump hate, like pretty much everyone else.
When he's out of office, they'll have to find another boogeyman.

Good let it all crash. I wanna see the wealthy cry about super high taxes

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>When he's out of office, they'll have to find another boogeyman.
the fucking irony of this is astounding

So basically, civilization is doomed then?
Communism is for the weak who can't think for themselves.

But that would apply to everybody. We would all help eachother.

>tfw my name is Ivan...

Is this real life?

you know shes Charlie Manson's daughter...

Oh yeah, no argument there at all. Because as the US gets browner and more spics come here, they will promptly turn the whole country into the same shithole they came from. They do it everywhere they fucking go. Look at NYC, puerto ricans have destroyed the Bronx and turned it into a violent, drug and crime infested dump. These people have no fucking plans to become American, they just want handouts and for everyone else to pay for their shit lives and disgusting kids.

Who let the /pol/tard out of his cage?

Are you retarded?
When Trump is finally gone, they'll just dig up some other poor fool to be their punching bag.
Colbert in particular will lose shitloads of viewers because Trump is his comedy cow.

Not when some people refuse to work or do anything productive and live like animals. Guess which group of people that would be? Hint, it's niggers and spics

They're not gonna cry about shit, they'll just leave or find ways to get out of paying taxes. That's the funniest part about this and what liberals don't get, the rich and corporations pay absolute dick in taxes and everything they're proposing will be passed onto the middle class. And it'll never happen anyway, money is king in the US and the super rich aren't going to let socialist shit bags like AOC ruin what they have going on.

most welfare recipients are white and republican

Ask yourself that

>most welfare recipients are white and republican
A lie.

If by most you mean by sheer numbers, then yeah no fucking shit since there are millions more whites then niggers and spics. Of course, you liberal faggots always leave out the part that niggers and spics are dis-proportionally on welfare compared to their % of the population.

Cow Fart Cortez



There are people fucking STUPID enough to talk politics on fucking Yea Forums!? Are you fucking serious? Goddamn you dipshits are stupid.

this much crying

Would you prefer we talk about nigger cocks instead? I'm sure thats why you come to Yea Forums


Lmao sorry Vlad, we aren't falling for this again. And literally reported to the FBI

Your average non-white will cost this country more in services than he will pay in taxes.

>implying nigger cocks aren't the reason these retards are racist in the first place

>And literally reported to the FBI

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I'm racist because niggers are stupid as fuck, commit crimes, dont raise their fucking kids, make life miserable for normal people, and cry about slavery on an almost daily basis. Nobody gives a shit about their fucking dicks.

See, you even admit this is a den of faggots. And yet here you are...

and because your tiny penis can't compete

If all niggers have such massive dicks then why do they go around bitching and crying about everything?

I'm racist because these GOP faggots are stupid as fuck, commit crimes (lol at all the Trumpers going to jail), don't raise their fucking kids (daddy is too busy at "work"), make life miserable for normal people (shit on heathcare and fuck us with taxes while they don't pay any), and cry about socialism on an almost daily basis.

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dude... just "lurk" if you have nothing of importance to say.

>dis-proportionally on welfare

40 keks

Fuck, imagine her lips wrapped around your cock. She clearly wants a right wing chad to fuck her tight holes and treat her like the submissive slut she is.

This is true for most strong left leaning women.

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because people without tiny dicks don't equate having a dick with being happy

aгeнт, цeль тeпepь измeнилacь. AOC бoльшe нe являeтcя ocнoвнoй диpeктивoй, пepeхoдитe к Plan-C и pacпpocтpaняйтe пpoпaгaндy пo Mюллepy

Why are you posting that faggot shit in here?

Gr8 b8 I r8 8/8.

Go home Ivan, you’re drunk. We’re Americans. You can only divide the weak ones.

>didn't say blyat once

Sorry, I don't speak monkey gibberish. Can anyone that speaks normal people language translate?

American educational system at work, good job retard

Communism is love communism is life.


Yeah no, that's not how it works bud

AOC may be dense but she still thiccy iccy. 10/10 would fuck the collectivism out of her

Sheer numbers is how people generally define "most", yes. Thank you for admitting that poor conservative whites like yourself would be hardest hit by cuts to government assistance programs.

