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What's the issue?

The former capital of the largest empire in history will be governed by either a sandnigger or a niggernigger

And that’s a good thing.

But why? They're both respectable, successful, members of society.

>The former capital of the largest empire in history will be governed by either a sandnigger or a niggernigger
But they're house trained now so we don't have to have the newspaper down in the corner.

they're shitskins

Shaun Bailey is wildly conservative though, like he’s true grit old school English conservative. I think he’s under fire right now from liberals for saying mad shit about the middle eastern refugees

Accommodating Muslims and Hindus “robs Britain of its community” and risks turning the country into a “crime-riddled cesspool” – Shaun Bailey 2005

>He's our guy

And they've both achieved more than you ever will. How does that make you feel?

fine because I'm happy and white

Exactly, he’s really really fuckin English. He’s very dark skinned yes. But his inner works, who he is. Is like Jeremy Clarkson status white English keks

All western politicians are owned by the kikes. He wont do a single fucking thing about the invaders. Mark my words. WW3 is underway and we are losing, badly.

And don't even make a comparison to Clarkson. They ripped him off the air as soon as this shit started.

He’s on amazon prime now with the grand tour. God damn go back to /pol/ lunatic

Part and parcel I guess.

Amazon prime may as well be off the air. Top Gear was the most watched show worldwide on BBC and he was never afraid to get into politics. You'll fucking get it, eventually.


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Yeah and the bbc tanked quite a bit given they kicked him off. They’re still paying for it financially, he brought a literal worldwide audience in. And now amazon is banking off it, I know quite a few people who got prime for the main reason of watching the grand tour

Losing money was worth it to (((them))), to get him off the world stage. When is that ever done, if there's not a more important goal?

He’s still on the world stage keks, anyone with an internet connection can watch him

Losing "profits" is not the same as losing actual income. By cutting him out of the show, suddenly the budget gets larger and with the extra cash they can either:

* do more things with the show
* spend the cash on other shows

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>shit posting on Yea Forums


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he can never be 'english' anymore than my white ass can be japanese. he might be a citizen but he has no connection to the land culture or ppl

but it says conservative, im confused

As a Londoner i can tell you there is 100% chance Sadiq wins reelection and insecure faggots like you will still be posting on Yea Forums.

how have those superior aryan genetics been working out for you ?

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>born in a long line of English
>his entire family was taught since he was little to be English
>large amounts of non-black blood
>no connection to the land, culture, or ppl
So tell me, who does have connection to the English land, culture, or ppl?

race is everything and its all that matters, race and culture are intertwinedvand inseparable. Cultures dont fall from the sky and it just so happens whites got lucky. if the demographics shift they will gurn wherever they r into where their genes originate from....because its inevitable. And a multi racial democracy is just an ethnic head count, they will use our system against us and call it democracy in action, slowly but surely transforming our nations, we r being colonized by the third world and idiot leftist whites are smiling at their own demise

only white countries r considered regional zones w designating names that anyone can become part of, but the push back is coming white men are waking up and it will be messy

>Sadiq Khan

You better ask somebody

You are very dumb and will be dealt with if you're dumb enough to say any of that in public.

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Based Londoner

ITT: White supremacists with nothing to back their high school tier arguments up

Pure english hur dur.

read a fucking history book your illiterate fucking troglodyte. There is not a pure english ethnicity. The British isles has been invaded from every angle like a gang bang whore for the past 4000 years. The native brits were fought and fucked out of existence in antiquity by the Gauls, The Gauls were fought and fucked by the romans, then the viking,Then the saxons, then the normans. Brits are mutts.

They are not citizens, only subjects.

Hes a Milkyway, me'h London's problem

You think the yank lawyers haven't got him on a short leash? Offend the sponsor and 2 weeks cooler

You know who doesn't run London and never will?

The EDL, die mad about it you Nazi shitbags.

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Do you have sauce of Khan shitting on the carpet? Street possibly but not on the Axminster

hello shitskin

Tbh we was owned by a Brit sometime in the past so meh

Imagine being that deep down the rabbithole, that you spend the limited time you have on this earth to search for advertisements containing interracial couples.

Jesus fucking christ man, leave your room once in a while and take a walk or something. jesus

imagine being such a retarded normalfag that you think anyone in this thread made that image

Let's see
>A respectable Conservative party Englishman
>Or a terrorist who's sole purpose in life is to make the UK the New Pakistan

Of course the cucks of Londonstan will vote for the terrorist.

whats funny is even their god emperor got triggered by the 'muslim mayor'

Theresa May won't run again and the torys are shambles

Corbyn is a hated by half the nation

Sadiq is actually one of if not THE highest profile politician who will almost certainly be in power years down the road from today.

