Literally cures heroin addiction

>literally cures heroin addiction
>cheap as fuck
>withdrawal is mild
>helps alkies
>relieves stress and pain
no wonder the fda tried to make it.illegal

Attached: kratom-powder-effects.jpg (1128x990, 107K)

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What is it user

your point?

I think its kratom

It's Kratom

Snake oil

local smoke shop sells it. been meaning to try it

>cures heroin addiction

welp, turned into a nearly 20g/day habit.....and shortly after a relapse into full blown IV heroin use...then again, I don't want to quit heroin.

Kratom's p cool in my book.

Attached: 1503552449044.gif (700x827, 510K)

you ever had a kratom addiction? I did after it get me off of pills. it is mild, but the restless leg was worse than any opiate, and it's the ONLY detox I've ever been through that gave me panic attacks and horrible anxiety.

We were so close to victory

Kava is better though. You don't get those shitty withdrawals.

Boof it, trust me at first i was like wtf no but then i stuck some kratom powder up my anus and 20 minutes later i got aids and heroin nigger crack anus

Do you smoke it?

Kratom is absolute garbage. Has reinforcement similar to cocaine, the urge to take more. Get woefully sick to where you have to sleep for 4 days due to the purest lethargy you've ever felt in your entire life. A hangover is PUSSY-shit, compared to coming off of this.

It gives you the most false sense of social confidence, its unreal. You're acting completely uninhibited, while its screaming at you to take even more even though upping the dose won't make you feel much different. Its an addictive drug, no doubt. Its like cocaine with slight opiate effects. Garbage. Turns you into a literal idiot where you blow hundreds on it, only to realize what a faggot you were.

Using it to treat migraines. Good stuff.

>is heroin
>should be legal

Not even close to heroin

Weening off of it is not a difficult concept to learn

You're just a compete faggot

No. Buy it online.

and now I'm addicted to it user

This guy spreads false information that will get you sick or killed. He is also a scum and a tiny bitch.


it's addictive

>tried to make it.illegal
didn't they succeed? Im pretty sure it's illegal now