>already been tried over and over and over and over again for the last 100+ years

Boris still triggered she won

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ever heard of public school? instead of k-12 it will be k-B.S. not that hard to understand dipshit.

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Everyone in college is a fucking adult and can pay for their own education, ESPECIALLY if they're studying something useless like nigger history or twerk theory. Not that hard to understand dipshit.

She's hot.i want to fuck her with violence and cum in her open asshole for America

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conservatards hate education because it destroys their base

OP your so hung up on Mrs Cortez i bet you masturbate to her picture.

Russian AOC masturbater, why don't you masturbate to Russian politicians.

you're really terrible at this. so obviously troll bait

right they would pay for their own education through taxes...just like how if u dont have any kids you still pay for public schools.


inb4"why should IIIIII have to pay for your X"


It's a school night, 8th Grade
Time for bed.

No what's going to end up happening is that SOME people will pay for niggers and spics education, when these same people are too fucking dumb to study anything worth a shit and are just wasting everyone's time. And these same people don't put a fucking penny into the public schools since they collect welfare and live in public housing. But keep on pushing the liberal horse shit that it's an equal system when anyone with a brain knows it isn't.

Your bait-post reads like you have a really small penis and are mad about that. It's okay, user, not everyone needs a big penis. Just get better with hand and mouth stuff.

the higher education isn't just college, idiot. trade schools are included and, arguably, more important.
you must be so pathetic in person

"I'm not triggered at all,"

Spoken like a true person who is triggered.

>the rich getting the lion's share of tax dollars=OK with me
>niggers spics durr
pull your fucking head out of your ass, tool

seriously. no one on here likes the stereotypical niggers, spics, rednecks, or whatever, but being such a total bitch about all of this is just sad.

>hardest hit by cuts
Yeah, not so much. There's a big difference between SNAP and the SNAP + public housing + transportation allocation + Medicaid + cash assistance while unemployed in an inner city.
Turn off HUD and see who's rioting in the streets. It ain't rural Iowa.
What group is most likely to reach a point where they no longer need assistance? Which winds up adding more recipients with each generation?

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I never noticed how many people on Yea Forums make over 250k a year oh wait...

the Wall just got 10 feet higher!

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>durr nobody likes niggers just you durr
funny how you still can't criticize the rich

literally nothing you said is true. I think you need to re-examine your assumptions

I was fired from a froyo for the same reason and I'm doing just fine now.
don't pretend to jack off in the froyo in front of #mommyblog type people

I just have statistics, reports, projections, and common sense. What the fuck do I know, right?

i don't even know which side of the argument that's supposed to be on

>i have breitbart and other schizophrenics giving me numbers and things!!!
PROTIP: only idiots are racist

It's on the side where faggots like you can't literally criticize those who would shit on you to remain wealthy. It's on the right side.
It's on the side of Democratic Socialism which would dictate a 70% tax on those earning 10 million dollars annually.
It's that, user. And what's more you knew it, and you had to be this faggot playing it cool when you weren't. Nothing about your shit is cool.

She's a 6, admittedly an 8 for a politician, minus .5 for being a commie libtard so call it 7.5 but I'd sure as shit like to motorboat those hangers and make her eat my ass/ munch my bag with that donkey mouth and then finish in her hair and kick her out

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yeah, I'm on your side.
but no one likes the stereotypical assholes who fit in the nigger, spic, or redneck categories. not because they're black, hispanic, or imbred, which is why idiots hate things, but because they're terrible people.

well shit. might as well. they're the ones with all the money. seems like the system is set up for them and only them.

Do you seriously think the rich are just going to lay back and let retarded spics steal their money? Let me guess, you're also one of those fags that thinks we should ban guns right?

Law abiding pedos should be allowed to get disability benefits and the ones that want to work shouldn't be required to pay taxes. Everybody else gets to be happy so why shouldn't law abiding pedos get a little bit of happiness?