I'm going to laugh my fucking ass off if either him or Sajid become prime minister. which even the hated sajid is the bookies favorite for the conservatives at 4 to 1 right now over boris

tldr: no professional educated person in london gives a fuck what religion their mayor is. only that he does a good job and isnt some blonde twat like bojo.

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>Hurr durr. These people look different to me and one of them believes in something I don't.
>What has come of this world?

Why not just move to Syria or Pakistan if you want your country to look/feel like that?

>it's just appearance
kill yourself redditor

no tory will win a london mayoral election for at least a decade. sadiq won by a margin of almost 2 to 1.

the 'cucks' of London care about jobs and housing they don't give a shit about your feeling being hurt because their are too many brown faces on tv.

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Where did I mention not voting for someone of color? If I was from London I would vote for the black Tory in a heartbeat vs the pale skinned terrorist.

the shitskins of london care about voting for whatever party is the farther left leaning because shitskins only vote left. case in point: you

Sajid was making like 3 million a year in Singapore and was the business adviser to the previous prime minister while holding numerous ministerial positions.

it's about electing competent people regardless of their gender or ethnicity?

tldr: i don't like stupid

how's trump doing with getting only 'the finest' people?

face it, racists are just stupid. you all should go hang out in the corner with trannies and other retards.

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Nice try, I've voted for black people before and will continue to do so such as Obama twice, my representative and my mayor. I will not however vote for a Mudslime terrorist. Maybe you like being bombed/beheaded, most normal people do not.

not muslim.

people in london don't vote tory because theyre not retarded little englanders.

the tory party is corrupt and useless theyre our version of the republicans.

i don't care that he's muslim. you do.

its funny because in both main parties the favorites to take control are both muslim.

so you're sitting there talking about how subhuman they are when these two seem to be doing pretty fucking well for themselves don't they?

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>import bunch of sub 100-iq third worlders
>they vote for other third world brown people
how could this be

Sadiq is the labour candidate.

the chances of him losing are fucking zero.

believing that 2/3 of londons population love isis or something is just as retarded as believing all trump voters are kkk sympathizers.

do you see why its funny? he's a mudslime but he's the mayor of one of the worlds major cities with a great career ahead of him and you - well you are so simple minded youve allowed yourself to spout ridiculous right wing talking points.

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so progressive

>>sub 100iq mudslimes
>>somehow more successful than me
>> 2/3 vote share means vast numbers of highiq whites like myself must have voted for him
>>white genocide??

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Fuck white people

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Britain is lost.

>retarded shitskin can't even understand averages

A white man can never provide that kind of excitement to a woman. Whites are so boring and soft.

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Stop being against diversity

Yeah there's no saving them at this point, thank God they are an island.

Fucking animal

Fucking Animals

>i don't like stupid
>it's about electing competent people regardless of their gender or ethnicity?

>uses a sentence phrased like a question while pretending to be intelligent

its pretty simple my parents taught me that being weak or pathetic was not ok

i'm not some corbynite or lbgt flag waver.

but i do think that following retarded failed ideologies is dumb.

like i don't know how you can stand to be in the same camp as the edl are other LOSERS.
your views arent going to win shit, and will definitely fade out over the next few decades.
the brexiters will be a joke in the history books.

social democracy as demonstrated by numerous modern nation states is the way. new labour had it right, you use capitalist policies to fund programmes for social good.
the centre/ centre left has the correct answer.

brexiteers and socialists are losers who don't know how to logic.

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Build a moat around London.
Fill it with crocodiles, shoot anyone who crosses the moat.

Brown and homosexual is the only acceptable diversity

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Is it even worth pointing fingers anymore.
Just hurry the fuck up and nuke everything.

>fund programmes
need mo money for them refugees

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This is actually hot, more African brutes manhandling white women

White bois practicing for the BBC

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no one wants to leave london.

every year the most ambitious and well educated young people from around the country move to london.

only plebs and daily mail readers live anywhere outside south east england

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>redditor posts on Yea Forums

Autistic white bois providing entertainment for the BBC and white broods

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and people complain about school shootings

I mean... is this actually an attempt at a Dance off?!?!

why? whats wrong with high school kids?

brownie is better then a blackie lol


not in this case


here you go

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2016 results 1,310,143 vs 994,614

the margin is way too big. a muslim will be the mayor of london for at least the next 5 years.

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