Shut up. You're still a sheltered racist dipshit.

what do you think they're going to do? leave the only country were they can get away with this kind of shit?

and is that really the best you can do as an argument? "if we punish them they'll just be mad"

ITT: tl;dr: derp derp derp derp derp

Holy fuck user do you think you're going to get a "reward" for squealing on me and doing the rich's dirty work for them? No. You will have shit heaped upon you from the very rich you try to protect, and you will drown in a pigpen of fecal caviar.

except my posts

you can't be law-abiding and a pedo
you probably still think that gay marriage will lead to people fucking goats or something

Did she really say that?

>? leave the only country
RWNJs always swear by this.
Never mind the rich actually stick around and make shit-tons of more money no matter how much they're taxed, lol.

For the most part I have the mindset of a Democrat, but when it comes to guns I am completely against gun control. I wish my favorite party would respect the 2nd Amendment, then my party would be pretty much perfect. I'm not to guy you responded to be the way. I am thinking of joining the Libertarians, because all of this gun grabbing bull shit is really pissing me off.


I like theses threads shes going places.

Every time you post these racist caricatures is a week of community service you should have to do at an urban community center.

Build the wall and toss that pole-smoking spic over it.

That cunt has definitely smoked some poles to get where she is now.

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She's a 6, admittedly an 8 for a politician, minus .5 for being a commie libtard so call it 7.5 but I'd sure as shit like to motorboat those hangers and make her eat my ass/ munch my bag with that donkey mouth and then finish in her hair and kick her out

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user you gun nuts always do this
pretend you're liberal and then oh wow you dumbocrats better respect muh gun rights I'd better go full trumpbagger

fucking faggot
>I am thinking of joining the Libertarians, because

you're stupid and gullible

HHS, HUD, and can NYCHA. Yeah. They don't get more kooky than government agencies.

Lol honestly fuck all white people. They have the most faggots and trans people lol. And now theyre being cucked by every race

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>build the faggot
>my penis is still small
>I'll never be touched

>Fiat currency

Destroyed the middle class to pay for entitlements in the 60's plus bad regulation that effects the middle class like poor teacher (public school) pay and making them damn near impossible to fire. Then the no child left behind program implemented by bush didn't help much either.

>So you can either drink the Koolaid and think that you can pay off the amount that your last generation debuted plus any past amount unpaid which is all under a percentage interest rate which increases the toll more and more based off all of the amount not just based on the original debt... Or you can get us even deeper in the hole we got ourselves in by adding more expenses or tabs on the deficet. Your choice.

>I chose to believe that the system could work and be fixed if only optimized and tweaked like it used to be instead of lining the pockets of a few lucky percent who had made it against the odds and molded the system for their own gain, crony capitalism with hyperploralism a new form of enslavement.

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>voting for politicians based on physical appearance
no wonder you dipshits got drumpf

Yes you can, being attracted to children isn't a crime, but having sex with children definitely is. There are a lot of pedos out there that aren't child molesters. I want disability benefits damnit. If I can't enjoy the pleasures of sex or at the very least get to be around kids then I don't want to work. Everybody else gets to enjoy being in love and happy so I should be allowed to experience some joy at least by not working.

I know but their daughters are cute from the age of 8-11


Seriously, I agree with almost everything the Democratic party believes except for gun control. Think of me as a constitutional Liberal. For me, the U.S. Constitution is more important than political parties.

hey now I didn't say I'd vote for the bitch i just said I'd make her eat my hairy ass and blow a load in her hair. Settle down /pol/fag

Well maybe if we made it more possible for them to have access to knowledge and resources they may not resort to the black market where anyone can work.

user, there is nothing un-Constitutional about increasing background checks and yes, regulating certain firearms much in the way we regulate machine guns.
The people are in favor of this 60% or more.

user I respect AOC and don't want to fuck her. You're a sexist dipshit.

Move to vermont
We love guns and abortions

not seeing any verifiable numbers, sonny

Trump already said he wants to take the guns first you fucking retarded libshill

imo you shouldn't have to worry if the mistake you made last night lasts you 18 years

>wants disability because he's not allowed to fuck kids
holy shit that's retarded

I'm not being sarcastic.
Vermont is a fucking bizarro land of weird redneck farms and ice cream shilling hippy potheads that somehow get along and like each other.
Best god damn farmer's markets you'll ever see.

It's either that or he starts acting on his urges user
I'd say you're forced to take his position seriously--it's a type of disability.

Can you buy weed at farmers' markets?

Ten posts in and already at full tilt racism lol. This is gonna be a good one. Let's watch.

They're already crying about it hth.

not officially, we're not allowed to sell yet.
but you can buy a guy's organic beets and have him give you a tiny bag as a gift.
it's pretty weird.

no big deal
racists are the most fun to enrage

That's the only thing. We have pot stores here in WA and thank fucking god we do.
Though buds at a farmers market would be fresher.

Ah yes the common pastime of being Ben&Jerry specifically. Did you know everyone in Texas drives white 80s Cadillacs with cow skulls on the grille?

>It's either that or he starts acting on his urges user
>I'd say you're forced to take his position seriously--it's a type of disability.
murders, rapists, kleptomaniacs, arsonists, and pedophiles, aren't disabled. they're defective and need medical help, not incentive to obey the law.
you're a god damn moron, though.

Think of my attraction as a sexual orientation. Imagine never being able to talk to women or have any kind of friendships with one (assuming you are a heterosexual man). You couldn't even use your damn eyes to admire a beauty from afar. I think most people would go crazy if they couldn't be around others they were emotionally and physically attracted to. Thus, let me have disability, I should be allowed to have some happiness. I'm not attracted to adults by the way and I have no emotional attraction to women.

t. virgin who thinks recreational procreation is bad

legit kill yourself and I'm saving this whole thing for future trolling purposes.
9/10 if you're trolling. fucking well done.

It's not everyone should pay for my healthcare, it's everyone should pay for everyone's healthcare.
When everyone has healthcare people disease can't spread as easily meaning you're less likely to get sick.

If education is accessible to all the population in general gets more educated, a country full of educated people will be a better place to live for all members of that society, which is why all schools until high school are publicly funded.

Housing is a much more contentious issue and I'm less willing to outright die on the hill, but there are a huge number of homeless people and a huge number of empty houses and you can't tell me that that isn't at least indicative of a problem.

Actually if all user needs is some loli to fap to the problem is solved. You want to go full on Mike Pence Nazi about this.

yeah I'm less interested in the housing thing. I kind of get it, but it's way down on my list of shit to care about.

It's not a troll. I think I'm in love with my gf's teenage son. The gf and I haven't been getting along and I want to well, fuck him.

Fortunately I love kids, thus I don't act on my urges. I would send myself to hell if I hurt a child. Still, think of my attraction as a sexual orientation. I probably shouldn't call myself a pedo because that implies that I see kids as sex objects and I am sexually frustrated. That is not the case for me, yes I am attracted to little girls, but most of my attraction towards them is emotional possibly romantic.

the problem is that compulsive people escalate. They don't stick with small fires, killing mice, or loli. Eventually they're going to want to get a dog to fuck a flaming toddler.

That's a weird thing to fantasize about user. Are you sure it's you that shouldn't have the ankle bracelet?

>rightwing lunatic thread turns in to pedofag circle jerk
never change

If I kill myself I will go to hell so no. I have thought about it though.

I don't know much about politics. All I know is I'd like to pull her panties around her ankles, bury my face between her ass cheeks and snake my tongue into her tight brown butthole.

you'd have to accept her proposals

recreational procreation produces damaged human beings retard. its well known that a traditional family setting produces more successful well rounded individuals.

make birth control and abortions free
maybe build a vending machine for both

you're a damaged human being tho

Liberals should love him then

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I finally solved my problem with explaining my attraction. I am not a pedophile, I am a man that has a sexual orientation that revolves around little girls. If the APA ever decides to describe pedophilia as a sexual orientation then I will gladly call myself a Pedophile. I am not a Pedophile though, because my attraction is a sexual orientation...There that was easy to explain.

It's cool how you guys think putting tired dad jokes on a pic of AOC somehow makes them hilarious lol

hard to find clever people when you've spend the last half a century demonizing education

Keep honking, I'm reloading! *Elmer fudds out of thread*

So what will happen to people like me who are half Mexican/half White? Half benefits?

Mexicunt gets a free ride

Now wants all mexicunts to get free rides

When is it are porn do

Found the white knight kek. Faggot, who wouldn't want to pee on aoc and make her take a dump on a plate and then mash in in her face while she cries and then fuck her butt

Hey guys I have a good one "Can't sleep... Clowns will kill me" fuckin lol right?

You'll have to go back

>when is it our porn do

Funny how states started legalizing pot, then she gets elected to office. Gust saying

I want a 70% tax rate on the richest people making 10 million annually.

I want the Green New Deal.

I do not think about being attracted to Ms Orcasio-Cortez's body. You are a boorish sexist dipshit.

It really sucks that the New Green Deal is going to fail because of all the minority benefit bullshit and healthcare deadweight added in. Should have kept it focused on just making new jobs in renewable energy and pollution cleanup. Oh well, politics are retarded

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>Gust saying

Slow down. Breathe. You're hilarious. Give yourself time.

No, she doesn't. She wants to be altruistic and take OTHER peoples money and give their taxes to other people with less (by their own fault or else wise).

It's easy for AOC to advocate for this policy because she comes from a rich 2 parent household and had her college paid for by her parents. It's logical that she wants other people to continue to pay for things she wants.

>sucks that niggers were included
>because I'm a race realist


You understand that in negotiations you begin with more than you actually want?

citation: fox breitshart

Every time I see one of these threads, I can't help but think how fucking stupid it is.

I'm canadian, we pay higher taxes but we have a higher average quality of life. Our education costs like 1/4 what it does in the USA for basic college, nevermind for our best schools where it costs like 1/15th vs the best schools in the US (and aside from Harvard and one or two others, American education is not all that well regarded). My dad got cancer, and got it treated to the point of remission and it cost him zero dollars, compared to the USA where if your insurer doesn't want to give you the best treatment, you can lose everything. We also have private options, which he actually used for his MRI and even that was 25% the cost it would be in the states.

Having cancer shouldn't cost you every cent you've ever had after a lifetime of hard work. That's not the American dream, that's being raped by multi-billionaires.

Also private prisons is fucking insane.

So she wants to tax the people who supported her to support other people. Seems normal. She's aware they can afford it right? Maybe aware that they're fat leeches on society?

>I'm canadian
Stopped reading right there. Nobody gives a fuck about your leftist, non-american opinion

How about you pick up a book or go Google your candidate and actually argue her merits? She does have a few of those, you know, but that's not my place to present your argument for you. I'm not your community college professor.

Hey it's cool Americans already subsidize their healthcare industry as much as you guys do with taxes but they like paying for it again for some reason. Oh yeah it's because everyone is dying of having to wait two weeks for Botox in canada

If you get prostate cancer, and your insurer decides to cover only a less effective treatment, you could go bankrupt even with a good job.

It's not just the lazy or the poor, and it's not fucking freedom. Billionaires are getting rich by setting high prices and stealing from you. Your insurers are stealing from you and cutting costs at the expense of your health.

That's fucked. It should be illegal. It is in almost every other nation.

>How about you pick up a book
Sorry I used all my Thomas Friedman books for toilet paper.

Is that the only bad pic you reptards have of her? Pathetic.

Nobody is arguing with you. We're calling you a retarded faggot lol. If you want a debate go yell at the guy at Arby's.

>I don't know anything about the person I'm arguing in favor of and I have no clue what I'm even saying, but I'll just keep making troll replies that'll show these

Hey man, I'll never go bankrupt due to my own medical system, and my kids only barrier to any job they want is study. They won't end up with a $97,000 loan for bachelor of arts and residence.

You let yourself get exploited by billionaires because someone told you other nations weren't as good.

Jesus was poor and advocated the same thing user.

Sorry I can't hear you. I tripped while I was handing your ass to you.

I can see that you're not arguing about the issue that everybody else is. You're just shooting ropes on your keyboard and trolling.

Totally. It's fucking weird when americans rave about how much tax we pay here. Sure we pay a little more, but we can also walk into a clinic at the first sign of trouble and prevent something bad from becoming something fucking terrible.

You don't need to greentext your actual strategy.

Why are you still here? Nobody cares what you think, this isn't even debatable at this point. Now fuck out.

That's a dunk lol

It's completely off the rails bonkers.


What exactly in similar in this context, user?

AOC's New Green Deal and the sermons of Jesus Christ, because I'm not seeing the connection here.

Because AOC is telling us to do the right thing, to sacrifice for those less fortunate.

See, you say that, but your opinion is less valid than mine. I have an education, in part due to subsidized education costs.

You could, but billionaires needed a tax break, so your country doesn't even break the top 20.

And there's no reason for it, it's fucking stupid that a nation as wealthy as the US is ranked so low for education.

I don't care enough about you to leave, but if it makes you happy to bitch about me commenting, feel free to do it as much as you like.

No I am you're just not replying to the epically solid arguments that show you're a fool. You're picking the ones that call you a faggot instead. Interesting, faggot.

>my ability to think critically is severely impaired
>i cannot even try to see your point

Man, are you STILL here? I'm not even reading your fucking shit, by the way. And with reddit spacing on top of it, fucking pathetic.

You read it though lol. Gotta lie on the internet to seem cool?

Quit stoking bullshit, fucking shill, lol. My inability to see that user's point of view is why I ASKED them to explain it so that I CAN see their point of view. It's called a discussion. You actually engage in one to learn something.


What an absurdly exaggerated version of her position.

Have you considered thinking for yourself? It's much easier that trying to force others to do it for you.

And he answered and you ignored it duurrrrrr brain not work have bugs inside

Did you just throw shade at someone for using spaces on reddit? Yeah, HE'S the pathetic one...

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Yeah it's hard sometimes when you're wrong about things and being abused by the rich in your country. :(

That could get you investigated by Capitol Police user. I'd delete that.

What is Reddit spacing? I only ever post here can you please explain or go back there?

there's 10 pages of other threads for you to shitpost on, faggot

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They literally get mad if you don't post like a total slob like they do lol

He means the government, Aka our taxes, pays for her salary and therefor her housing retard

As a Canadian her green deal is pretty extreme even to me.

Socialism and capitalism both need regulation and moderation. Extremism is how you get people like her or Donald Trump.

You motherfuckers need someone moderate.

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Boom. This.

Taxes aren't your money hth

Just like after you buy a burger the money isn't yours anymore

It's been exchanged

That's how money works

Yup, still here. Keep complaining, American.

Let's suppose that she is advocating for that. Why is she not giving away, say 10% of her salary to poor people, and isn't she leading by example?

There is also an old parable of the beggar, which applies here, I think. Maimodese and Lao Tzu agree with

>Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime.

The Green New Deal gives a Man a Fish for a Day, it doesn't teach him to fish and feed himself for a lifetime.

As a liar as well, I agree with this post.

She is lol do your research

No, I didn't ignore that user, I'm living a life, just like you guys, well, maybe not you specifically, since you're being paid to sit here and troll every single reply and spam F5 like the Flash.

your master trump gave 7.7 billion dollars do white farmers and people ITT will argue against socialism in the name of skin color

Explains a lot. She would have to be baked off her tree to think the shit she says.

>As a Canadian
There you go again giving your opinion when nobody cares. Why haven't you fucked out?

Show us on the doll where the black kids bullied you

The landlord of her luxury apartment building in DC doesn't count.

This is actually correct. Most of the "reddest" states receive the most welfare. Take Alabama, its a shithole red state with tons and tons of welfare money flowing into it

>Wow, you're such a dumbass that you don't know what somebody is talking about
asks somebody to clarify what they're so that I udnerstand them
>HAHA! You can't think for yourself, you're a retard XD!1

Can't win with trolls.

Micropenis harder whitefat.

its still money we earned and we paid into the system, this we in part pay her, for her staff, etc

Imagine being so pathetic you think trolling your dumb ass requires effort.

you mean programs like fasfa and other government grants that pay for trade schools and community college in full so that minorities can get employable skills?
yeah, there's plenty of access
not to mention they can always just do well in school if they tried
the problem is, just one of them needs to get into a management or HR position and then the nepotism runs rampant
and yes, it is a real problem
one example
just about every machine shop in the san fernando valley

user answered him tho lol. He just chose to ignore it. Read the thread.

I have looked into AOC extensively, because she does make very good points on certain subjects. I have not seen anywhere where she's giving away her own money to charity.

um the data says otherwise
whomp whomp

Attached: 1549485335975.png (1233x1809, 1013K)

aoc is a male to female transgender person
prove me wrong


no you don't. the government does. your part of it is to vote. that's it. you pay taxes for services rendered.

I am that person, and I didn't ignore the user I was talking to. Yea Forums doesn't have posting ID's currently so you just have to recognize text patterns.

Then you haven't looked because she's giving money and donating time. :)

watch them say something about the years that data is from

Could that be because most of the reddest states have the highest Black and Hispanic populations in the United States?

it still considerd our the "tax payers" collective money

generally you benefit when society benefits.

That would be difficult as there are no sources lol

the first part is correct, but taxes are only to prop up fiat currency. the government can print as much as they need, so long as they maintain sovereignty.

read up on MMT.

the maga hat wearer just got 4 inches balder

Hey what the fuck, stop pointing that out you fucking racist :(

Ok let me say it for you then. Jesus said help the less fortunate. That's what AOC is promoting.

Yep, the fact a woman can be hot AND smart is so confusing and threatening for Republicans

Attached: cortez.jpg (695x695, 30K)


How exactly do you believe public elementary, middle and high schools are funded?

Let me guess, the teachers and janitors do it out of compassion for the children, right?

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except for the years clearly presented on all of the data

If you have any proof of her giving her own money to charity then I would definitely like to see that. The only charities I'm aware of that recieved any money from her own bank since shes been elected was a woman charity, and it was a single time donation. Her twitch stream doesn't count in my opinion, because she used her recognition and influence, not her own wealth that she earned.

I am more than willing to pay my fair share of taxes to keep Amazon from paying any at all, as long as nonwhites don't get any of it and nobody gets affordable medical care.

he is actually a male to female transgender person
no, just no

The Federal government needs to get out of those too.
When the state, you know a more decentralized government entity, was the one worrying about them education was far better.
Any government effort in centralization is problematic.


And that was my reply to you, then, user. Like I said, I haven't ignored you.

You might consider it that but you're wrong. You have zero input wrt how 'your money' is spent. It's not yours in any sense. Would you say Jeff Bezos is spending your money on a yacht? No. Because the purpose of money is to shift value from one person to another. If you have it it's yours. If you do not, It's not.

(this deserved it's own reply)
i dont even need to say anything

>if you have any proof
Immediately follows it with a statement aware that she's giving to charity lol.

Aren't you objectifying your politician and being sexist and misogynistic? What do her looks have to do with being sexy? Smart can be sexy by itself. Are you saying that smart women are usually ugly?

You think Yea Forums is one person and you. 74 posters itt.

they difference is bozos can spend his money on hookers

the government is supposed to be responsible with out tax money and we do have some say through our representatives

aoc is not a female
he is a male to female transgender

I think he said being hot and smart intimidates republicans but you'd need to be able to read to see that.

Entirely wrong. You have a say in selecting a rep. You do not have a say in how they act. Welcome to our republic.

So, if I give a single donation

real weird take

lol crazy eyes and massive horse teeth
bat shit crazy and dumb must be the same people with animal fetishes

you fucking idiot

>thinking =/= as knowing

I think Aliens like pop tarts, but who knows

Libtards should stick to colleges and think tanks. No libtard does anything in the real world.
Bernies wife ran a college into the dirt. She and her daughter got rich.
AOC got fired from a hot dog stand
Dems are commies who want to destroy the country and rule over the ashes

Attached: lib logic.png (500x503, 131K)

you mean he can spend your money on hookers


I feel like what I said is pretty clear without you imagining I said something different.

Dude, you NEED federal standards in schooling. It's bad enough that some counties teach evolution as theory equal to creationism, but what if a state could ignore anything they wanted.

Like if your kids are taught bullshit with no oversight, they're fucked in college and in exams.

School needs to be standardized.

when I pay taxes I do not get a product
and I have a choice not to buy that product

Galaxy brain

The answer is Yes then.


>when I pay taxes I do not get a product
>and at amazon I have a choice not to buy that product

Wait aren't all the rich people liberals though? They were yesterday.

The answer is yes she's donating time and money to charity and you acknowledge that fact.

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So what do you call all that freedom protection? Roads? Services? Fire trucks? Those are products that you have paid for.

The woman is a saint! Fuck the haters!

Hot Topic 2002 tier hilarity every time.

You couldn't provide a single example counter to my argument. I literally extended an olive branch and provided you with two examples and told you why I think one shouldn't count. Your response to my exntension to further to argument of the point was to shut the discussion down and say "THANKS FOR POVING MY POINT DUMBASS KEK"

I'd rather extend my hand and have it slapped than to never extend it at all. You clearly needed it, and didn't take it. So, what can I do.

wahhhhh wahhhhhh i might have to pay my fair share or work a hard days work for once, wahhhhhh stop brown lady you hurt me wahhhh.

Attached: 1550306965710.jpg (424x424, 37K)

All commie leaders are rich.
The rest live like dogs.
You are what the Russians call a "useful idiot"

if you give a donation to charity you can claim to be more like jesus than someone who does not, yes

Idk what 'your response to my exntension to further to argument of the point" means I'm sorry. She donates time and money to charity. The end.

Lol why do you talk like a movie character

I'm a libtard and I started a successful company at 27. I do pretty damn well for myself. See, you can be liberal, or conservative, and it doesn't matter UNLESS you become a raving lunatic who just blames his problems on the other side.

I have no issue with republicans, except for dishonest ones like Trump who pretty much exists to make the ultra rich richer. The average american has lost so much of their exemptions and dedications on their taxes that they'll be making less than ever, and that money is going straight to people who already make more money than you or I can possibly imagine.

That shit I have a problem with. Fuck, they even included tax breaks on golf course and private jet ownership. That's not a joke.

Remember him promising a 10% tax break for the middle class right before midterms?

Yeah, that's not happening. And his tariffs are already being passed on to you and I. I would know, I'm passing some of them onto the consumer. Every company is. China was never going to pay a cent.

Do you literally get drunk every night and post like this? Dude you should slow down. You're killing yourself. Get help. Have fun when you're loaded instead of working yourself into a froth.

all farmers and most canadians are npc's

Yes they are, universal healthcare is the same.

And it should be fucking covered. Instead we pay as much as the next 26 biggest nations COMBINED on military weapons that will never see battle. Most will be sold at a discount to other powers down the road. There's whole fucking warehouses of unused tanks in an era where tanks are virtually obsolete, and they're still making more.

We could be the strongest power on earth and still have everything other developed nations have... the only reason we don't is lobbyists and billionaires who get rich the way things are.

>tanks are virtually obsolete
This has got to be the stupidest thing I have ever read on this site

Yarp fam yarp

Wut he's right

No he's not you moron. How the fuck are tanks obsolete?

If Hiliary had won we would all be fucked. Remember Obomma saying "those jobs are gone and they aint coming back."
He was wrong.
Hiliary wanted to bring Chinese nationals over here by the millions.
I dont like any of the GOP rhinos.
The libtards were loving on John McCain. He is a piece of shit.
Im glad you have a successful business. AOC and Pelosi want to take small business away.
I want people of all race and religion to have the chances you and i have had. I just bought my home with cash. Other friends my age are buried in debt and/or still live at home.

What you deserve is to feel a bullet passing through your fucking pedo skull
Kill yourself as soon as possible

im pretty sure wveryone earning a check in congress gets tax dollars thus paying for her housing is atteibutable considering how much she makes.

lulz, white people would get free healthcare too, putin

Thats really naive
ill give you some perspective
im a banker
we fuck you because we can
we pay less taxes because we write thw rules
now its an insitutional thing
the way it exists vecause thats how
capitalism works
but this naive idea about choosing right lmfao

dude so many business people choose right and we fuck them up for a competitor willing to let us take a bigger slice
dumb fucking piece of shit
i love faggots like you because you choose to disenfranchise yourself
i can be frank because you will always choose based on indoctrinated beliefs
instilled in you by your dumb ass faggots
a slave wage is no way to get on about life ppl got right to be outraged and demand their cut
at least i can live with that
at least i am secure in the way things actually are
but you keep on regurgitating this tripi love it

So your bullshit claim stands on an assertion, but I have to present a analysis of public records in a reply on Yea Forums? Get fucked you lying communist cocksucker.